done with kursus kahwin!

We spent our weekend in Putrajaya last weekend for our kursus kahwin.

And as much as I want to say I loved every bit of the session, so glad that we can finally cross it off from our list!

What I've learned :

  1. Marriage built firstly from love for Allah, and then only love for another human being.
  2. If the foundation is rocky, you can expect the house to be tumbling down easily too. Build the foundation first!
  3. Take good care of your husband's solat. Ensuring his relationship with God will in return do your marriage extra good.
  4. Wives = be super attentive to husbands. Husbands = be loving & appreciative of wives.
  5. Husbands who let wives show their aurah to other men are in Islamic term, called dayus.
  6. Take your spouse to outdoor activities (picnic, shopping, sports - anything goes) so that you can have alone quality time away from home.
  7. An ideal home is not necessary a neat, clean home. It's a home where when the husband comes back from work, his mind clears and all he sees is his wife's smiling face and all he feels is love and happiness.
  8. Learn to cook! Love comes from within, translates into everything the wife does to her husband.
  9. A woman must make sure she is financially secured; a good career, some assets (car/house) so that she doesn't have to depend on anyone even if she is married, because if anything happens it won't be so bad. The ustaz was speaking from his experience dealing with divorced couples.

The last point was made clear to me by Mum; for all the time while I was growing up. But they made sense more now that the ustaz told us all the horror stories; involving madu and talak and nusyuz and all.

Made me realize just how awesome my Mum is.

And we're officially permitted to kahwin now! Lol.

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my brain dump.