doing decor for office party

At the office, I'd like to think I'm a quiet person. I don't really talk unless it's really necessary, and so far after almost 4 years working, it's gotten me this far alive.

It's not that I don't like talking to people, but..I'm an introvert. (I've talked about it here.)

So as you've probably known, we had a massive restructuring last March - and there were a lot of changes within the company. It was not a good time for the organisation, and it was the first time I've ever gone through such drastic change in my working career - uncertainties were everywhere and people were depressed, agitated. I'm not allowed to say anything about this, though I think the public have known that much.

But all is good now; we're in good hands Alhamdulillah. My office remains, GM is leaving - as a result of the restructuring, she's appointed to head a different section within the company sobs.

And I was appointed as the person-in-charge for her farewell party's decor.

It all started when we had to do a thank-you page for our OPU CEO who was also leaving to serve a different section; being in an all-guys group left me doing the work all by myself. We had to submit one page per group. So I did this.

To me, I had to balance the scrapping I usually do with professionallism - to make sure it's not 'overly' done, and had just the right touch of 'suitable for work'. This was all I could come up with, using the scrap papers I usually use. We were given a blank brown paper as the base.

Upon submitting this, a few weeks later I found out I had to do the decor -_-

With limited budget, I assembled a Decor Committee (actually consists of a fellow colleague and moi) and gathered some decor stuff. Gold foiled balloons in letters, napkin papers, colored papers - and this was the outcome!

I wanted to print out pictures of our boss who was leaving and post them all over the wall, but figured the printing would mean unnecessary use of papers and decided not to. We had limited budget! *cries

Hence the simple Instagram-themed poster.

The simple setting.

For food, each group collected money and ordered one dish. Collected a bit more amount from the managers to fund the cake.

Requested each staff to write a simple speech on post-it notes of different colors and put them on the wall. It was a simple gesture but I think it meant a lot to the boss.

The backdrop. We printed out the letters, cut each of them and glued them to the hard colored papers. Used a string to hold them up. The flowers were made using the napkin papers, bought from Daiso. The guys were amazed when they found out we did the flowers ourselves lol.

It was so worth it! My GM loved it too XD Been a while since I last do such exciting task. Reminded me of high school days XD

Looking forward to many more of this in the future.

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my brain dump.