Rayyan turned 3 years old

So we celebrated Rayyan’s 3rd birthday last few days.

To say how bittersweet it was for us is such an understatement. But anyhow, however sad we are that noting 3 years ago on the same day we were holding the tiny version of him for the first time, getting to know this little stranger the best way we knew possible although we knew peanuts, learning every inch and tiny bit of him, loving the whole package of perfection and imperfection of this little creature God has given us – deep down we just know we HAD to get it over with. I mean, he’s not just getting 3 years old; he’ll be getting 4, 5, 6, 12, 20 years old..and by then, we would be holding his feet in chains locked up in our house, safe from outside harm and bad teenagers influence.

See how I foresee him at 20 years old when he’s just 3?

It’s called motherhood.

So I decided to rise above this and grow up and be the mature mother I shall be, and just accept that my baby IS NOT LITTLE ANYMORE.

Rayyan turned 3 years old! *wipes snot* and as usual, getting him the perfect cake was my ultimate motherhood goal for several weeks.

Now I’ve come to realize that Rayyan has grown extremely fast – he's far passed his phase of Didi & Friends or Upin Ipin or ABC songs; his current favourite movies now include Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Storks, Finding Dory, Finding Nemo, Stork, etc. He can watch Toy Story and suddenly burst out laughing without me knowing why -_- As a child, I didn’t even watch these movies – even during my teenager-hood, so I’m quite surprised that he’s developed this interest quite early.

So, naturally, this was I get for his birthday cake theme.


Ordered the cake from CraveItLah on Instagram, and as usual they didn’t disappoint. (They did Rayyan’s bus-themed cake last year) Shahrul bought figurines of Woody and Buzz Lightyear since he’s fond of them so much, and he screamed as soon as he saw them on his cake.

Couldn’t wait to tear them apart from the cake, too. Look at what happened a few seconds later.

After eating his cake, we went out to Putrajaya – Shahrul wanted to bring Rayyan on this hot air balloon supposedly happening at Putrajaya’s Skydive, but when we arrived, they told us it was closed due to strong wind. You should’ve seen Shahrul’s face😢

I was disappointed too, but I ain’t that big of a fan of balloons, so.

But we cycled around the park with Rayyan screaming around, and watched sunset (almost, we left just before Maghrib), enjoyed watching people by the lake, took a stroll around the playground area and more importantly, just there being us as a family – I think that was one thing that counts.

Ahmad Rayyan, I hope you enjoyed the mini celebration. Knowing that you’d have so many more in the future with us, you’re among the precious gifts God has given us in this world, that’s for sure.

God, I don’t want much, but please please put my fanily under Your protection always, Amin.


  1. alhamdulillah
    happy birthday Rayyan

  2. Happy birthday rayyan! May you be blessed with His love forever and always!
    on a side note, your skin looks brighter and naturally glow in those pics. Is it your makeup or skin care? Looking good! :)

    1. Thank you Azimah, it's really the foundation XD
      My skin was breaking out like crazy so I need foundation every day haha (not good I know), been using the Urban Decay's, it's so so good I swear. 100% coverage and not sticky as others I've used. Give it a try!

  3. Rayyan looks so grown ady! Happy birthday Rayyan! smoochhh



my brain dump.