First day at The Smokehouse Hotel

Reached the hotel, finally!

I expected nothing less from the hotel since my colleagues were all "you know the developer for this hotel is the one who also did Majestic Hotel??" and after reading the rave reviews on the internet. Everyone basically has nothing bad to say about this hotel, is it even possible :O

But..I can see why now. The hotel decor was breathtaking. You know when you see something nice in pictures, and thinking it might not be as nice in real life? Well, certainly not the case for The Smokehouse Hotel.

Shall show you pictures soon.

What I did upon reaching and waiting to be checked in? Took a selfie in their wash room haha.

The receptionist was nice and we had a warm welcome - were served coffee and tea while waiting for our room.

Took some time to absorb..all these.

Finally got our keys, and were led to our room, which is located in another building right in front of the lobby called The Library. Found the name so mysterious..and cool.

Requested for a babycot for this one, who seems to prefer the hotel's cot rather than his own T.T

We took a deluxe room (not a suite which is way bigger, and I read that the suites came with its own fireplace :O) and it didn't feel like a small room at all! It comes with two sofa chairs, a coffee table, a spacious bathroom, TV and a dressing table.

After settling down, went out again for dinner.

Took some pictures in front of the lobby with this one who wouldn't stop moving T.T

So, so happy that I finally got a chance to stay here!


  1. Psstt.... Majestic Hotel has the same dev with Cameron Highland Resort.
    But this one from your review, a good plae for a short getaway!!! :D

    1. Hahahah Hi Anonymoussss XD
      Thank you for the correction. You'd know better of course XD Pergi book cepat!



my brain dump.