If you know me, you'd know I'm not tudung instant kinda person. To me, they'd look out-of-place on me, no matter how hassle-free they claim to be. Simply because I don't know how to style them!

Hence, the many many collections of long scarves. And pashminas. They're my comfort zone.

But recently, I was given a chance to try on a particular instant scarf - and I'm converted.

Scarf by Tudung Libry.

A while ago, I bought this cardigan before the trip to JB. Thought I have so many work tops that flexible enough to be worn during outings, but less..casual. I don't have any jumpers, or knit tops, or just plain old cotton shirt to throw on; most of the tops I own are either formal enough for work and colorful enough for weekends.

With Rayyan on my arms, I really didn't want to take any chances. The thought of Rayyan's pasta spilling over my white chiffon top.. T.T

So I got this multi-way cardigan from Mimpikita.

Was looking forward to this week, because :

+ my pre-assessment scheduled on Friday
+ my new employment letter (which basically tells me if I'm still employed or not) is scheduled this week
+ this package from overseas scheduled to arrive!

If you asked me, I'm more thrilled about the last one lol.

Because..this arrived in the mail.

I just had to put a disclaimer here - I had this post in my drafts, but didn't write anything on it. Just uploaded the below pictures, thinking I'd do the post sooner or later. My husband (as usual) went on my dashboard and opened them, and said to me yesterday morning,

"Bila nak tulis tu? Saja je letak title macam tu sebab nak tease!"

Haha. (High five if you could relate)

So in honor of him, I did the post today. My husband was away in Japan for his another one-week business trip a few weeks ago. Every time he comes back, he'd usually buy me something even though I didn't specifically ask for anything.

Hong Kong trip : two pairs of earrings in silver (but not 925 silver as they've given me rashes), Taiwan trip : a pair of earrings, Japan trip : Royce chocolates, Starbucks instant coffee and Jagariko.

This time, it's a watch.

Selling off my preloved baju kurung on Carousell!

Red peplum kurung by Emel by Melinda Looi. This was never worn as I bought it during pregnancy, so the size is a bit off for me.

Disclaimer : this post is supposed to be up yesterday, because today I'm back on my feet yay.

I was at home and off work for 2 days due to tonsillitis. I've had this problem since yearsss ago; whenever I feel like a sore throat or fever coming, it's always because of my easily-inflamed tonsils I don't know why.

Even the doctor I saw was concerned.

"Are you sure you don't want to remove them? It will make your life so much better"

You mean cutting my flesh tissue off my throat, and having to endure 2 weeks of pain and no food? No thank you.

So yesterday, while waiting for my husband to text me when he's reached the LRT station for me to pick him up, I decided to do WIWT since I was feeling so much better.

See, the face of a sick person so happy to go out.

It's like a revelation.

I've found the secret behind makeups!

It's this thing, called primer.

Last weekend, was the wedding of my high school-sans-AAJ girlfriend, Jua. We were from the same school (Seri Puteri) and even at some point, the same class, but we weren't in the same 'click' back then.

Until she suddenly appeared at Ambang Asuhan Jepun, UM (where I was having my foundation prior to flying to Japan for degree) one day during orientation, and the rest they say..is history.

And..she married her PTD boyfriend last weekend!

(picture stolen from @BlogDiloz)

It's been quite a while since my last post on this T.T

Oh well, better late than never, right? At least before the next baby arrives haha XD #notpregnant

Now, Rayyan is a little over 1 year old. And..his needs for breastfeeding is way, wayy different from what it used to be a few months ago.

Reached the hotel, finally!

I expected nothing less from the hotel since my colleagues were all "you know the developer for this hotel is the one who also did Majestic Hotel??" and after reading the rave reviews on the internet. Everyone basically has nothing bad to say about this hotel, is it even possible :O

But..I can see why now. The hotel decor was breathtaking. You know when you see something nice in pictures, and thinking it might not be as nice in real life? Well, certainly not the case for The Smokehouse Hotel.

Shall show you pictures soon.

What I did upon reaching and waiting to be checked in? Took a selfie in their wash room haha.

My latest article on ZALORA Community is out - and it's not about fashion.

Jeng jeng jeng.

It's about long distance relationship XD

Writing about fashion is something I'd always appreciate (because I don't come from fashion design background, so everything I write is just purely my own thoughts and observation) but this time, the relationship theme could not have come at a better timing.

Because husband is currently in a land far, far away from here. HE'S IN JAPAN!

Rayyan turned 1 year-old just a few days ago (this one deserves its own post, but I'll wait until the emo Mommy in me calms herself down) and we decided to spend the weekend at the one place we haven't been to yet.

(Actually I've been here, probably more than 10 years ago, but the husband hasn't. He's not into hills, I reckon..should've checked this before we got married)


my brain dump.