mum's birthdayy.

Last weekend was perhaps the most fun weekend I've ever had.

It was Mum's birthday, and earlier this month me and my sisters had been planning to organize a secret surprise celebration for her. My first sister was the mastermind; she organized everything - from venue, forbidding my little brother to know about the surprise cause he'd blab for sure plan, deciding on cake/cupcakes, etc.

My task was to make Mum take that Saturday off. That's it. Hehe. My sister knows me too well.

But knowing Mum, we were sure it'd be an important task cause she's a workaholic. For all I know, I could convince her to take the day off and come afternoon she'd be so restless she might drive to work herself.

My second sister convinced Mum she couldn't come home at all this month due to her work and driving classes, which is one of the contributing factors to make the surprise a full surprise. Mum almost fainted when she saw my sister at her door that morning! Haha. 

Gotta say, these two sisters of mine are pro already at surprises. Might as well take extra caution for future.

Of course, Baby Niece was the center of attraction for the whole day. We kept calling her name and splashing water to her face just to see her reaction HAHA.

Sigh, baby lunatics.

The cupcakes are from CupcakeChic. Double love.

The sisters, my inspiracion. ♥

The one who'd always put my feet back on the ground, my pillars, my everything.

It was just like the old days, when we were small and the one thing that would make us happy was swimming pool. We were ourselves again; despite being a million miles apart for several years.

I am finally home.


  1. alolo..soo feels so ggod kan dear? after such a long time and suddenly semua pun ade and it completes you..Regards to you mother k.Wish her happy belated birthday from me..hehe..Hope to see you soon..nnt text me your number k..

  2. its good 2 see u with ur family..always with ur frens je kat blog ni..duk jauh la katekan..hihi..bestnye

  3. @fatunk : ok, will do! insyaAllah :) hope to see you soon too, lets plan properly nnt k? got my num already right? :)

    @anon : slalu with friends je ke? haha :) now am at home, so expect more pictures of Alya. shes Miss Popular now.



my brain dump.