Realized I've been procrastinating on this for quite a while now (compared to the first pregnancy).

Shouldn't be that long, don't worry. There won't be 3 parts I promise, haha.

(My labor story for first pregnancy can be read here, here and here. Caution : quite long!)

So I started my leave around 2 weeks before my due date because I needed to rest and focus on labor. Having the first child around means more energy needed to entertain him too, hence I've been feeling quite lethargic for weeks, not to mention the back pain T.T

Managed to do mani pedi and had a girly day out with Jannah just a few days before I felt the contraction. Which I'm so thankful about. (When Jannah found out I delivered she freaked out, saying "thank God it wasn't during our date!" LOL)

Tips : Get the chance to do some pampering before the due date (or way earlier, if you feel like delivering sooner) because once the baby comes, there's 44 days of pantang and you'd regret seeing your nails so unkept. #truestory

Finally got around to do this post.

(Life as a mom with 2 kids, you see.)

Aunties and uncles, meet my second born, Ahmad Rafiy bin Ahmad Shahrul Rezuan, delivered on 16th May 2017 at 9.39 am.

So here it is.

I've gotten myself a new bag!

Promised myself that it will be the new bag for quite a long time, this time. Well, at least until both my kids are grown enough..

Made a pact that this would be my future motivation, too, in the career and motherhood department. Turning 30 made me re-evaluate a lot of things - the goals I wanted to achieve, the lessons I've learned and now, it all still feels like a dream to me. After all the hardship, a new bag is justified, right?

(Or maybe I'm just making up reasons to get a new bag HAHA.)

But but, getting a new bag and making a big purchase are big decisions (at least to me). I needed to do a lot of research on which bag I'd like to see myself wearing in the next few years, and it wasn't easy! Too many studs would look teenage-y, too flashy a leather would look pretentious, too big, too small - turning 30 turned me into an overthinker grandma FML.

So after a longg while, after browsing my go-to forums, after consulting a few trusted people, I landed my hands on this.

Got my first Fendi Petite 2Jours.

OK so I don’t know how I managed to skip my second trimester update entirely, on this blog T.T

And surprise surprise, am now entering 37 weeks pregnant which means I have less than 3 weeks to go before the due date. WHAT THE.

Time flies crazy fast this time around!

So how am I doing so far? If you’ve seen the lack of updates on Instagram (I realized that my Insta stories and pictures are full of Rayyan’s shenanigans) it’s because I don’t have the energy to attempt any Insta-worthy photos of me, so Rayyan is quick to my saviour haha.

Girls, second pregnancy is a whole other alien world.

After the whole 9 months of first pregnancy experience, you’d think you know how to dress in your regular clothes while being heavily pregnant, but you don’t. You’d think you don’t need another maternity top(s) or bottom(s) because you simply didn’t need them during the first pregnancy, but this time around, surprise surprise, you do. You’d think you can get away with eating a bit more than usual because people keep telling your bump isn’t that big, but then came your next month’s gynae appointment and you found out you’ve gained 3 freaking kg.

Nothing goes right.


my brain dump.