What I'm thankful for this year (so far, and it's only been February T.T)?


Last Sunday, I woke up in the middle of the night a few times to pee (which is a norm, nowadays) and noticed that the baby isn't moving.

Usually he likes to move and kick especially when it's late at night, and when I'm having a meal, and when I lie on my side. Those are the times I could feel he moves - and like my gynae said,

"Your baby's kicks are so powerful!"

during one of the visits, and it's true - if you've seen the video I posted on Instagram, you'd know.

Figured that maybe he's sleeping (which is weird because I usually would still feel something), I tried to brush it off and went back to sleep. Woke up for Subuh and still he hasn't moved - when I usually would feel he moves every Subuh prayer.

Told Shahrul. He was sleepy, but shocked.

A while ago, I purchased an awesome Honeyblossom kurung from a local talent, Samantha Sherina by Thian. Was contemplating on several designs under their brand before I finally settled on Honeyblossom (which I wore to a kohai's wedding) because I was pregnant and needed a loose kurung.

I was drawn to them because :

1) it's another brand by Gallo by Thian's former head designer, Teresa Thian
2) the quirky and dreamy designs of their Raya 2014 line
3) their designs revolve around kurung kedah, which I love. Am tired of seeing fitted modern kurung and peplums everywhere!

Daria kurung, one of their bestsellers

..my husband suddenly turned to me and said,

"Tak sangka kan, kita dah nak dapat anak dah"

With glossy eyes, shy smile, kisses planted on my forehead. I could see the tears but then he quickly turned away, trying to savor konon macho he has left.

I don't think I've ever written about him (minus all the previous immature, teenager lovey-dovey posts ahem) as a person; as a whole. (maybe I've hinted here, here and here, I don't know. Depends on your interpretations I think)

This could be the pregnancy hormones talking - but I think I'm about to now.

Dragged my husband and brother around town in Penang, looking for street arts. I picked Armenian street since it's one of the streets in the street art map and I read quite a bit about the heritage. 

The husband brushed it off as one of my many weird cravings. 

"Your cravings are too much sometimes. Do we really have to do this?" Made face.

Lol. It's been my dream to finally explore the famous street arts in Penang, and the gynae said I should walk more towards the end of the pregnancy.

So walk we did!

We stayed at Holiday Inn, Batu Ferringhi and got 2 suites to accommodate my sisters, Mum and brother.

Credits to le sister for planning the family vacation trip, I was quite worried we wouldn't be able to make it since traveling up north from KL while heavily pregnant isn't so wise. But still, I wanted to go since it'll be our last vacation before the baby comes.

So stubborn wins.

Thought I'd show you just how big I've gotten.

Just came back from our last beach holiday before the baby comes, in a matter of a few weeks :O


my brain dump.