It's weird to me that some people think the royal wedding "isn't that big of a deal".


I, unashamedly glued to my TV screen hours before the actual program start. Luckily my whole family wasn't around (work HAHA) so I got the TV all to myself. All ready with karipap and Coke in hand.

No regret at all for taking bath way later than usual and getting an earful of "tak baik mandi malam-malam!!" from Mum, because Kate Middleton's dress is to die for.

The lace, the veil, the bouquet. The dress. I'm sure all girls in the world were in tears because of the dress is just too lovely.

Reminded me of Grace Kelly's, too.

But one thing that struck me the most is, Kate does all the designs by herself. She wants the dress to be lace, she wants the gown to be simple, she wants to do even her own makeup. I think it's very refreshing, showing the people how different she is.

That's a true princess to you.

Spotted David & Victoria Beckham too.

But, of all pictures my favorite has got to be this.

So freaking sweet.

Just so you can see (a partial) my uneven skin tone (darn Malaysian weather) and this so-called trend breaking new shawl style and my current obsession of experimenting with colors.

Am feeling very yellow-y right now.

Nowadays, I realize just how lazy I am when it comes to interviews.

I've gotten offers for interviews and open interviews from several companies, most of them as suggested by my family. They were all, "Ooh why don't you try so and so? That's Japanese company so they're bound to be interested" "Why not try dulu pergi this so and so interview? Hantar resume? They're looking for Japan fresh graduate" etc.

Most of the companies I DID send my resume because I'm interested, haven't gotten back to me yet. Pfft. But yeah, the ones you really want are always the hardest to get. Granted, the companies I have my eyes on really don't have anything to do with Japan, they're not Japanese based companies so I know the risk I'm taking. Given their reputation, I'd be holding a kenduri kesyukuran if they did call me for an interview. Hehe.

Looking back, I honestly don't where all the courage go. I was one of the eager students looking for sponsorship after SPM, going for the interviews and all. When my relatives asked about my experience, I can go on and on about interview tips, and it's making me wonder at the same time; where did the courage go?

Perhaps I was getting comfortable being in my own zone.

Having had the time to think and start regaining my strength for a few weeks now, it really makes me realize the importance of being ready for anything. And I mean, anything. You really don't know how things might go, what may come your way, things that you really didn't expect to encounter.

I've learned my lesson.

Interviews can be easy or tough depending on the situation, but to me they're all the same if you're just being yourself. Pleasing people too hard might be pushing too hard; and you know that's one of the low qualities in the eye of the interviewer. I remember during my JPA interview, there were 5 of us, 2 Malays and 3 Chinese. We were given the topic about card credit and had to discuss about it. When I was stating my point, this one Chinese guy was coming at me quite hard, he was condemning my every point. But I was lucky that I managed to back up my points, and I realize how lucky I am to be questioned back by that guy, because from my answers I can totally be myself in front of the interviewers.

After the interview, I even went to the Chinese guy and thanked him for giving me that chance. He was cool too; he said he enjoyed a true argument. Haha. When just 5 minutes before, we were arguing like mad!

Petronas Educamp was a whole other experience. I hated it but I loved it, truthfully. Those who did go would know what I mean. I'd write about the experience here, but it might go foreverr! Just to say, it was one of the best experience I've ever had, and I'm so sorry that I had to let Petronas' offer go. (Am still kicking myself for it! Pfft)

If you're going for interviews, just remember to stay calm. I'm not that talkative like a social bird when being with people either, but I'm lucky to having been accustomed to work under pressure that during interviews when I am required to talk, I can talk like mad. Haha. But when I don't really want the job and there's no pressure, that's when the real problem comes in.

If you're very shy and not a social bird, this is just to say you're capable to do it. Practice speaking, practice English speaking, public speaking. Put that shy aside, and for once show the interviewer what you really got.

If you think getting a job is hard, think again.

The process after getting the job is much much harder.

Well, if you're living by yourself, that is.

I've been practically AWOL from cyberworld since last few days cause I've been running here and there; completing the things in my to-do-before-working list. Thank God for Maxis 3G, my emails and I are inseparable at the moment. 

But I know for sure, my Maxis bill for this month is going to be phenomenal.

Anyway. Despite all the craziness, I managed to get myself a KITTEN.

 MEET SPIKE, my new companion!

My bestfriend is kind enough to give me one of her kittens, so I happily took this one into my possession. THANK YOU SYENA!!! You should've seen her house, I feel like taking all the cats home with me. Pfft jealous.
Spike is nothing like other kittens I've seen and kept before, because he's exceptionally vicious. If he were a girl kitten (?) I'd call him Vicious Truella.

Because he likes to kill gigit people's feet and thumb.

 This is his hobby.

Ever since doctor confirmed that my asthma is getting better and doesn't pose a threat on my health, I've been inseparable with my cats at home. Mum was of course worried about the implications but I haven't had any asthma attack for the last couple of years, so that managed to calm her off for a while.

On another note, I've been having nasi lemak for breakfast for weeks now, I'm not even surprised if I gained ten pounds. KFC and nasi lemak stalls are cruel, I tell you.

Off to house-hunting with future housemate tomorrow. I was dreamingggg to have one by the Penang beach, but judging from Penang real estate right now I might have to earn triple more than I am. Been calling a few housing agency; 95% of the owners are Chinese so we might have to work a bit harder to get a decent apartment.

Officially a working girl now. *cries*

If there's one thing I love (and so does other half a million population of girls), it's sale season.

Sometimes it's pure luck like the time when I had my mind blown away by Zara's sale not so long ago in Hiroshima (if you remember), but sometimes you just have to wait for it. 

And if there's one thing hate, it's waiting. Pfft.

But this one is worth it.

Top : Topshop
Scarf : Penang pasar malam

Got the Topshop top (it's jacket actually, tie at the front) during one of my outings with Syena. Tried it twice, saw the half price slash tag, took it to the counter. It's been ages since I last go out of Topshop with its paper bag in my hand, so I figured this time it's a treat.

Mum says, sometimes you have to find that one style and color that suits you and not because of magazines or friends. I remember I had a tudung bawal in this scarf's color, and I was in love with it so much that I wore it everywhere; to the point that it was so worn out I had to let it go. I remember how heavy my heart was, and when I found this scarf, I'm in love all over again.

Though I don't really know what color it really is. Peach-y white? Peach? Soft pink-y brown?

But what I do know is, this is like reuniting with an old flame.

Last weekend was perhaps the most fun weekend I've ever had.

It was Mum's birthday, and earlier this month me and my sisters had been planning to organize a secret surprise celebration for her. My first sister was the mastermind; she organized everything - from venue, forbidding my little brother to know about the surprise cause he'd blab for sure plan, deciding on cake/cupcakes, etc.

My task was to make Mum take that Saturday off. That's it. Hehe. My sister knows me too well.

But knowing Mum, we were sure it'd be an important task cause she's a workaholic. For all I know, I could convince her to take the day off and come afternoon she'd be so restless she might drive to work herself.

My second sister convinced Mum she couldn't come home at all this month due to her work and driving classes, which is one of the contributing factors to make the surprise a full surprise. Mum almost fainted when she saw my sister at her door that morning! Haha. 

Gotta say, these two sisters of mine are pro already at surprises. Might as well take extra caution for future.

Of course, Baby Niece was the center of attraction for the whole day. We kept calling her name and splashing water to her face just to see her reaction HAHA.

Sigh, baby lunatics.

The cupcakes are from CupcakeChic. Double love.

The sisters, my inspiracion. ♥

The one who'd always put my feet back on the ground, my pillars, my everything.

It was just like the old days, when we were small and the one thing that would make us happy was swimming pool. We were ourselves again; despite being a million miles apart for several years.

I am finally home.

My niece turns 7 months last few days.

She's officially on a track to being a non-stop nagging baby. She can't speak yet, so she keeps making noises whenever she wants/hates something - usually when we put her down for her naps, or when she wants the phone we're holding to our ears when we're holding her, or Mum's handbag when she's picking her up.

Have you seen the twins baby making conversations in their own baby language video?? Yeah, she sounds like that. And it's even funnier that her whole family turn into lunatics talking in her 'language' in public..haha.

Baby Alya with her mum

Baby Alya with her Makcik

Went to Bukit Merah Laketown yesterday, celebrating Mum's birthday :) It was the first family gathering where all 4 of us were together, so it was the perfect day for all of us. Almost made my Mum cry, though.

Will be in another post, my eyes and fingers refused to work at the moment and bed is calling me. Hope you had a great weekend :)

Dear World Wide Web,

I'm sorry for neglecting you. It wasn't like I've been running here and there working or making assignments like I used to tell you or anything. I'm terribly sorry.

House is too comfortable for me, to be honest. I spend my day in front of the cruel TV, if not laying down on my ever comfy mattress with a Marian Keyes book attached at my face or in Mum's kitchen, eating my life away. I don't know the outside world anymore. (Honestly, looking at those horrible titles on the newspapers, I don't mind)

And then, come this week. I don't know how and why but I suddenly got this motivation to work on my resume - something I'm not really looking forward to - and aggressively looking for job vacancies all over the country. OK maybe not the whole, but you get what I mean. Despite having a permanent job waiting for me in May, I suddenly realize I want more. Just more.

Please don't accuse me of being ungrateful, you should've seen my colleagues. All eager to go to career fair and all. 

Sometimes I wish things are simpler. It's hard thinking about something you want to do, without adding the factors of money or family or position. I've spent days thinking about where I wanna be, who I wanna be with, what type of job most suits me, which area of engineering I wanna be in. Yes. I'm the over-thinker of the family, thanks.

For heaven's sake. As of May, I'm going to be an engineer in a company. For heaven's sake. How could I not be nervous? How could anyone not be nervous? I have no idea what working life would be like. Why won't Marian Keyes write about a girl working as an engineer in one of her bloody books?
I miss studying. I miss calculus. I miss jotting down notes in lectures. I miss not having to think about future - pass your exams, and that's it. Celebrate. I miss the anticipation of waiting for exam results.

Right now, just the thought of not having any transport to go somewhere scares me. I NEED A CAR LIKE RIGHT NOW.

I miss blogging, like I used to. I miss having my boyfriend correcting my grammar and laughing at my mistakes. (no, he's never done that. Seriously.) I miss taking random/pointless pictures of things. I'm sorry that I haven't make blogging my priority, when only God knows how sometimes I just want to be alone and write. I miss taking pictures when I'm out and about, but of late I just don't get the feeling of dressing up when come evening your makeup smeared with sweats (Malaysia is hott) and you feel unstylish as ever.

I miss coming home to a computer with high-speed internet, 24/7. Period.

If only I had a magic ball.

Lately, life has been a bliss. I've learned not to be a couch potato (I HAVE to get away from that remote, permanently) and actually go out; even just for a while. An hour. That's what it takes.

Because going out for dinner with your girlfriend is always comforting.
Because good company makes a great difference, inside and out.
Because good food makes up for everything.


 Nana, Syena's sister. (Don't they look identical to you?)

The people I'm gonna annoy a lot after this.

The leopard print scarf was Mum's, she was about to throw the poor thing away when I gladly took it cause it's too pretty to lose.

My obsession with vintage things has taken itself to another level - being recognized by Mum. Seriously.

Me : (one of the few rare times posting something on his Facebook wall) <3 (you know, because it turned out as a little heart on Facebook)

Normal guys would reply as posting the same thing, or adding a couple more hearts, or just go 'what's up baby?'.

Not him.

His reply was : <9

You don't get it? I didn't either. 

When asked, his reply was "because I love you three times more than you do."


Since I've got nothing to do at home except channel-ing to E! and eat-sleep combo, so many things reminded me of Japan and realize that despite my constant bitterness with my student life there, I really miss my life life there.

Like how I can go anywhere without bothering anyone. Being independent. Shortage of shampoo? Let's ride on that bike and stop by the hugee supermarket nearby and do some side-shopping. Want some alone time? Take that bus to the city and spend the whole day just walking along the roads of shops and go home when it's getting dark. I could kill for that LRT station to be built right across the street, now. (Penang traffic sucks)

Like how friends can drop by my house anytime. Malaysians in Hiroshima doesn't have an association for nothing - it's been like a week and a half, and I'm already missing them. BIG TIME.

Like how cashiers in stores are so polite and soft-spoken and nice. I don't need to compare, now, do I?

Like how internet/going online is our source of living. And it serves like how it should. I'm still downloading a movie from Piratebay since..2 days ago. And it's now 23.9% completed.

Like how you can watch anything by downloading from internet. Refer to above. There's a reason why I'm watching E! all the time. (Ooh but there's this Malay drama on TV3 I really like - forgot the name.)

Like how fashionable the girls are. The brave style, the flawless fair skin, the perfect combination of everything they put on. I'm telling you, there's a conspiracy going on there - the girls in my class can put on anything - biker jacket, studded boots, or anything we'd never dreamed of wearing - and STILL look fabulous. Like they just went 'hmm what should I wear today? Oh maybe that baggy jeans in my closet' and the whole thing just turn out so darn fabulous. I'm telling you. If it was me wearing that baggy jeans, I might scream at my own reflection in the mirror.

I guess the Japanese girls just have this sense about style. What suits them and what's not.

Like how many Hello Kitty stuffs you can find there. FULL STOP.

Like how cheap Forever 21 stuffs there. Once when I was back for holiday, I went to this F21 store in Penang, and couldn't bear to buy anything cause I felt like I'm being robbed! Zara, too. But with Zara I can sacrifice anything, I swear.

But somehow, being with family makes up for not having the above, partly. I'm still pissed off with public transportation in Malaysia (oh I forgot to mention - public buses in Japan are deadly punctual. You can plan to go on that 1.10 pm bus and it arrives exactly that) because despite having a newly-built bus stop in front of my house, buses refuse to jalan on time. I once waited for almost TWO hours before one showed up.

And then there's this whole getting started to work thing. I wonder if this is how every fresh graduate feels, or if it's just me. To rent house close to work, to buy a car, to settle everything work-related before officially working - NOT AN EASY TASK.

Thank God I've got my loved ones to cheer up my day.

So there. I wish I could jot down everything, but the list might come off as complaints, so I'd better off not. You can't have everything going your way, because as much as I love being there, I know I'd always be happy here.

It's all about being where your heart is.

My bestfriend and I had our first tour of Penang since I got back, yesterday.

It was unbelievably hot, but it was fun nonetheless :) Felt like our younger years, except the fact that we're no longer 17.

I love how Penang never fails to amaze me. And Syena IS the best tour guide ever - it's an added advantage that we both are ridiculously talented in acting as if we're both tourists. Bought scarves and whatnots; I still can't get over how different it was when I was in Japan - feel like buying everything in those scarves stalls cause everything's just so cheap! Compared to Japan, of course.

Anyhow, I realize it's been so long since I blogged about something. I mean, something real. Usually the need to write/blog comes first cause I've been busy, neglecting the one thing I really feel I find solace in - rather than the feeling of wanting to blog. If I make any sense.

I realize I don't know how to live with my family anymore. I mean, permanently. Somewhere in my mind, I guess there's always that feeling of 'not being permanent' - that I'm going to go away somewhere, some time, somehow. Rather than being the musafir, I realize I'm just..not. Anymore. I might move out, again, some time; due to my work, but this time it just feels different.

I guess I just miss being independent. Not having the need to ask permission to go somewhere. Not having to face relatives coming to your house at random times. Maybe I've been away far too long.

Time to revise, Atil.

Am currently reading The White Queen by Philippa Gregory. I don't know about the reviews, but so far I can tell it's good. But that might not be an entirely fair comment, coming from a history buff like me.


my brain dump.