What I had for dinner today :

Remember this post

Yes, I'm back to my cheese bread phase..again. My mum would get on her 30-minute lecture mode on why-can't-you-eat-healthy-food, if she saw this. (despite her frequent visits to KFC and Kenny Rogers pfft)

I'm crazy busy right now, to the extent that I can't seem to go back to sleep once I wake up at 8 a.m in the morning. 8 FREAKING A.M. My mind doesn't seem to have a stop button - I'm constantly making notes in my head about my work 24/7, and my boyfriend is probably ignoring my calls/texts of endless complaints, so in short, I'm a mess.

Please, God, let me graduate already. Please give me some strength to get through this.

I will never let my future children/generation apply for Japanese universities, I swear.

On another note, I just got my inkan recently, because I have to settle some documents and forms that required inkan, so I made one. Yes, after 4 years baru nak buat one. Got it for 2000+ yen!

 Love love the case! So cute kan?

I went all jakun when I first got it, feel like stamping my name everywhere HAHA. Too bad Malaysia doesn't use one.

Second try of Hana Tajima's style.

This was when we were about to go badminton-ing last couple of weeks, so I opted for this simple floral scarf with a pink JC sweater. We played for like, 30 minutes, and thank God for treadmills at the corner of the badminton court - spent another 30 minutes hanging out on those treadmills chatting away. Hahah.

Anyway, I know I'm so late (some sense just takes time..) but my fingers have been itchy for this...

Maysaa's Chiffon Scarf Snood.

I've seen a lot of pictures of this scarf on various websites, but I have this problem of being completely paranoid about something being put on a beautiful model and on a normal person. Yes, after those countless times of online shopping I've learned that sometimes the models have some sort conspiracies of being totally fabulous wearing almost everything - and when you finally got it at your doorstep, excitedly open the package, try on the item - that beautiful thing doesn't necessarily looks good on you.

Yep, cheaters. Pfft.

But after seeing lots of girls wearing this, I finally have the courage to think 'oh wow, finally something fabulous that's real'. Seriously! Everyone does look good in this.

Yuna (from Yuna's lookbook)

 R. Nadia Sabrina - one of the lookbooks I've always hyped every now and then.

Miss Hana Tajima herself (Hana T.'s lookbook)

And possibly every fashion blogger out there already owns one, but taking their pictures out of their blogs might be a felony in blogosphere so I'm taking these from lookbook. See, I shouldn't have started lookbook-ing..

It's classic, it screams timeless not to mention goes well with everything, it's the epitome of elegance - almost like an LBD to a girl's wardrobe, I dare say. I'm not surprised if this was seen on (Muslimah clothing) runways and fashion shows someday, Hana Tajima does what she does best when it comes to high fashion.

But I'm still nervous about the cheek part, since this snood gives fewer coverage there than how I usually wear. I might have to starve for a few days to slim those big cheeks down a bit before wearing this snood. Or maybe it's not that bad? 

Ugh, the dilemma.

Just some Soubetsukai pictures from various cameras.

Yes, all from SLRs.

Suddenly I feel like a poor senior with a Canon digicam (Powershot, regardless) surrounded with SLR-owned rich juniors..pfft.

Am loving the Picnic feature on Picasa.

On another note, I've been slaving away at lab these past few days because my lecturer needed some results for his paper. Despite the fact that I have to complete my thesis a week from now (I'm determined to submit my thesis by next Friday cause the next few weeks would be filled with going-home preparation, so I'd kneel and plead to him to let me go if that's what it takes) I'm still stuck at lab for at least a week. NO. FUN.

Who bloody says you'll have freedom after final year presentation? Thesis is a WHOLE lot of work, my friend.

Regardless, I'm determined to celebrate this weekend going to some place nice, or eat at some nice restaurants, or just have a good time.

When I come back to Malaysia, I'm going to go to for a quiet weekend by the beach, at some really really nice island (Perhentian woohoo) with girlfriends and have the time of my life. SERIOUSLY. Make plan, girls.

So I just saw Glee's latest episode, and for the umpteenth time - I fell in love with Heather Morris.

If you haven't seen it yet, please do now! Cause I'm putting up the video here, so please don't be mad at me.

Now, let me set the record straight : Firstly, I'm not a fan of Ke$ha, but I find myself listening this song on my iTunes every now and then. Guilty pleasures, people.

Secondly, I'm straight but I think Heather Morris is hot. I've always loved her dancing, ever since Glee did the Britney Spears tribute episode and she nailed every single song on that one! Granted, her character (Brittany Pierce) leans toward ditzy cheerleader most of the time so she might not be the star like Dianna Agron (she looks like some fairy-tale princess, and she's got the princess voice too. Pfft.) or Lea Michele, but she does own occasional star moments, like this one.

Because she's the most terrific dancer, I swear. Reminded me of those Britney Spears years.

And she always has the best one-liners!
"Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks?"

As of yesterday, my final year is officially a step closer to an end.

Because I'm now done with my final year presentation.

I want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to scream all at once hence making it's hard for me to even form an expression. Seriously. I can never be an actress.

Nevermind. Because as of now, I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY PRESENTATION ANYMORE!!

It was a crazy week, I've been sleeping with half eyes open thinking about my FYP in my sleep, woke up at 6 am and just stare at the ceiling thinking about my FYP, basically just doing everything with my head occupied with it.

So yesterday finally came, and I really felt like the 4 years of hard work finally paid off.

Once it was over, I just can't wait to go home and sleep. My friend from high school, Mizah and the gang from Tokyo arrived here in the evening, so it was a girly night for us! 

And that means..catching up and desserts.

They're off to Miyajima today, and I'm at home doing absolutely nothing for the first time in weeks. It feels weird, not having to think about the slides or Excels or anything FYP-related. 

I still have to submit my thesis by end of March before calling myself a graduate, so these coming weeks would be thesis writing and nothing more.

End of March. That's veryy far..

Now excuse me while I catch up on my sleep.

Got home extremely tired today, as a result of having hours of presentation practice in front of my lecturers before the final presentation next week. I can practically feel my head is about to explode, those roller coasters in my head aren't gonna stop, ever.

And this reached my doorsteps today.

A care package from Fukuoka :) 
"Here's something for you to eat for breakfast =)"
Nothing can beat those little things on the side, and it always amazes me how he's capable of effortlessly cause my happy tears to fall. Or maybe I'm just emotional at this time of the month.

I'm in love.

When it comes to makeup, I'm pretty much the grab-the-nearest-thing-and-swipe kinda girl. I made a note in my head that I own a number of eyeshadows from various brands (I used to buy glittery ones from KATE and Kose and some Japanese brands, but I hate them now that they're just soo glittery and powdery) but I never really paid much attention to them.

Just bought this Nude On Nude Natural Look Kit from NYX, and am absolutely loving it.

The reason why : because it has everything I want in a palette. The eyeshadows are especially awesome because they're just cakey enough and not powdery, easy to use, and wide selection of nude colors all in one package!

Yes, I'm all into nude colors now.

And I found a tutorial video that I find very helpful :

Applying eyeshadows isn't my forte, so I need all the help that I can get. I don't think I'm ready for Michelle Phan's amazing color technics yet, so this nude colors are my saviour.

It's so tiny that you can slip it into your smallest handbag, so I think this will follow me everywhere now.

We had our Soubetsukai (farewell party) today!

Honestly, these 4 years actually feels shorter. I didn't realize it's our turn to be the ones being celebrated today, as I've always been the one doing the running-the-event thing for as long as I can remember.

It feels sad, actually. Despite the happiness of leaving the classes-and-lecturers years behind, I'm sorry that I actually have to leave Hiroshima and Japan for good.

Let's not go there now.

As usual, the routine : speeches, souvenir-giving, tons of food, and the ultimate favorite part - PICTURES!

 Food! (Sorry got distracted with other yummy food i.e nasi minyak, nasi ayam, ayam goreng rempah, kari daging etc so no picture of them. Lol.)

Speeches from Persatuan Malaysia Hiroshima's current President and a Professor from Malaysia.

I can't believe I was PMH's Vice President for last year. How crazy.

 Camwhore is a must, even while eating.

 Batch of 2007-2011 :) I'm gonna miss them.
 It's been 4 years! :)
 The people I'm gonna miss the most.

To the juniors, thank you for the memorable day. I'm so proud of every single of you, you guys did a great job!
I feel so old..sigh.

Anyway, I finally found the perfect way to wear my Juicy Couture necklace the boyfriend gave me.

Wore it as a bracelet before, but had to wrap it too tight so decided to find another way to wrap it. Nailed it!

(pictures courtesy of Wawa, Basha and my camera)

I used to be one of those girls who pay a little too 'much' attention to appearance. I know a girl ought to take care of her appearance; whether or not it's necessary or simply because everyone else is doing it.

But the one thing I regret the most is plucking/shaping my eyebrows.

This is a sensitive issue as it related to religion and beliefs, so I hope you won't read that much into what I'm trying to say, cause this is only my opinion.

All I remember was the curiousity to do the 'in' thing; everybody seems to have their eyebrows perfectly arched and shaped. Besides, having your eyebrows shaped actually look very neat. I thought they were so pretty; just like the celebrities we saw in TV. And I thought, how I'd look like once I shaped my eyebrows. I must be like them too, looking all glamorous and groomed and neat.

Truth be told, that feeling lasted maybe..a minute. The first time I had it plucked was during a heavy make-up - so under all that makeup, the shaped eyebrows looked pretty. Perfectly arched, balanced. But despite all that, I felt like I lost the original look of 'me', because changing the shape of your eyebrows really change your face.

Refusing to accept defeat too soon, I decided to embrace the new look. Yes, some people complimented that I looked better - I think maybe that's why girls tend to pluck their eyebrows over and over again, cause once you did it, you're addicted to it. Trust me! Having them outgrow their shape would seem ugly, so you would pluck and pluck so that the eyebrows would stay their perfect shape. I was one of those girls.

But I admit, everytime I had them shaped/plucked, I can feel remorse in me growing even deeper. I felt like kneeling before God, 'please forgive me for this, I know I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't' as if this is the biggest sin I've done. My boyfriend didn't say anything, but after nearly 5 years being together, I know him so well that I could feel his disapproval in a single look, he didn't have to say anything.

I didn't realize when I decided to stop plucking my eyebrows. All I know is suddenly I don't feel like it's necessary anymore. I don't see the beauty in shaped eyebrows anymore, to be honest. Suddenly I see a lot of Muslim women in beautiful hijab, beautiful skin, such gorgeous eyes - and shaped eyebrows, and I was thinking, how come?

Audrey Hepburn's perfect eyebrows - one of the reasons why I love bold brows even more.
It's been months since I last shaped my eyebrows, and I've never felt happier. Or more neat, actually. Plucking your eyebrows doesn't mean it makes them more neat, or groomed, because I read somewhere that it's okay to get rid of unnecessary facial hair (especially those around the eyebrows and between the left eyebrow and the right one), so you can still get rid of them without plucking/shaping your eyebrows.

Embrace your natural look. God gives the best for us, only He knows what most suited us, so why do we want to go and change something that's already perfect for Him? I know that feeling of wanting to try something new, something that maybe would make us prettier, but trust me - that remorse feeling is bigger. It's there, whether you realize it or not.

A little tip to keep your natural eyebrows in shape :
  • Always comb them using eyebrows brush - it makes a difference, trust me. I always comb them upwards and outwards to ensure them in place.
  • Instead of plucking them to shape, use eyebrow liner to create the arch/longer look. But this might not be applicable to those with fuller eyebrows.
  • If you don't have the eyebrow brush, don't throw your mascara away after you've finished it. Take the mascara brush, wash and dry it - some say it's even better than an eyebrow brush!

I don't need my tweezers anymore, and I'm glad.

P/S : ShaElaiza wrote an interesting and informative post about this, so do read them.

Me and pants, we were never friends.

I've been the top-jeans-heels girl all the way, that I haven't really embrace the thought of wearing any other kind of pants.

But while browsing Tumblr a few days ago, something caught my eye : tapered pants.

So simple yet so elegant. And so many styles to choose from! (Granted, they all look the same..but still) Can be worn with heels for that elegant-sexy The Devil Wear Prada look, and flats for the toning down look.

But I truly think brown actually does the justice of it. Black might seem to formal, white is suicidal cause it'll emphasize the hips disproportionately (the wide leg has already done the job, don't overdo it. Cream is better) and grey might be too safe.

Yadotsa Studded Pants in Plushpink via FashionValet

I know a lot of people say tapered pants look hideous - as you might seem much fuller than you actually are. Who wants to look like they have bigger hips, right? But it's only the question of finding the right pair, a size too small might emphasize the parts it shouldn't, I think.

Above all, tapered pants is great for those who just wanna get out of all those skinny jeans days. Recently, I've been resenting my wardrobe so much for having too many skinny jeans that I think aren't very appropriate; I just can't make sense of them anymore. Wearing them make me a tad too conscious. (And no, not because I've gained weight whatsoever..you can check my weight scale check, people)

Am still thinking of getting one, which means I'd have to walk around town till I find the right one..yes I'm fussy like that :/ 

Anyway. I've got a lookbook.nu account today! Can't get over the hype..so here it is. Still have no idea no idea what to do with it though, but I can browse and browse and hype and hype and hype all day, there's no stopping me.

Is it bad that I think this is just so hot? :/

(pictures from Google)

So apparently Victoria Beckham is pregnant again, and I'm the last person to know on earth.

(picture from here)
Me : OMG Posh pregnant again!! And there are rumors that it's gonna be a girl this time..can this family be any more perfect?! (giddy like mad as though it was MY news)
Him : Oh yeah..I read that somewhere (obviously brushing off the news like it's nothing in his world. Yeah, football world. Pfft.)
Despite all the negative comments about Posh Beckham and her robotic way of affection, I still have a huge crush on her. (I think we've established this) From the love of heels to her Spice Girl days to the way she conducts herself in public, I honestly have close to nothing to complain. No, not even the infamous pout.

Even though her bag line collection wasn't in my top favorite list, I trust her sense of style, and I believe that she's gonna make a huge debut in the fashion world. She's already an icon, by the way.

And being married to the hugest football star in the world for 11 freaking years is freaking cool.


my brain dump.