Second Phase

Officially started our break until end of this week for the second reception; his side, in Dungun. So last night the henna kakak I contacted came over to renew my inai, and she did well - except that I really didn't want the leaves or flowers or whatever it is.

But she drew them anyway. Gahh I shall trust my instinct next time.

Came to the office this morning for my last day of work before the break, and colleagues went -

"You're going on leave again?? I thought you got married already??"

And today is the second day I made dinner for the husband. Chicken gajus, as I called it, with a veggie soup and white rice. My proudest moment ever.

Except that mine doesn't look like the Pinterest picture for sure. But le husband finished his plate, so that's what counts.

P/S : I'm looking for new recipes to try, so if you have any suggestions (ANY would do) do leave a comment!



my brain dump.