Armenian Street, Penang

Dragged my husband and brother around town in Penang, looking for street arts. I picked Armenian street since it's one of the streets in the street art map and I read quite a bit about the heritage. 

The husband brushed it off as one of my many weird cravings. 

"Your cravings are too much sometimes. Do we really have to do this?" Made face.

Lol. It's been my dream to finally explore the famous street arts in Penang, and the gynae said I should walk more towards the end of the pregnancy.

So walk we did!

Armenian street is one of the streets where the paintings by a Lithuanian artist, Ernest Zacharevic are made famous sometime in 2012 I think. He painted murals and arts mostly consisted of kids, elders and random animals like cats and dragons.

See the in-the-making pictures here.

Armenian street, to me, is very special because of the heritage. I was in awe most of the time spent wandering around the street (looking for murals based on a map given by my generous brother, who later regretted the decision because we ended up spending the rest of the days walking along the streets under the sun) because the buildings are somewhat out of this world. (read the history here)

Never knew Penang has this sort of vintage coolness.

Successfully found the first painting at Armenian street. Nearby, there were some stalls selling fridge magnets and souvenirs for the tourists, too.

Second found!

When we were there, my husband and I were discussing about the derivation of the street name - then we saw this place called Armenian House.

"So the Armenians did reside here in Penang for a while.."

"I've told you! But not sure where they come from.."

"Which country is it again, the Armenia?"

We failed our Geology for sure.

It was scorching hot but was a good experience. I should do this exploring Penang thing more often!


  1. pakai camera apa eh zatil? gambar cantik.
    and your 8 months pregnant body sama saiz dgn my diet mkn nasi sikit body. after bersalin you wont have problem nak slim down blk.

    1. Canon Powershot S95 :) thanks Anon!
      Lol you're too nice. Ni rasa dah besar gile perut tak larat nak bawak dah haha T.T should see me IRL!



my brain dump.