wedding gifts

So we're finally done with both our receptions.

I find it so hard to blog nowadays - upon returning to KL from Dungun, we basically settled down to our new routine, and blogging unfortunately is nowhere in the equation. And cooking has taken a lot of space in my timetable that I'm still having mixed feelings about it.

But the one thing deserves a blog post? Wedding gifts!

Unevitably, we got some same items (3 different salad bowls!) but all were very well-thought of, which I'm so grateful for. We're quite lucky we have settled into our new house earlier so we kind of have some ideas of what we should get for the house.

Having been a newlywed, I wanted to hug all our families and friends for getting us these gifts and making our new life so much easier. If you need some ideas on what to get for the newlyweds, here are my suggestions :

We actually squealed at the sight of this - having been in the new kitchen my husband got me, I finally understood the value of these colorful plastic things. Especially if you're cooking daily, these are the essentials to fill up your kitchen with. I used these things for everything - to heat up food, to store leftovers in the fridge, etc.

Coffee pot/water jug set
Water is essential and is used frequently in the house, so we need to put it in something. And it's nice to have a matching coffee pot with matching cups to serve our guests.

Household cleaning products
For a newbie like me, I didn't really know how to choose the right products to use for our house, for a start. One of his uncles gave us these and I'm really grateful - saved us the hassle of Googling good cleaning products and browsing the entire cleaning products shelves!

I didn't have the time to Google good cutting utensils. So when one of our friends gave us a set, I assumed she's done hers and I trust her decision.

Electrical supply
Any would do. My SIL gave us a coffee maker and I'm through the moon because even how much I wanted one, I didn't have the heart to spend our money on a coffee maker, considering how we've survived 27 years of life without one.

Garment steamer
One of the things I've discovered after being married, is how difficult it is to iron a guy's shirt. Their materials are so different from the tops I usually wear to office - I can iron all the tops I own in my wardrobe, and half of his still take the same amount of my time. He even apologized profusely to me, seeing how the ironing task consumes so much of my time and energy.

So when my colleagues surprised me with this gift, I wanted to cry. So if you're giving a wedding present to a colleague or friend as a bunch, collect the money to buy this (priced at RM300 - 400, Philips)

18+ items
We received some which falls under this category which shall not be revealed here. But most of all, saved me the embarrassment of going to the "intimate" section HAHA.

Having been a newlywed, I wanted to smack myself for having spent all my money giving friends nice but useless things - seriously, you don't have to buy fancy things that don't really help them to start their new journey in life. Sometimes, its boring things like these that really help ease their transition. And there's no other greater things your friends can remember you by.


  1. Thinking of giving my friend body weight scale, tapi yang comel2 punya la like brand hello kitty or paul frank industries.
    Sesuai ke tak for newlywed?

    1. Depends on your friend's personality - if she's into body fitness, then ok lah :) if it were me, HK & Paul Frank are my favorites so I'd take both hahaha!

      But if she rarely pays attention to her body weight, or can do without one, then get other essentials instead. Actually, boleh je ask her directly if she wants it - most newlyweds prefer that way so as to avoid membazir :)



my brain dump.