One of the perks of having to meet consultants at their office, is that you get a breathe of fresh air out of your usual office for a while.

And while I'm loving the whole-day meetings and endless discussion, the little thing called lunch once a day really what puts my mood up a notch.

Like today, after a (relatively) serious discussion, the colleagues and I decided to walk our way for lunch a couple blocks down..

This beautiful restaurant (reminded me of French little cafes) is a couple blocks down from our office, so it wasn't so far to walk. When we reached there it was already packed with people (it was only 12.45 pm!) but somehow we managed to grab a table anyway.

A little tip; they would prefer you to grab a table first before placing an order. So upon arrival you can get the 'occupied' tag they have for tables, get the table you want, place the tag on the table, proceed to the counter to order and tell them your table number. Basically the first rule of lunch-ing there.

Ordered meatball bolognese spagetti I've been craving for.

Orders came merely minutes that I had my jaw dropped. "..but I just ordered this!" was what I said, literally. Best serving time I've ever experience; even beats Japanese serving time, I kid you not. (colleague's order came minutes after that, too)

They're famous for their pastries, so before leaving I just had to tapau something. Wanted to get the macaroons but they were out T.T

Apparently another colleague was there afterwards too and she sent me a picture of freshly made macaroons arranged neatly at the counter T.T Made a vow to myself to drop by and get those macaroons later.

Yes, we take these luncheons and all food things very seriously around here. 

If you're nearby, drag your asses to this place cause you won't regret it. Parking valet is available but it's always full so do find an alternative to park your car (which is why I'm thanking God my office is nearby).

Address : No. 7, Jalan Delima, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Monday to Sunday 7.30am - 9pm

I was in the middle of Quiet by Susan Cain when I received this book as a gift.

And you know what I realized? That it's been ages since I last enjoyed a chick-lit book; and this sequel to The Devil Wears Prada left this girly feeling in me wanting to re-watch the movie version.

So I ditched Quiet to indulge in a little guilty pleasure of a chick-lit.

With a little extra in it.

I can't remember the last time anyone bought me a book as a gift; so to Kak Ella, thank you for the book! Regardless, it was actually given to me when we were on our way back to Penang for Raya in the hope that I'd be awake, reading while he was driving.

Turns out it took me two months to read it -_____-" In my defense, he was babbling all the way so I didn't really have a chance to read lol.

But ditching a good book (psychology books have never been in favorite list but Quiet made its way in I don't know why) to cheat this gem in is refreshing. I've read Chasing Harry Winston and Everyone Worth Knowing - somehow this book did not remind me of anything by Lauren Weisberger before. Or maybe because it's been way too long since I last snicker at a page of a book.

You know when your shopping habit is somehow noticed by your fellow (male) colleagues, it's time to call a shrink.

Funny conversation I had today.

Colleague : So I went on your site..and so you like shopping huh??



Though I don't really agree, I believe this colleague of mine meant well.

Speaking of which, I'm currently on the hunt for a new bag to replace accommodate my current falling-apart bag - been wearing it excessively since almost a year ago so as a reward for myself I decided to get a new practical bag I can wear for at least years to come; considering how much I'll be traveling for work (Bangi-KL IS considered as traveling).

Which means good, spacey leather bag.

And one that can fit my budget since the fiancé has been scrutinizing my budget plan before getting married. (Marriage sounds like fun..)

So this is the first time I did my research THIS thorough - I mean really - it used to be Google and go to shop and grab kind of impulse buy; but this time since I realized I'm earning with hard work and spending a big chunk of money basically makes me want to cry; I decided to at least make this purchase something I can be proud of in the future.

Done my research; looking up PurseForum a hundred times a day, asking fellow bag-addicts for opinions and finally sent the spreadsheet containing all the points to buy/not to buy to Mr Fiancé aka Mr Manager.

And he returned with this.


Well at least now I have a green light for a hantaran bag! Muahaha.

Probably my favorite part of all.

I know. I'm still pinching myself, too.

It started when he was still in Japan and we were talking about the engagement ring. He showed me several websites with rings he liked, and asked for my opinion and vice versa.

Pushing my luck (still treasuring the day I convinced myself to take that risk, lol), I showed him a link of this Tiffany & Co ring I love - it's a simple ring and I love everything about it (this is why I should never subscribed to PurseForum - they have a whole freaking thread on the jewelry brand). We both fell in love with his version of the engagement ring from the links he gave me, but it was quite hard to get the ring into our hands (the website is in US) and it was a rare occasion HE actually LIKES a ring - so we both kind of gave up about it, until I gave him the link to that Tiffany ring.

And he didn't comment anything, so I thought okay at least he gets some gist of how I want the ring to be.

But then after a few weeks he said,

"Guess what, I got the ring already"
"Which ring"
"The ring you showed me"
"You mean THE Tiffany ring??"
"Yup, you said it's the one you like right?"


I want to cry, I want to laugh, I want to hug him to no end. And of course I just believed him when I fetched him at the airport and he gave me the box haha.

It's not the fact that he got me the ring - okay maybe a part of it la - it's the fact that he was willing to browse websites to look for rings for me and be a part of the whole process and everything. He already knew my size (coincidentally I went to Tiffany in KLCC to check my size in US and Japan size since he's buying me the ring from Japan, I assumed it's the only place I can get an accurate international size) so once he got the ring in my size, and the price still within his budget, it all falls into place.

I never expected this from him, and even after years I'm still surprised. Can never underestimate this guy.

My God I'm so sappy. Oh my God can't believe he's got me my first Tiffany's.

(And of course, he's getting away with a lot of things nowadays because whenever I look at my finger, my heart just melts. This guy is smart.)

Was having one of those whatsapp conversations with the bestfriend who missed my engagement last August.

She was working at that time, and apologized profusely that she couldn't make it. So I made her life miserable by confiding all my uncertainties to her, haha.

Just kidding, I was honestly scared and needed someone to rant to.

"My married friend told me she wished she had waited before getting married so soon, she said she missed her single life and felt so unprepared"

That was true, I've heard about it before. How can you NOT be scared after hearing such statement?! Regardless, I was more concerned on feeling unprepared on being a wife and having to be home by 5 to cook and all..but I never thought someone would miss her life before being married. Most of the girls I know would love having a guy to come home to and wake up next to.

Yes, most girls I know are hopeless romantics.

Her answer was simple.

"You know when you get married, all the ibadah you do and deeds are rewarded 3 times higher than before marriage? How can you not want that?"

Now I think I've sort of read that statement somewhere, but I just didn't really pay any attention to it. I was more interested in reading how to choose a spouse, how he must be someone you trust can be the imam in your home, someone who you can trust your heart with and your whole life devoted for, etc.

But this statement from her somehow shut me up on the spot. And I was wondering how silly I was, thinking about how unprepared I am when you're promised all good things just for tying the knot!

MasyaAllah, thank you bestfriend.

I think I've been obsessing over the Vela scarves more than for a few years now; but back then in uni I just didn't have a pretty solid reason to use up my institution fee the government had generously given me every month (i.e. the scholarship) for a scarf when I still have other perfectly decent scarves to don to the classes.

So I was obsessed, I had their designs in my mind but it was kept just in this blog and nowhere else. I even sometimes tied my scarves the Vela style - made famous by their own Marwa Atik, and I thought, hey at least I survived with the Vela style even during uni. It's the most comfortable for me, without having to risk tassles of scarves flowing all over your head. (I gave up on Hana Tajima's)

Fast forward 2 years later, I graduated and came back home for good.

Got a pretty decent job.

Discovered Vela has upgraded their shipping policies and is shipping to Malaysia now. Discovered I've saved up more money for these - and finally decided to buy!

It was quite hard to choose from the many designs; but for me I've ruled out black and other striking colors as I know I'll be wearing the scarf a lot at the office. It came down to whites, pastels or blue - and I chose this one.

The package took less than 2 weeks to reach me, and the material is as good as the picture suggested. Am not disappointed for sure!

Head over to their website if you're interested. This print (from the webbed edge range) has sold out and not on their website anymore though; but I'm currently eye-ing the snake print scarf which is annoying because apparently it's everyone's favorite and has sold out, too.

One of my routines for the last few months is going to meetings at the consultant's office. And I snapped this at the lobby.

I think part of developing yourself besides burying your face under tons of reports is networking with other people. Not necessary about work, but just about anything - as long as it doesn't hurt the sensitivity of your job's confidentiality.

I've learned a lot these past almost two years, and I'm grateful for everything that it has brought me. All the extra time reading journals, doing simulation using softwares I've never even heard of before, preparing presentation packs for the bosses - it's all part of the party. And I thank God I have the chance to compare how it's done at other companies - albeit them being in the same industry - which opens the door to a whole new endless possibilities' world.

I think it's true, you don't judge based on where you work, it's what goal you're striving for and who you are working with. It's how you work. I still get amazed at how brilliant my colleagues are when they do their presentation, at how composed they are when there are challenges which would set us back from achieving our goal, at how positive they are in overcoming those situation.

I'm still amazed. And I'm still learning everyday.

Though having to go through Jalan Tun Razak at peak hours everyday isn't something I look forward to -_____-"

Apart from the dais, the one thing I was determined to get settled as soon as possible was of course, the dress.

To be honest, I've imagined about how my nikah dress is going to be quite a while before I decided on the engagement dress. I thought, if my nikah dress is going to cost me loads, might as well get a decent, simple engagement that I can wear for other occasions. Seeing the dress just hung in my wardrobe after the engagement would torture my conscience, hence after several visits and emails to a number of stores, I decided to just have a plain modern kurung dress with lace matching my veil.

First of all, a color theme was set and that kind of set other things into place too. (So I guess the theme color plays major role in decision making here) Went to Jakel to get the material - when you've had your heart set on a certain color palette, finding the material was quite hassle-free cause you'd know what sort of material suits the color palette and design. Mine was crepe silk, and the salesgirl had me drooling on their french laces; I almost give in! Got my heart set on a soft pink lace with beads (you just HAVE to see it - the most gorgeous thing ever, reminded me of Elie Saab's) but upon seeing the tags, my brain slowly took over.

"You can get other nice french lace at MUCH cheaper price, and not giving this salesgirl the extra commission she'd easily score with other bride-to-bes"

So after all that thinking, I decided to go home with just the kain.

2 weeks later, I got a nice soft pink lace at about 1/3 of Jakel's price and was contented with it.

Learning Maths in engineering really paid off -____-"

It was a plain simple modern kurung, and I can rest happily knowing I can wear it again and again on another occasion.

Might have to alter it though; I lost a few kgs before the engagement because of flu and fever. Didn't dare to step on the weight scale now.

My room is a bit neater now.

Got a new mirror with accessories drawers where I can dump just about everything inside.

No more makeup and bracelets scattering around the room!

Eye shadows

 Wrap bracelets


Bangles 2

It reminded me of my old room back in Hiroshima where my sanctuary was. A nice small apartment, with a small enough kitchen and a big closet (seriously) and an interesting wallpaper with all the right furnitures I had around the apartment; albeit small.

But in Japan, it was easier because you can find all things convenient for your living - I can spend the whole day at 100 yen shop or Village Vanguard just to get things I don't really need but when used, it makes life even happier. It's like a coin sorter - you know you don't need it but when used (correctly), your life is a lot more organized.

Knowing that this would be my last single room before getting married, I figured I'd better make full use of it don't you think?

So determined to make this my second sanctuary.

We spent our weekend in Putrajaya last weekend for our kursus kahwin.

And as much as I want to say I loved every bit of the session, so glad that we can finally cross it off from our list!

What I've learned :

  1. Marriage built firstly from love for Allah, and then only love for another human being.
  2. If the foundation is rocky, you can expect the house to be tumbling down easily too. Build the foundation first!
  3. Take good care of your husband's solat. Ensuring his relationship with God will in return do your marriage extra good.
  4. Wives = be super attentive to husbands. Husbands = be loving & appreciative of wives.
  5. Husbands who let wives show their aurah to other men are in Islamic term, called dayus.
  6. Take your spouse to outdoor activities (picnic, shopping, sports - anything goes) so that you can have alone quality time away from home.
  7. An ideal home is not necessary a neat, clean home. It's a home where when the husband comes back from work, his mind clears and all he sees is his wife's smiling face and all he feels is love and happiness.
  8. Learn to cook! Love comes from within, translates into everything the wife does to her husband.
  9. A woman must make sure she is financially secured; a good career, some assets (car/house) so that she doesn't have to depend on anyone even if she is married, because if anything happens it won't be so bad. The ustaz was speaking from his experience dealing with divorced couples.

The last point was made clear to me by Mum; for all the time while I was growing up. But they made sense more now that the ustaz told us all the horror stories; involving madu and talak and nusyuz and all.

Made me realize just how awesome my Mum is.

And we're officially permitted to kahwin now! Lol.


my brain dump.