Can't believe that my last post on this, Part 2, was more than a year ago and I forgot to blog about this when Rafiy was born!

And now it has become the last part cause..I've stopped breastfeeding T.T

So maybe I should write this down before I forget. (and because friends have been asking me this, since I started watching what I eat recently, I've been getting questions like "how do you not eat rice? Won't it make your milk supply drop?" so this is the answer)

Basically if you refer to Part 2, it summarized everything I've experienced for Rafiy. Except that for Rayyan, despite the challenges, I managed to continue breastfeeding him until he was one year old.

But for Rafiy..the challenges are on WHOLE new level.

This time last year, I was over the moon.

Reached a milestone in my career and felt so grateful that my hard work in the past years felt…justified? (I hope this is the correct word to describe, if not I’m screwed cause my officemates read this blog T.T)

This year, I felt a certain familiar feeling crept up. Performance review was coming up and as I looked through my documents and reports, I realized this fact.

I peaked. Last year, I peaked. So this year, I made a vow to continue the momentum – at least to get something tangible in numbers (LOL how engineer-y) that I’d be able to look at and feel proud of.

But it was difficult, too.

Let me tell you a story.

Can't believe my little man turned 6 months old last couple of weeks!😮

Rafiy, is an entirely different baby compared to Rayyan, I can attest to it now. He's got temper, but you can barely notice it because he rarely show it in front of anyone - but once he does, be prepared to hear the loudest grunt (yes he grunts) and scream you've ever heard in your life.

Don't be fooled by those eyes.


my brain dump.