just a little bit, please.

I've been a serious monogamy woman of late.

Work is all I could think of last week, until last weekend when my friends and I went to KL for a friend's wedding that suddenly it just it hit me - I need to breathe. A little bit of air, and I'm all re-energize again.


I am so exhausted I can barely do my own laundry. And it doesn't help that I feel sluggish as ever - why, oh whyy does Malaysian cuisine is all about oil?? My tummy is at its highest peak point, if you can imagine, and my skin is way worst. I've never had so many breakouts like this before, they're scaring me AND my mum.

You know you have to do something about it when your I-ain't-no-care-about-anything brother pointed it out. "Why do you have so many zits on your face?" 

I could kill him at that moment, I swear.

Went to Biela's wedding last weekend, and we headed straight to KLCC cause my friend had an interview there. Stayed at a hotel, and it was the best night for all of us. I could kill for that opportunity again.

Will update on that soon. For now, bed is calling my name.

Ooh btw, I have a new bestfriend.

Seriously, we were laughing our asses off to this!! He's just too cute I could melt.


  1. hahaha..that's my bestfriend tooo :D

  2. i really love how you can 'swing' moods to another. your blog has the mixture of emo posts and the brilliant one. keep it up, u've made a blog-hopper very happy todays.


  3. @buzzy : he's so charminggg. hehehe. ;)

    @anon : I wish the emo posts would go away :( you're too nice, you made my day..thank youu :))



my brain dump.