Now Listening To Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer.

I seriously seriously want to play that song. Cis betul.

Oh I forgot to make him sing this tadi. You'll have to on 1 am.
I had a very good entertainment in those 30 minutes :) Thank you!

My voice is still horrible I can't do Pupus properly haha. It'd be nice if I can :) I wanted to make the list. Nanti lah.

The cough medicine he gave me is killing my throat. Pahit gile. I hate ginsengggg sheesh.
But thank you :)

Mood swings. Mood swings.

We went to take our visa today. Then terus balik, without singgah anywhere. What an achievement.

If I get sick more often my purse would be thicker.

I'm in the mood for Indonesian songs. Hahaha.

When I was in Form 5, if I can't sleep I'd just take out this thick Biology book and read and in 15 seconds I'd fall asleep.

Strange but true in those 2 years in AAJ I never had a trouble to sleep. Put me on a decent mattress and I'm gone.

But these holidays, these bloody long holidays just won't let me sleep.

I've cleaned the toilet, I've rearranged things in my drawer, I've rearrange clothes. Still I just can't sleep.

Do I have to find a Biology book?

The sore throat is killing me. Coughing all the way even with a bottle of cough medicine.

He gets worried everytime I'm down with cough because he knows I can have a really bad one. He said I'll get the medicine tomorrow, but what he doesn't know is the 'surprise' he said is waiting for me has already did it :)

For the first time I don't mind having someone other than me in the house. Because of the fever kot.

He said I don't look fat. But maybe it's hormonal that most women think that their body are in their very worst condition during that time of the month.

p/s : I'm a UK 6, and just now I saw the Victoria Beckham's documentary on Youtube. She's a UK 6.
I cannot possibly be that tiny.
Another one point for her.

I was about to complain about late delivery. Nasib baik kalau tak.
:) :)

If this, too, give me rashes I don't know what else I should get.

Honolulu, Hawaii.

"Nak pegi Hawaii tak"
"Serious ke" "Ye la"

15 minutes after that I've googled which shopping center where and what. Ala Moana is apparently the biggest one.

But I thought if we really wanted to go we should plan this way early.

I feel like selling my old clothes for Ala Moana.

That is, if our Paris trip is canceled. -_-

p/s : Dekat sesape yang pegi concert Jason Mraz semalam. Damn.


I was browsing through Fb when I stumbled upon one of my senior's pictures she took when they visited school. The old one in KL, before we moved to Cyberjaya in Form 4.

The one where there were only 400 gurai students, explains why we have no problem acknowledging each other right from the juniors to the seniors.
The one which situated right across from UMNO building, PWTC and the precious The Mall where we spent almost every outing there.
The one where we spent weeks studying till midnight in the hall and shouted 'Happy Friendship Day' when the clock strikes 12, hugging each other.
The one where we had our first big exam, PMR. And the last one.
The one where we had to do weeding every weekend from morning till noon while some would complain and some would find a way to have fun chasing each other.
The one that somehow allowed us to participate in some events hosted at PWTC; exhibition, show, etc. Some were fun, some were educational, but it didn't matter.
The one which even the manager at The Mall's McD recognized us, the students and one of the ones who were sad and missed us when we moved.

Where I first learned about homesick-ness, friendship, the importance of straight As.
Where I first learned about how to handle snotty parents who talks rude to other people in order for their child to be treated like a princess. (I was called rude but it served the person right, so I didn't care)
Where I first learned about loving your second family.

I can't say I love KL more than Cyberjaya, but KL felt more homey and belonged.

Thank you for the memories.

Aku try la nak buat hari ni berfaedah tapi tak jadi.

Woke up at noon. Actually first got up at 8, watched some drama and sambung tido till noon. I am not into classes but this boredness is getting on my nerves, so bad I'm thinking of revising my next sem's book early.
Not good.

"Please forgive me for my distance
The pain is evident in my existence"

I am no computer expert but I've personalised something so I consider this as an achievement. :)

Somewhere this time last year. You came for a company. In the middle of night. Late morning. It's not new, though, and you know it. I did picked up, though I wondered why. You, too. Why I bother picking up when I should be sleeping?
Why did it bothers you so much anyway?
There were too many questions.

I feel like going to 7Eleven and get something. Ice cream, chips, bread, drinks.

Two plates of rice did nothing to my system.

Serious, serious nak.

On progress :
How To Walk In High Heels
Diana's Chronicles
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
In Her Shoes

Ade je mase tapi malas.

Hawaii ke Paris?

I 'blacklisted' this one website I really, really love because they didn't ship to Japan. And just now I check into the website, they just started shipping the items here :)

Today is a hectic day, above all. Too bad we didn't take any pictures, not much a camwhore lately kot. Nasib lah. We should do this kind of 'trip' again okay? :)

It's officially a dress phase. Fetish. Whatever la yang described it, I don't think it's going to end soon.
He wants to take me to Korea for our March 20th. Can I go any crazier?

I found Zara in Hiroshima today, thanks to those who accompanied with such big hearts :) (do NOT tell him how I went crazy today, please)

Ahh good day. Come often please.

Another topic tonight at Fiore about me being senyap around people. Cis.

I am quiet, I'd always rather be the 'thinker than the talker in the group'. Does that make any sense? And people would say I am quite, a bit, reserved. I don't give away too much. But I wonder if that's how they really see me? And when I give I don't take it back, one thing I have on people closest to me, explains why there are mismatch impressions among strangers and friends.

So be it. Thinker or not, talker or not, I don't intend to be in either positions.

So take your pick. :)

"Bile shopping, brand hardly matters to us"

Statement lelaki shopper bertauliah. Tak cukup 'Pile of Trash' experience lagi tuh. Hahaha.
Takpe pasni jom pegi Wako check out name brand lagik.

I take it back. Gu Jun Pyo is heart-melting :)
But he won't take Domyouji's place, I promise.

He gave me two choices, 1)pick anything from Zara and he'll pay for all of them. 2)a handbag from Juicy Couture.

Damn this is so hard. Which one? Can I have the first one for my birthday and the second one for the anniversary? -_-

But I have to admit, he knows me well enough to make the deal. :)

I feel like watching Hanadan all over again. Just to feel the vibe.

Last paper macam ape. But I hardly regret whether I ought to make it or not. Knape ah?

Above it all, I am finally stress-free :)

Sesape nak jalan. YM aku.

Boys Over Flowers yay!

I was this close to write it. But as I think about it I'd better off not. Choosing to believe unwanted truth rather than the painful lies/truth. After all, I know what the answers would be - or what exactly I'd be hearing if I did.

It is funny that I can predict what your actions would be, or what you're thinking, or what would become of all these.

Banyak bende nak buat. Nanti lah I want to enjoy the moment :)

I don't know why, at times like this I'd rather be left alone.

One thing I absolutely love about an autobiography is the pictures. The unpublished ones. Gile cute.

I think the book is awesome though I just started reading, and now cannot put it down weh. First chapter was thrilling; I think I've seen football in no way like I see it now. Or maybe it's just the footballer's wife.

Maybe he couldn't take the penalty. Maybe he couldn't make the goal. But he doesn't deserve the abuse, nor did his family. Especially the wife and the kids.

I'd say to him I won't mind if he ended up as a footballer. But now I'm not so sure anymore.

Screw Dan Humphrey. Screw Nathan Scott.


Arab/Turkish guys scared the hell out of me.

Still Listening To Mika Nakashima.

I wanted my friends on Fb to be less than now. I wanted them to be only the ones I know. But hipocracy still wins, kot. Deleting friends on Fs is hopeless.

And haha your note made me smile :) I counted and there were 3!!
:) :)

See. It's been 3 years. But you still make simple things seem so big.

I have to get up early tomorrow. The bloody test. Those yang dah habis exam, shut up. Cis.

I have to stop thinking back, or I won't be able to move on. But everything seems to back you up. I wonder if I should hang on to the ties? Being in your place, the more I think about what you said, the more incredulous it seems.

I choose to be skeptical.

Do you not think that they are just too damn perfect?

I don't care if people think they are overrated, I still want a life like hers. I can live with overpriced bags and designer clothes out in the streets, thank you.

Can he get any hotter?

Maybe I should bully him more so I'll have three or four cute sons. ;)

Just watched Rachel Getting Married while glancing through Programming notes and honestly I don't get it. Too much..drama. But I still love Anne Hathaway.

I initially wanted to make a list of what I did today. But thinking of it, it just hits me that I am a boring person. I don't go out. I eat what I cooked. I watch TV, movies. I read. I listen to music. I talk on the phone for hours with different people. I clean the room. Do the chores. Okay ade lah jugak klua beli groceries, but that's it.

Gahh. Alah sebab exam's week lah kan sebenarnye.

Thank you :) :)

I received a mail yesterday, with the headline :

Dear Nurzatil A, introducing..eBay Japan!

I swear I almost had a heart attack.
Turned out it is an eBay supported website/service, but it's far from the usual eBay. I think. And they supplied individual service - to sell your things, etc. Not intending to sign up just yet till I'm confirmed to move.

Yeah I think I'm gonna move out. To a new place.
A smaller, quieter and far place would do me good. House hunting starts the end of the month :)

Have to set up a meet with the fudousan. The internet guys. The gas, water, electric people.
If I'm lazy enough, I might cancel the move.

3 papers more. 2 of which I have very low level of confidence in.

And omg I found a mail I wrote back in 2005 hahaha.

A Letter To My Unborn Child, dated ** of ** 2005.

Your mum had her very first bad paper today. I think you are lucky because by the time you are born your mother would have been a very intelligent person(hopefully), maybe wiser than now, because I CAN'T MAKE SENSE OF WHAT WAS ASKED TODAY. The paper was bad, I tell you. I honestly do not know where my ability of thinking had gone, because obviously it's on short supply today.
I hate exams.
You better be born naturally brainy because you may not get that from me. Or maybe I can marry a very clever man and birth a genius child.
And yeah, I don't have a boyfriend yet so I do not know who'd be your father.
Gosh the exam is stressing me out. But this is nice, I should write to you more often. Oh and for the record, I am 18 when I write this. I don't know when would you be born, but I hope not so soon. Maybe around 27-28-29..
Ok better stop now. Dinner's waiting. Be sure to note when you're reading this that your mum is a very skinny person and she can eat so much that her weight won't even changed. So I can be proud.

p/s : I may not know you yet but I love you :)

Your mum, Zatil Aqmar. 18.

I remember this was written after a very 'bad' paper of nihongo..hahaha. So much for the hype. The non-boyfriend days. The stressing over nihongo, physics, chemistry exams. Had to go to the cyber cafe for internet connection, and the place always freaks me out since it is located in guys' block, so we had to cross the hallway of guys' rooms. And it was very dark. The computers are old, the internet connection was freaking slow. And once the guy sitting beside me watched porn that I got out of the room as soon as the website popped up. Bodo punye orang. But then berani lagi pegi sorang.

2005. Lawak lawak.

I think I'm so much different now. I'm glad.

Paper was hard, but I think I did my best. I used to love suugaku though, but things have changed a lot in uni's life.

I get distracted easily. Give me anything, a song, a message, food - I will entertain you to no end and leave everything behind. I know it sounds like I'm friendly, but I'm not. I'm just simply an easily distracted person.
Or so I thought.

I'm Yours live version is always so much better :)

1 down, 5 to go.
2 papers tomorrow.

I don't want to read. Anymore.

I wrote this, back in 2005.

I'm not a backstabber. I can't do this. But he'll keep coming back and I don't know what to do, she hasn't returned any of my calls, I'm worried. Maybe I can get grandma to help me reach her?

That she was my bestfriend. Ex, kot. The one person I'm comfortable to hang out with, considering the few numbers of girl friends I had back in primary school. I didn't get the chance to apologize, though I don't really know what for. But I wish she was here, now. I wish she'd read this.

Someone please take my phone from me, I cannot concentrate.

Reading Maths drives me sick. Who reads Maths anyway?
But I'm just too lazy to do the worksheets.

Everything's gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be okay.

Don't leave me alone here :(

It's mad, I just found out that my two cousins were engaged last week. It's just mad I can't get my mind to process this. Too soon. Too soon.

Suddenly I feel like I'm running out of time.

22? What's this 22 number? I'd prefer 21, thank you. Though age has never been an issue pun.

12 hours.

The song. The shoes. The hair. The retro look. The dress. Everything.

Currently Listening To Michelle Branch.

I used to love her, and now listening to them all over again makes me dizzy of reminiscing.

M : bitchy gile primary pic ko
Me : tipu ah takde org cakap pun
M : they dont have to say, takut kat ko
Me : ????

I never knew I could be scary hahaha! Lawak lawak.
This doesn't make sense. -_-

"Could you look me in the eye
And tell me that you're happy now
Are you happy now?"
-The once must-sing karaoke song.

First finals in 48 hours. Wish me luck.


my brain dump.