my weekly vampire dose :)

Elena: Am I going to be safe with you?

Damon: Yes.

Elena: Do you promise not to do that mind control thing with me?

Damon: Yes.

Elena: Can I trust you?

Damon: Get in the car, come on.

The Vampire Diaries - 1x11 - Bloodlines

My favorite part of the episode :)

I've been watching this series since my friend recommended the show to me a few weeks ago. At first I was all like "WTF another vampire show??" but later after finally watched the first episode, I fell in love with everyone in the series..seriously.

So I know, if you haven't watched this series in your head you'd be thinking this is just another lame vampire story.

Let me assure you, it's not.

This show puts Twilight to shame.

AND it's not just another love story between vampires and human being. Well, you have to watch it to know because I'm not telling. ;)

And with that hotness (I'm talking about the hottie in the above picture, the guy, oh and the girl is crazy beautiful too, not like that Bella from Twilight, seriously) who would not want to watch this series?? (Girls, two words - DAMON SALVATORE. Google him. You'd know what I mean.)

The story is basically about a high school girl (Elena Gilbert) torn between two vampire brothers (Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore). Click here for the plot summary.

So basically nowadays my weeks are spent obsessing over Damon The Vampire Diaries, so if you see me being busy a lot lately, it's 50-50 chance between studying (because finals are starting, like, next week) and Damon..hehe.


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my brain dump.