I've been a serious monogamy woman of late.

Work is all I could think of last week, until last weekend when my friends and I went to KL for a friend's wedding that suddenly it just it hit me - I need to breathe. A little bit of air, and I'm all re-energize again.


I am so exhausted I can barely do my own laundry. And it doesn't help that I feel sluggish as ever - why, oh whyy does Malaysian cuisine is all about oil?? My tummy is at its highest peak point, if you can imagine, and my skin is way worst. I've never had so many breakouts like this before, they're scaring me AND my mum.

You know you have to do something about it when your I-ain't-no-care-about-anything brother pointed it out. "Why do you have so many zits on your face?" 

I could kill him at that moment, I swear.

Went to Biela's wedding last weekend, and we headed straight to KLCC cause my friend had an interview there. Stayed at a hotel, and it was the best night for all of us. I could kill for that opportunity again.

Will update on that soon. For now, bed is calling my name.

Ooh btw, I have a new bestfriend.

Seriously, we were laughing our asses off to this!! He's just too cute I could melt.

I watched Johnny Depp. I mean, Pirates of the Caribbean.
Went to Gurney Plaza after so many years with friends.
Saw Padang Kota Lama. After, like, 20 years.
Saw Seoul Garden, made a mental note to go there for once, someday. I swear everyone in the world dah pergi but me.
Went to Penang most famous Nasi Kandar place. (forgot the name)
Went inside Charles & Keith AND refused to buy anything. MANN what an achievement.
Went to Batu Ferringhi and its famous night market!

 In front of some hotel by the beach

 Some craftwork by a Chinese pakcik, so so nice.

 I was glued to this shop for hours.

When I walked past this stall, I swear I did a double take. Or maybe a longgg triple take. The bags are amazing!! I love the color and the funky side of them - something I rarely look for when it comes to bags. But these did it, I almost grab two of them when I noticed the gold chain strap were too cheap-looking material for bags, and the price for each bag is RM60. Wtf. I was looking for my 20 bucks notes in my purse at that time!

I always look forward to these night markets (pasar malam) because the things you can find here are usually very rare. Some even vintage, which spells heaven for me. I love the friendly air, the cheap stuffs (of course), the live-ness of the people. Though some might even turn out scary.

That's why you should drag your guy friends with you to places like this.

The guys - Yazid, Ayie, Basha.

It was a fun night, I don't do this night outings regularly so having been able to experience a trip like this is very refreshing.

Penang isn't so bad after all.

You can look for these night markets around Batu Ferringhi roads, just follow the jalan by the sea :)

When it comes to career, I always knew what I want to be.

When I was small, I saw my uncle travelling and going in and out of Malaysia because of 'work'. Me and my sisters, especially would always get souvenirs he bought from his trips to London, US etc - I think that's where and when I develop my love for Harrods. I remember a Disneyland princess key chain I loved so much, and a long giant pencil with British flag on it.

When asked, Mum said my uncle works as an engineer. I knew right there and then, that's what (and who) I want to become.

Amazingly, that dream hasn't changed over the years. In high school, I thought about taking medicine, and later on geology - based on reasons I didn't really understand. I guess that's what SBP does to you; you're always being pushed over the top to become someone in the country, which has both the good and bad side. But luckily for me, having those opportunities really make me realize my true ambition.

I just got my official degree posted by my former labmate a few weeks ago, who was so sweet to send it all the way from Japan!

So that's it. This paper officially concludes the 4 long years I've spent there, it almost seems impossible.

I know I whine about my job (and study, wayy before that..if you've looked over the archives. Sorry for that.) a lot, but deep inside I just feel like I'm so scared of not knowing what to do. Being a fresh graduate engineer with zero experience surrounded with experienced senior engineers and managers doesn't make it any better; I hate not knowing what to do. Of course, asking around is the only thing we can do, but sometimes even the slightest lack of knowledge drives me crazy, I feel like I need to learn more.

And really, reading is one of the things I believe can help. Since my interest is oil and gas industry, (don't even ask how I can become an employee of a technology manufacturing company - I don't even know. Sigh.) I tend to look for more oil and gas industry stuffs. The way to make up for not having the experience is getting the knowledge first, so I googled a lot.

I found this blog by a Malaysian oil and gas engineer, Wata. It's a fun and enjoyable read, besides learning more about the industry, you can really see how these people work. He also advertises oil and gas engineer vacancies, so be nice to him and you might get a chance!

Though I might hate you for getting my dream job. Pfft.

In the spirit of living in Penang, me and my housemates decided to embrace our little town considering we're most likely to live here for quite a long time. (that is, if we decided to stick to our *ehem* current job. God, please don't let my managers to ever find out about this blog.)

So yes, we're actually lucky to have found an apartment next to a shopping mall (double YAY for meee) regardless of the poor condition of the mall. This place is actually famous for its frequent visitors of kaki lepak and mat rempits.

Atil, hold it. *breathe* I might spend an entire day ranting about this, because it's really sad seeing these teenagers spending the luxurious time of their childhood just sitting and chatting away and phewwit-ing at strangers. I find them very disturbing, seriously - makes me realize just how grateful I am my brother is none like that - and how I pray to God that he'd never turn out like that.

Feel like marching over there and yelling at their faces, 'GO HOME TO YOUR FAMILY LA!!!!' Poor parents.

Anyway. The cinema wasn't that bad, despite the negative first impression we had.

This is my first time watching movie in Malaysia since I got back from Japan, so I went a bit jakun.

Not so bad!
Housemates No 1 and 2, Syikin and Pija.

Please excuse my messy scarf - wasn't bothered to dress up at all.

We watched Thor. It was amazingly not boring at all - the three of us were laughing like nobody's business. I think we just wanted to get that work stress out of our system. Go watch it now, if you're looking for that blend of handsome warriors, humor and light action movie.

Anyway, tomorrow's Teacher's Day. Last few weeks was Mother's Day, which I've completely forgotten to write about!

Things I teach my mum, camwhoring at the nicest ladies room in a mall.

With my job, my weekdays aren't very appealing anymore - nasi bungkus and going to bed early don't make a great combination. So weekends are practically my sole hope to get back my sanity, and last weekend was worth it.

My two best friends in the world came to my rumah sewa last weekend, with the rest of the gang - Nana, KN, and Syena's little brother, Iman. (yes, she cannot go anywhere without her two bodyguards - I have so much respect for her dad! Hehe)

With the combination of Farah and Syena, I knew my day won't be anywhere near still.

People can say anything they want, but these two girls would always be the greatest friend I've had.

I had a tough week (refer previous post. I'm officially depressing when it comes to hard work, I know. AM SO SORRY PEOPLE.) so having these two by my side even just for a while, makes everything a whole lot simpler. I think they just got tired of my "can I just wear contact lens without having my manager sneering at me??" "can't they just loosen up a bit??" "I swear I don't wanna work in kilang anymore" bits.

So, girls. Choose your best girlfriends carefully, cause they're the ones you'd always have (if you're lucky) regardless the times you've been apart. We've been friends since high school until now, and everytime I meet them, it feels like we've never changed.

Nothing. Not even the shopping part.

Syena and her longtime boyfriend. And I mean, LONG TIME. They've been together since forever, and we would tease them about their early years up until now! HAHA.

  Sushi King!

Brought them back to my apartment. Scared them off with super-strict guards and creepy neighbors. But the living room and plasma TV made up for it.

And the title says it all.

Can I just declare this week as the craziest week I've ever had?


I have a job. Officially started last few days. Got some name tags and uniform and the most unflattering smock/gown to wear with my big hugee goggles. Had to take off my contact lens and get used to wearing spectacles 24/7 instead. Had to say goodbye to heels and hello to the most unflattering footwear, ever. (well, at least for those who are petite like me.)

Get to wear jeans with shirts, for now. Made some new cool friends, from different backgrounds. Have to learn how to conduct the technicians working under you. Have to learn how to make or change new rules. I DIDN'T KNOW ENGINEERS CAN FREAKING CHANGE THE RULES.

I really want to say I love my job, but so far I've just met my colleagues and my boss and the actual work hasn't started yet, so might as well spare the fun part. For now.

Some of the things that excite me lately, watching the view from my apartment.

I wish you could see just how near Queensbay Mall is. LIKE, SO CLOSE. *grins*

My favorite part of the room.


my brain dump.