A few months ago, I had an itch to get new glasses. The last time I got one was back in Nihon - in 2009.

Been using the same one for ages! If someone asks, I'd tell them my power doesn't change because I wear contact lenses 24/7 - and I don't feel like they do, anyhow. Have always bought the same lenses in the same power, same brand, same color.

(I have nothing against change, I'm just such a loyal user. Hehe.)

Well..I was wrong. Got my eyes checked at OWL shop in IOI City Mall, and my power has increased by a 0.5 T.T

"Why don't you ever keep your hair short?"

The husband asked, once probably for the tenth time over the course of our marriage.

"Why? You don't like my hair long?"

"Taklah, just curious"

To be fair, I've always kept my hair shoulder-length or longer - any less and I might risk looking like a 10-year old. Last I cut my hair? A few months after finding out I was pregnant, sometime last year.

That was fun, because my husband ended up likened me to..Arya Stark.


For this one, I thought I'd break away from fashion smashion business and do something I'm familiar with.

Quoting Shahrul,

"I had a hard time understanding your last article - too fashion technical for me"

And I ended up summarizing basically what I meant by sticker trends T.T

So this time, an article I wrote specially dedicated to my husband (and the awesome years we spent in Japan) using my own pictures, now up for your reading. The pictures are all taken from this blog, too - it's actually a good thing to have a blog haha.

A few days ago, I was on medical leave - for a reason you wouldn't believe.

Sprained my hip bone (I think that's what it's called) after playing badminton last Saturday XD There was a family day organized by the husband's company, and there were futsal and badminton..not hard to guess which sports I took part of.

Still, ended up with massive body ache and sprained hip T.T

"It's my first time working out after delivering Rayyan OK?!"

What I told the colleagues when they gave me confused looks haha.

Our first destination in JB? The Hello Kitty Town, of course XD

Been planning this trip for quite a while now, especially since I've never been to Singapore. My husband has been there for work, but he apparently doesn't share the same sentiment as others who's been there - he hates the place.

"Why do you want to go there? It's a small country, nothing much to see. We can go to some island here in Malaysia"

 Uhh..but they don't have Haji Lane or Orchard Road.

So after weeks of persuading, he gave in - with a certain conditions.

Scrolling my Facebook feed nowadays feels like reading a parenting book.

The perk now is, most of my friends are at the same stage as I am - we got married sometime in these past 2 years, got pregnant, and delivered babies. I have friends being pregnant for the second one now; and even some already have 2 kids, and counting!

Really sucks when reality hits - I'm not that young anymore. But relatively, in parenting world, me (and my friends) are categorized as the "young mothers" - as people would call it.

My second article for ZALORA Community is out!

When the rep asked, I couldn't make up my mind on what to write about. The topic is not limited to just fashion - we're given a vast range consisting of health, lifestyle, tips, and of course fashion so we can choose if we want to write about trends or how to raise a kid!

After a while, I came to a conclusion. Bags. Of course.

Whenever I thought about writing a formal article, I've always wanted it to be something familiar. Bag is a hugeee topic in my life, it's a given I'd want to write about it.

So here goes. (You can read it here too)


my brain dump.