It's been a while since I last spent some time...reading.

I used to be really into books. During meals, instead of the smartphone like our generation nowadays, it used to be me, food and book back then. My mom still remembers how it was like and keeps reminding me about it T.T

In Japan, it was hard to spend time on leisure books as my engineering degree needed more attention. So before coming back to Malaysia for good, I sold off some of my books I knew I didn't need anymore. Started working, got married, got knocked up, gave birth to an adorable baby boy - I managed to start over my book collection again in between, but it was hardly a match against what the collection used to be.

But then I realized, it's a matter of quality, over quantity. I know time is so precious nowadays so I can't afford to read nonsense anymore - if I really want to read, it's gotta be worthwhile.

Hence the recent purchase of two books - Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, and My Name Is Hasmah, a biography book of the former first lady of Malaysia.

If you're wondering why I rarely post WIWT anymore, it's because I no longer have time or energy for it T.T Reached home from work, fetched Rayyan, got home and dragged a 10 kilogram baby upstairs - not really WIWT-worthy of shots when you're already drenched in sweat.

Or if I could do it pun, Rayyan WILL be on it - expect him to be all over Mommy after a long day at the nursery. Sobs. 

So, when my husband willingly took shots of me during weekends, it's categorized as WIWT yeah?

Top from FV basics, striped culottes from Mastuli Khalid, Grape Smoothie satin silk dUCkscarves, and nude platform mules by Nelissa Hilman.

Rayyan is 18 months old now.

And I still say this all the time - I really don't know how parenting works, apart from what I've picked up from my parents or parenting book. And what my guts tell me to do. 

I really don't know if our methods are the right way, or the mediocre way. I don't. Kept telling the husband that we should just follow what our hearts are telling us whenever we're faced with a crossroads - the "should I do or shouldn't I" moments with Rayyan.

But..if there's one moment I've ever felt proud when it comes to parenting, it's this.

When it comes to shopping for shoes, the higher it is, the better for me. Always.

It's a mantra I have stuck onto - if I settle for anything less (high), it'd be eventful. The only flats I own so far? The Ferragamo espadrilles my husband got me in Shinjuku's Isetan a couple of years ago as my birthday present, and a Fitflop I bought at a clearance sale somewhere in TTDI while being pregnant with Rayyan.

And those two to me are more than enough, which I wear every occasion I get whenever heels are not necessary.

So for work, it's always heels or wedges for me. But last few weeks, my Hush Puppies work wedges has gotten so worn out from being used every single day that everyone I met expressed their concern - I knew I needed a substitute.

This Classic 100 black patent heels by Nelissa Hilman came to mind.

Oh hello, it's the Pokemon Go craze going on at my house. And everywhere for that matter, haven't you heard?

So far, I'm quite proud of my accomplishment. Started playing last weekend, and in between cooking a small open house dish for Rayyan's ex pengasuh who came beraya to our house, and feeding/clothing/caring for my child (and husband), I managed to catch some weird-nicknamed virtual animals and now leveled up to Level 3 with 3200 XP. Whatever that means!

Hello, I like to embarrass my husband by using his initials in my virtual identity's nickname haha.

So last night, I saw my uncle leaving his family to leave for a foreign city, to pursue what he's always dreamed of and destined to do.

Just like he did many years ago. And years before that. And before that.

I don't talk about work much nowadays compared to a few years ago when I just started, but I take it as a good sign - that maybe I've matured. I've dealt with different things throughout my career, and it's only been my 5th year working as an engineer!

Less whiny post about work, less stress I guess? Haha.

So I'm back to office this week, after 1-week long MC and resting at home. What I did last week? In between going to the hospital for daily checkups, I had my little brother driving me to Low Yat (my first time ever going there T.T) to buy my office laptop's charger which I left at the office, doing some work and submitting them to my boss for an important meeting this week, downloading entire seasons of Gossip Girl and watching them 24/7.

Was so bored. I don't think anyone could survive being on MC more than 2 weeks T.T My eyes aren't completely healed yet so driving is such a hassle - I couldn't see clearly especially when there's bright sunlight, and my eyes get dry so often that I have to moist them up every now and then. Staying at home is the only solution, and it felt like forever T.T

And since I'm wearing glasses now, I have to get used to them on my face all the time, which is incredibly weird T.T


my brain dump.