Tokyo Disneyland with Mom.

So after a long week, I realized I am not done with my Japan trip blogpost yet.

Exactly like what my Twitter header says. I'm an honest, aren't I? T.T

Moving along.

We went to Tokyo Disneyland for the first time! (Yes, you read that right) After 4 years in Japan, we've only had our eyes on Tokyo Disneysea because yes, we thought nothing is better in Disneyland than Disneysea can't offer. People say Disneyland is full of kids whose lifetime dream is to meet Cinderella and Snow White.

Whilst, I, am not. I was imagining riding those hip roller coaster with popcorns in hands and everything, so we always decided against Disneyland.

Mum, however, as always..

 "Let's go to Disneyland!"
Tskk. Screaming kids, get outta my way.

 Loving my Wayfarer so much until he decided to try it on.

Mum was amazed, looking at the strollers so neatly lined up and parked at one space near the attractions.

"Wow people just leave these unattended?! What if someone stole it?!"
"Uhh Mum, who would steal a stroller, really.."

But still, she continued staring at those strollers in awe. So cute.


 She went as Alice in Wonderland. She literally looks like a doll!

 Inside one of the attractions.

 Didn't know what we were doing..

 ..or how to pose..

 Fine, let's pose!

 Random ducks dating in the middle of nowhere.

 Cinderella's slippers being made.

 Our lunch!

 Mum with her first udon.

 We were sitting on the bench and watching the Cinderella girl went out and met her "fans", and a few minutes later she went inside one of the stores.

And came out again as the Snow White. So there you have it, they're both the same person! Lol.

And he thought it would be the perfect place to propose lol.

By 4, we were already zombies (I had to keep my calm and straight face whenever he asks "Are those shoes killing you?" "No, they're fine") so we went to the bus station. If you're looking for a place to stay in Tokyo, look for Kamata cause it's so near to Haneda Airport, Yokohama and Disneyland! Or at least you don't have to hop on and off trains if you're going to Disneyland cause there's a shuttle bus to Kamata that'll be convenient.

Went back to the hotel, washed up and changed, went out for dinner. He took us to this okonomiyaki restaurant where we get to learn how to make takoyaki and okonomiyaki!

 Making takoyaki!

Okonomiyaki with cabbage, squids, cheese topping, and some more veggie -___-
Our self-cooked fried takoyaki and okonomiyaki done! I'm not usually a fan of cabbage but love the dishes. Takoyaki is my favorite, if you haven't noticed.

Tried looking for the restaurant online, here it is. The makcik was super helpful and can even speak English a bit!

Though I wanted to kill him at first for making me cook my own dinner after a long day at Disneyland, I must say he scored big this time. Mum was super impressed seeing him with all those frying tools lol.


  1. u look tall in the photos :p

    1. Yay I shall wear those shoes every day from now on haha :D



my brain dump.