
I've finally followed my heart.
I've jailbroken and unlocked the phone!!

My last paper was on Wednesday, and as soon as I got home we had our movie session celebrating the last day of exam. In the evening a friend came over to help with the process(actually HE was the one who did it all, while I sat nearby and watched in case he needs assistance, which he didn't)

Seriously, it brings the whole other meaning of using an iPhone.

Whoever doesn't do it yet, or thinking of doing so, go and do it! It's quite simple, all you have to do is be strong and follow the steps. I was quite there, seriously, but I'd rather let the one with experience do it for me. Why take the risk?

So Sidek, thank youuuuu :) :)

I have awesome friends.


Michael Jackson has just passed away, I just received the news this morning. Being head over heels for him during high school, and used to borrow his album from my friends, I am so saddened by his sudden death. I don't know, I always thought he's going to be around for a long time.

I don't know if it's true that he's converted to Islam, but if he did, I'm grateful that he died being as a Muslim. Hidayah comes to unexpected people, the ones chosen by Him and if the legendary, one of the most influential person in the world was one of His chosen ones, I'm glad and relieved.

People may say all the bad things about him, but I'll always remember him as one of the person I'm so fond of during my childhood years. He is undoubtedly one of the most successful person in the world, his death is such a tragic loss.

I don't know if I've ever been this sad over celebrity's death, apart from Princess Diana's.

May you rest in peace.

Since the last few days, I've been contemplating on jailbreaking my phone.

Apparently everyone around the globe have jailbroken their iPhones; but here in Japan, I don't know, people around me seems like they don't mind having the expensive applications on their phone, be it games or anything. I thought of jailbreaking my phone for a while last year, but never come to terms with having a phone completely free of any paid apps.

Recently I've been chatting with a person who's in Japan and jailbroken his phone, and I don't know, I am so tempted to do so.

To those who doesn't know, jailbreaking allows iPhone and iPod touch users to run unofficial code on their devices bypassing Apple's restrictions by its official distribution mechanism, the App Store. Once jailbroken, users can download many applications previously unavailable through the App Store via unofficial installers such as Cydia, Icy, etc. It sounds heaven to us, especially when you've been eyeing the Jap-Eng Dictionary app on App Store worth 2000 yen since months ago, and been waiting ever since for the price to drop but it didn't. It is still freaking 2000 yen. Ugh.

Jailbroken iPod touch. Notice the difference?

Whoever the Dev Team(the team that made jailbreaking possible in iPhone's world) is, I love you.

But up until now, I still don't have the courage to jailbreak my phone. I've downloaded the software needed, read through every single step to jailbreak the phone, almost remember them by heart, read all the articles on the web about "iPhone" and "jailbreaking", asked everyone I know about jailbreaking and still I'm so scared of putting my phone on the risk of being broken.

I know jailbreaking can give me a whole other experience on having and using an iPhone, but as I read the articles and websites there are still cases on the people who've done it and not successfully get their phone safe and sound. That's what scares me.

What if I jailbroke it and it won't power on? What if I followed the instructions wrong? What if I have to buy another phone cost 200 dollars?

I am so paranoid, I know.

iPhones have come a long way - I've been using it since August last year, and till now I can see a lot of differences and improvement since it was first launched. When I first used it, it would take hours just to back up the phone's content at iTunes. Hours, really. And another hour just to download apps in the phone. Mine have crashed a lot of times; especially when I was using Safari while the playlist running, when I was playing games, etc etc. You people who've just used it are pretty lucky, the first time my phone crashed I almost had a heart attack.

But thanks to Apple, it is now better than ever. Yay for technology. Seriously.

I stumbled upon(okay not really, searched for it) this video, and I think by watching this everyday it might help me building the courage to do it.

So, for now, help me please. Jailbreak or not?
pictures courtesy of wikipedia.com

This is old news, but I still want to post the pictures on the blog.

This is the thing made by my own hands at the lab, a couple of weeks ago. One of the famous seizu's work.

I am over the edge of exaggerating here, but I am seriously, seriously proud of myself.

We used the biggest machine I've ever seen in my entire life; and there were six of them. Six. In the lab alone, and we actually have to use each and every one of them. We have to cut the metal they gave us each, about 10 cm in length, and cut it until we get the above size. It wasn't easy, and whoever thinks cutting metals and working in lab are fun is seriously out of his mind. I hate those machines.

After almost 3-4 hours of work, at last I managed to get the right size and the right measurements :) Though the inner part is slightly crooked. But who cares, my lecturer didn't notice it anyway.

Oh and we made the screw thing too :) Ahh once in a lifetime!

I don't think I'll ever make one of these things again, so just let me treasure this moment for a while.

I reallyy need to get over this.

It doesn't help that I get to play this anywhere; on my bed, in the kitchen, while watching movies, while reading notes. Sheesh.

So basically this is what happened in the last few days :

  • I managed to have Friends reruns till the 10th season. That's quite an achievement considering I have 4 more papers to go.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo is leaving Manchester United. For Real Madrid.
  • Cristiano Ronaldo hooked up with Paris Hilton. Wtf seriously. Wtf to the end.
  • Someone said there's a first case of the swine flu at our uni. A lecturer. And also one of senpai's labmate.
  • Managed to complete a report using Excel which is a miracle because I loathe Excel so much.
  • Spent a few hours just trying to figure CAD out, which was a waste of time since I know I won't be using it in the future.
  • Ordered a batch T-shirt after 5 years.
  • A parcel on the way.

No studying tonight.

I don't like online shopping anymore.
I don't want any more dresses.
I'm letting go of the hopes of keeping kittens.
Omg this is so weird.

Song : Just Dance by Lady Gaga

My bestfriend turned 22 last Monday. When I wished her I almost forgot that we're 22 years old already, that when it hit me I felt almost sad. I had this list I made before, on the things I wanted to do before I turn 20. Some came true(after some serious damage) but some are, sadly, not. Here's what's on the never-came-true list.

1) have a wild girls night out with the girls - I don't know why, but I thought before I get old enough that doing these crazy things would seem totally inappropriate, I wanted to feel how it feels to be a wild, crazy girl for just one night. Putting on a gorgeous dress, killer heels, makeups and everything - and have absolutely one night of pure fun. But sadly I never did. I figured before I go out looking like that my mum would kill me first.

2) join a karaoke competition - I've always loved singing. The thing I might not prefer to share with the people around me, but I like it as a pastime since I was young. And a few months ago I just started learning how to play guitar thanks to my sister, but up until now I don't think I have the courage to play in front of people. I've been posting my so-called 'singing' online (not using my real name, of course) just to see the feedbacks and so far it's been great :) I might not be the best musician or have breathtaking voice but this is definitely the one thing I enjoy doing. And good news - I received an offer to participate in an online karaoke competition, using demos and everything, from someone who saw my video! He has no idea how much the offer means to me. It absolutely made my day, though there's no way I'm going to join the competition. Even if it's online.

3) go to Paris - even if it's just for a few days. Godd the city is just awesome..I envy those of you who've been there :( Eiffel Tower, gorgeous line of branded shops, breathtaking views from the hotel room - what's not to love?

4) flirt with guys much older/younger - I have no idea why. But it's always fun to know which one of the two types has the hot for you. Though I agree it would cause some very serious damage, especially when you're in a serious relationship.

5) design my own dress - Everytime there's a function, or a wedding, I've always had this thought of making my own dress to wear that day - from the designing process, fabric picking, sewing and stuff. I think it would be so much fun having the choice to wear a dress that represents you, the real you, from head to toe. But everytime I would either have no time, or limited choice of shops to choose the stuff, or simply no money. -_- But maybe I can do this before I turn 25. Who knows.

6) have part-time job at stores - It's always fun to help people shopping. Once, when I was in Korea picking out brooches and things to buy for my family, there was this woman and suddenly she was asking my opinion on the things she's buying. If her daughter would like it or not, if the color is suitable for her skin, etc etc. And omg I had so much fun helping her! Bad for her, of course, because she kept picking up things she didn't need with me suggesting things - but it was a fun experience. Though I doubt I can ever get any job as sales assistant anywhere here in Japan.

There were some things that did come true, and I'm grateful for it - but for these things that didn't, I did feel bad about it, but looking at the plus side maybe it's not meant for me. Or maybe it's meant for me to do before I turn 25. Or 30. Who knows.

After all, these things did motivate me to work harder. And have more courage to be a different person once in a while. It's always worth it.

My sister sent me the Mother's Day celebration pictures. I can't help feeling so left out, not being there to celebrate it with them. And it kills me.

If there's one thing I know I won't trade in for anything, it'd be the love for my family.

When I was young I was accustomed to being the youngest, since my brother came when I was in Standard 2. Or 3, I can't remember. But the age difference didn't affect us in any way, in fact I was closer to my brother for a very long time. My parents had never laid a finger on us, be it my brother or my sisters, we're all treated just the same. Though I was a lot closer to my dad.

Being the Vice Principal of Student Affairs never affected him in teaching his own children; people would say he was dead scary at school but those would be inviting the rolling eyes from us because he had never showed it at home. He was an entirely different person, except when you really messed with him. He would lecture us with his studying advices, but never had I heard him shout or scream at us or his own students. Being a teacher he had a big influence on us especially back then. If you don't get good grades don't ask for anything, it's just the way it is. And I'm glad I was brought up that way, that I turned out to be the person I am now.

When I was in high school it was essential for me to call and hear their voice every day. Yes. Every. Single. Day. Form 1 was the year when for the first time my mum almost fainted looking at the phone bills every month (since I was using reverse-call phone) as I used to call every day; before classes, after classes, after prep, before dinner. If I missed one time, it would kill me to wait till I can hear their voice again. That's how homesick I was, and thankfully my parents didn't even complain instead they just understood my situation being so far away.

I was so spoiled, I know.

In KL I used to stay at my uncle's house, since it's near my school and my cousin was close to my age. For the first time I see how scary it is to have very strict parents; I was having trouble adjusting to it that I always cried to my mum, complaining why did they get treated that way. I felt that it was so inappropriate to educate a child using harsh tone, instead of tegur-ing them the lembut way.

And once, I met a girl, and God only knows how many times I felt like slapping her face. She was rude to her mum, even when on the phone she could go scream at her poor mother and accusing her things, the attitude I can't even bring myself to think a child could possibly do. Thank God I've never met her ever again after that, I don't think I can handle a person like that.

I don't think many of us realize how much our parents' existence meant to us. Even how far you go, how much older you've become, how long you didn't talk to your mum, how far you've drifted apart; once in a while a call to home is necessary, if not a must. When you feel like everything's wrong, call home. Call your parents. Sometimes a bit of their forgiveness can really mend everything. Sometimes that's all you need. Everytime I have exams, I'd call home and tell my mum and she would ask for my exam details(place, time etc) and on that day at the exact time I'm supposed to have my paper, even if she's at her office she would go to the praying room; praying and reciting Quran for me. She'd do that for every one of us, every day I have my papers, and even I myself can't do that for my ownself.

That's how much our parents love us, and if we can't appreciate it, I don't know how else God would be mad at us. Just remember that they're the only person on this earth that have our best interest at heart, embrace them and get their blessings, God willing your paths would be much better.

Because once they're gone, you don't know how much time and chance you've lost.

My new favorite guy :)

Her voice. So. Kakkoii.

So I had my first mid term paper today. It was okay. A lot harder than the previous subject he taught last sem but overall I think it was okay.
A friend gave me a good piece of mind."You should be flattered that they actually spend a lot of time paying attention about your life and talking about you"

I read someone's blog, and now thanks to her I think the right way to act is just to let it go. Don't waste your time entertaining them, it'd just put you on the same level. Let it go. Let God do His job. Be happy :)

I've reached this point where I just can't read my 物質移動論 notes anymore or I will scream.

This morning I woke up 2 hours before my class, anxiously started my day checking fb and emails as usual, took a bath, got ready for class and I was done 30 minutes earlier than I always do. Took the notes, read, stared at the monitor for a while and read again. Went to class, done at 12 noon and reached home at 1230 pm. And I didn't even log into ym kononnye nak have 100% concentration, and by 4 pm I was already nauseous.

Hormone changes sucks big time.

I feel horribly tired and upset without any apparent reason. And my first mid term paper is tomorrow morning. I have less than 11 hours. To stare at this papers again and again.

So I just had to blog. Even if it's for whining.

I thought I've overcome those silly feelings I always had back in first year here. But I haven't, apparently.

Shahrul called in the late evening and I don't know I just feel like a child needing her company to entertain her and make those feelings go away. I've never felt so relieved seeing his name flashing on my phone screen, I just felt better right away. Thank you :)

Sigh. In this long-distance (almost) relationship thing, whoever succeeded I salute you.

Hormone changes tak best langsung. Rantings done. Back to notes.

Song : Out From Under By Miss Britney Spears

I cannot believe I can only quote this lyric of hers.

But I still love the song, regardless.

This is totally random. This year SSP ade mascot for Hari Kecemerlangan SBP hahaha! I still cannot believe it, trying to erase the image from my brain. How ridiculous.

We are innocent, it's the newer generations' fault, put the blame on them ;)

Then thinking of it it's not their fault, now blame the committees.

I cannot study whyy.

I don't like the person I'm turning into.
And I don't like yours either.


my brain dump.