Elena: Am I going to be safe with you?

Damon: Yes.

Elena: Do you promise not to do that mind control thing with me?

Damon: Yes.

Elena: Can I trust you?

Damon: Get in the car, come on.

The Vampire Diaries - 1x11 - Bloodlines

My favorite part of the episode :)

I've been watching this series since my friend recommended the show to me a few weeks ago. At first I was all like "WTF another vampire show??" but later after finally watched the first episode, I fell in love with everyone in the series..seriously.

So I know, if you haven't watched this series in your head you'd be thinking this is just another lame vampire story.

Let me assure you, it's not.

This show puts Twilight to shame.

AND it's not just another love story between vampires and human being. Well, you have to watch it to know because I'm not telling. ;)

And with that hotness (I'm talking about the hottie in the above picture, the guy, oh and the girl is crazy beautiful too, not like that Bella from Twilight, seriously) who would not want to watch this series?? (Girls, two words - DAMON SALVATORE. Google him. You'd know what I mean.)

The story is basically about a high school girl (Elena Gilbert) torn between two vampire brothers (Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore). Click here for the plot summary.

So basically nowadays my weeks are spent obsessing over Damon The Vampire Diaries, so if you see me being busy a lot lately, it's 50-50 chance between studying (because finals are starting, like, next week) and Damon..hehe.


"The greatest story someone will ever hear about is when you have survived a thousand heartaches and can still manage to love other people. Even though your heart maybe be in a million pieces, you still manage to feel happy in whatever you do. Even though millions have taken a piece of you and never gave it back, you manage to make a billion more happy memories without them. The greatest story will also be about how you married your first love. Because that's a sign that forever is possible. That there are people who you can trust with your heart and they will never break it. Even when you thought your best friends were your real friends, and then comes a time when they turn their backs on you. But you survived it. The greatest story will be about surviving these tiny little pokes at your heart. But in the end, you manage to hold it together, through whatever it may be. And that is the greatest story of all." - Anonymous

I stumbled across this, and figured since a lot of you have Twitter, you might wanna know ;)

Now, IMO I think this is a bit exaggerating (well partly because I have a Twitter account..hehe) but people entitled to have their own judgement, so it's up to you whether you want to agree with it or not. Personally, I think whatever people do or say on Twitter or how frequent they tweet is up to their own desires because that's the function of the site anyway. If you don't wanna know, don't read. Don't follow. Private your account. That's it.

I have a Twitter account but I don't tweet every other second, maybe in average 10 times a day. Simply because I have a life and blog(s). Trust me it's not easy being a student and doing assignments and writing reports and keeping up with updating blogs. (I think this is why most of my friends' blogs have been quite quiet lately) And yea I've only realized this after nearly 3 years of blogging..pfft.

If there's one thing I learn from blogging, it's be careful with whatever you write on the net. Stuff on the internet, even the stuff you've erased, is never, ever, EVER gone. EVER. So make sure you want to live with whatever you say. If you think your words might be offensive to some people, password protected them or go private. Or better yet don't publish them at all. Because when you put it out there, you have to deal with it.

I'm not even offended by this, I don't know why. Maybe because I know a lot of people who are tweeting a lot more than me..HAHA.

Oh well, celebrities tweet too.

I got a message from my sister last night, telling me the greatest news in the universe.

OMGGG I'm soo happy!!!!
(I was bragging about it on twitter last night, so practically everyone in my twitter list has already knew..this post is kinda late, but wtf)
For a moment I just cannot believe my ears, my mind was thinking "how the hell would she carry the baby in her tummy, she's wayy too small!!!" because seriously, if you've met her you'd know what I'm talking about. She's smaller than me, for heaven's sake.

But quoting my mum "I was smaller than you when I was younger but I gave birth to you girls just fine" pfffft.

I'm so happy for her. I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!! *cries* I feel like an adult..sniffs.

I can't believe in 8 months my sister will have the little version of her coming out of her stomach. Or the little version of brother in law. Their kid is gonna be gorgeous with her baby face and brother in law's fair skin, I know.

Now I want one of my own...sigh.

The most beautiful place ever.

I was never the type of person who keeps track with my own schedule.

My life is pretty much waking up in the morning, go to class, have lunch (which is one onigiri, and that is if I was really that hungry. Not really a lunch person) go to the evening class, go home, have dinner (rice and chicken) start doing reports and stuff, and sleep.

That's it.

I've never even had a schedule, what more sticking to it. 

But being in this Japanese population, being the only one who doesn't have an organizer is like a taboo. From what I see in these 3 years, everyone of my classmates has at least 2 organizers; one is the formal leather class organizer, the other is the fancier one . 
I swear everytime our sensei gives out the exam dates or something I'm the only one who'd jot it down in my phone. 

So that's why in my new year resolutions I included the being organized part..it wasn't an easy start, though.

Choosing the perfect organizer is crucial.

I bought a 2000 yen organizer which I thought is the most beautiful book in the world..(it was from Loft, by the way, I love Loft so much I think everything they sell is spectacular) 
Until I saw this.

Louis Vuitton Epi Leather Medium Ring Agenda.
Comes with the LV initials stamped on the Epi leather.(price at $555)

I know LV prepares numerous organizers but I like this the most. The initials are stamped discreetly on the cover so this kind of makes the agenda a lot more down-to-earth, which I like. And the color. Makes me feel life is beautiful and all the cheesy things :)

Oh well. If only I hadn't bought that Loft organizer pffft. And if only my bank account miraculously debited at least 1000 bucks.

I know I shouldn't be blogging now..but I just can't resist this.

Got these from Tumblr. The site has everything. 

Firstly, this is the proof the models are not exactly that pretty like we see in magazines..hehehe.(And zero is not a size, seriously)

Secondly, this shows that every girl is beautiful, so chin up and be confident of your looks. Don't let others bring you down, especially men, because you're the owner of yourself. Your boyfriend can't change that.

As my bestfriend always says, don't forget to smile, cause you never know who might fall in love with it.

I was browsing App Store, as usual, and came across the best app ever invented.
The Lomo app. 

It works by turning your regular 2-megapixel iPhone camera pictures to LOMO pictures, which is incredibly cool. Yea maybe you won't get the real LOMO pictures cause you have to use the real LOMO camera to get the full picture of lomography, but this is good enough for me.

Makes pretty pretty pictures.


OMG I love lomography!!
Anyone kind enough to get an early birthday present for me?

It's Lomo Fisheye 2, thanks.

Oh and the app is free too, go crazy.

I dreamt of you last couple of nights before.
It wasn't anything opera-y.
We were just being us, like few years before.

I believe in fate. We might not end up being here now if we did something about it. But what's done is done.
Should you stumbled on this page anywhere in the future, I hope you know it wasn't what I intended.

I won't put a dam on it anymore. I will build a bridge instead. And watch where it is going while sitting by and not putting any hope.

Trust me, it'd be way better like this. 
I'm glad I woke up from the dream smiling.

I know I've blogged about this before, but I need to get this out of my system.


Seeing it in black and white makes me jump with joy.

Sheesh I'm too excited XD

Finally after all these years. I'm going to see Taylor Swift in concert.
Please please let my exam schedule be done by then..I'd cry if I can't go.

I was browsing Rakuten to find the perfect pair of flats for my lab, because my lecturers don't allow us students to wear heels while doing experiment..pfft. (How lame is that? I can jump in heels OK)

So I found these.

I think I've never loved flats like I do now.

I never really get the hype about Tory Burch before, but now I'm truly a sucker for her things. Especially the shoes.
I was definitely not the type of girl who loves shoes more than anything else. I own them, I wear them, I put them back in the closet at the end of the day..but I'm no Sarah Jessica Parker. I'm still confused about my feet size for heaven's sake!!

But love love love these flats!!

I think I'm gonna go for the black ones. Or the one in yellow.

I should never ever browse Rakuten ever again.

Unless I have absolutely no suitable flats to wear for my next lab.

Just finished submitting one report after, like, 4 times and had 2 meetings with sensei.
Something made me wonder. Everywhere I turn to. Can't we just be neutral to each other? We don't have to be all friendly, just a simple nice attitude would do. Why can't we all just get along?

Regardless everything.


Anyways. Today I had no class but I still had to go to the uni to see the lecturer and submit the report - yea I'm not kidding when I say I had to see him 4 times before he bloody signed it. Marvelous. Saw the comel TA and he said hi :D HAHAHA OK no I'm just kidding..he's so sweet he says hi to everyone, seriously. In the afternoon went to the cafe to meet my labmates, all 3 of them. They said hi but I can see smirk in their eyes, as usual. Oh except for Sawada, he's a sweetheart. 

Went to sensei's room, got ready for the meeting for 5 minutes. He called us in. Went in and had a 1-hour interview about the lab experiment we did 3 weeks ago. Not very successful, I must say. Had so many awkward moments when sensei asked and nobody answered. More awkward when he asked me and I can't answer. I think he should cut overseas students some slack. Again, why can't we all just get along?

After the meeting went to the library to complete another report. Submitted. Another meeting on Monday.

So as far as I know, I have 3 meetings next week. And a report to be submitted.

I think I need this.

So I spent my winter hols at Tokyo for 5 days :) It was good to blow off steam for a while since it's been so hectic at school and classes and labs, and I really needed a break. An offer came from a friend suggesting we go there and another friend said he can tour me around, so I said yes. 

Thank you to the girls for making it real even though it was a last minute thing, and to the friend who've helped us throughout the whole trip..AWESOME LA YOU PEOPLE MUAH!

Day 1 (28th Dec) :

  • Reached Shinjuku Station at 7 am, I was so bloody tired from the 13-hours journey..Hiroshima so far whyyy. Lepak-ed at one of Shinjuku's many Starbucks.
  • Wandered around the shopping malls for a while.
  • Took the train to Roppongi - where the Tokyo's Hard Rock Cafe is. Bought another HRC T-shirt which I know I'd end up wearing at home.
  • Went back to the place we were staying - one of my junior's house. Thank you Chah!! (next time I will cook for you tau hehehe)
  • At night, went to Sakuragi-cho where the Yokohama's HRC is. Didn't buy anything this time.
 Day 2 (29th Dec) :

  • Brunch at Thailand's restaurant. A plate of chicken with rice, soup, dessert for only 950 yen!! OK die now.
  • Went to the Italian Garden but it was closed(honestly they didn't even mention in the website they'll be closing due to the new year..and it was only the 29th)
  • Strolled along the shopping street, Motomachi. Didn't buy anything because yes I'm not a shopaholic, however you say I am.*leering at him*

  • Went to the museums, closed too. So took pictures of the buildings je lah.
  • There was this garden, I forgot the name but it was awesome :) It faces the famous Yokohama's Bay Bridge so you can see the breathtaking view from the garden..so pretty I'm not kidding. I wish I had recorded it. I wish I had taken more pictures pfft.

  • Still at the garden. You can see the Bay Bridge in the pictures but it's so far away..and the view is better at night, kot. 
  • Went to the Doll Museum. Paid 800 yen just to see dolls everywhere haha. It was worth it anyway. Learnt a bit about doll's great great grandfather, too. Some of the white, bulat eyes scary-looking Japanese dolls creeped me out.
  • Covered Marine Tower, Yamashita Park and Osanbashi Pier. OMG the view from Osanbashi Pier was so amazingggg -_- We saw couples everywhere since it is a romantic spot and were feeling somewhat sad. Haha.
Day 3 (30th Dec) :

  • The girls went to Shibuya with their friends so it was just me and Kak Sha. Went to Chikagai(China Town) for the first time in my life. The scene reminded me of Myongdong, Korea.
  • Oh, yeah, didn't buy anything. So proud of myself!
  • Strolled along the famous harbour all the way to Minato Mirai. This time my camera's battery went dead (stupid unprofessional camera betrayed me) so I don't have the pictures. We walked along the street named Bashamichi and took the picture of the street sign just to annoy Basha. Pictures banyak at Kak Sha's Fb.
  • At night reached Minato Mirai, had dinner and watched Avatar 3D. Awesomeness.
Day 4 (31st Dec) :

  • Went to the Marina Outlet and went crazy hehehe. I was dead broke. But the scenery was so beautiful especially the sky and the sea..I wanted to get on one of the kapal layars there so badly.
  • Another round of Starbucks.
Day 5 (1st Jan) :

  • Gotemba (one of the famous outlets in Japan) on new year is not as fun as you think. I saw some Malaysians there among the many shopaholic Japanese pushing each other because it was so bloody crowded!! And seeing them shopping is definitely not fun. They might be polite but when it comes to sale, there were serious pushing and swearing and I-get-here-first-I-get-this-first looks..I'm not kidding. 
  • And finally I saw Fuji-san in front of my eyes :) No need to climb whatsoever..hehe.
  • Met some friends in Shibuya before going home. Shibuya's kebab is awesome.
Definitely one of the best trips :) 

I was thinking of saving money when someone gave me the link to Taylor Swift concert in Tokyo in Feb. Hish. 
Definitely going. 
And Lady Gaga concert in Apr!!

Bye bye new year resolutions.

I'm now at home doing nothing except watching reruns of Friends(yea what a nice life) so I thought I should finish the list I've been procrastinating..the new year resolutions.

This year I really, really want to do this right and not just because everyone else is doing it. I want it to be clear, approachable, subtle and somewhere between can and should.(This means ruling out the Chanel handbags..pfft)

Honestly, I can't even remember what I wrote in my last year's resolutions list. I remember something about less spending, more saving..something like that. And maybe about not flunking any subjects. Sighh why do people do this when you know you'd be so disappointed if everything's not going the way you want it to be?? 

If there's something I've learned from the past year, it's you cannot expect everything to go the way you want it to be. I know I'm being so negative about this, but doesn't mean I'm saying you don't have to work for things you're after, but it's better not to put your expectations way up high. Because once you fall, it's not easy to stand up again. 

Set the goal at the point where you know and you believe you can work for it. 

Especially in terms of studies.

At least that's what I believe in, and what people told me.

So here is my likely reachable goals for 2010

1) I will start being organized and using an organizer for this year.(Which is likely to happen since I've bought the 2000 yen organizer pfft)

2) I will start making healthy, green-ish dishes more often.

3) I will not scorn at my ignorant classmates anymore, and start accepting them as they are.

4) I will wash my hair religiously.

5) I shall put on more weight on legs and lose some on other parts.

6) I will organize appropriate time in a week to do guitar covers, not spontaneously everytime I listen to something I like which happens almost every day.

7) I will blog more often..hehehe.

8) I will not get pissed off at the crap some people write about me at websites where everyone can read; I will be the bigger person, blow my nails and wave my hair and say "screw you nobody believes you".(ok not really potraying the not getting pissed off part, nevermind)

9) I shall now get over the fact that I don't belong here.

10) I will stand up for myself more often rather than keeping my mouth shut.

11) I will not scoff at my brother anymore.

12) I will not love my cats more than they love me.

13) I will 

I will continue this later, right now my bed is calling my name. Bye.

Hellooooo :)

Just dropping by to let you know I'm still alive.
Been holiday-ing in Tokyo for the past 6 awesome days :)
 love love love this place!!


Will be blogging soonnnn :) Yeah maybe I had too much happy pills..cause the trip was great. 
But no I haven't done my new resolutions just yet..everyone's been doing theirs and I'm so bloody pressured for not doing it yet -_- 
What's the rush anyway. I've got one whole year! Hehehe

Expect entries with pictures soon.
BYE :)


my brain dump.