What I Wore Today

Just a thought that came to my mind today.

I've been terrible at keeping up with what I wear daily to work lately - usually, I'd remember what kind of "colors" I'd be that week; blue, black, white, orange or brown, nude, pink or..white. This helps (A LOT!) in sorting out my laundry and ironing; I would set aside the clothes I want to wear for the coming week and iron and that's it. 

But lately..my memory fails me. Can no longer keep track of these things. They should've warned me about this in the motherhood manual T.T

So I decided to do a regular What I Wore Today posts, just to keep the record in this blog of what I wear - and hopefully, my domestic tasks would improve from there. Thought of documenting what my wardrobe contains, but figured that would be too ambitious T.T

So here's my first post of WIWT.

I was wearing dUCkscarves bamboo cotton in Sapphire Ice, Mango white chiffon shirt and blue long pencil skirt from Zara. I find this shade of blue very sharp, so pairing it with white would save me from stares lol.

Considering how amateur this is, let's see how far this would go XD


  1. maybe you should improve on the photos quality. just my 2 cents.

    1. Hi Anon, I swear I'm trying! Using Canon Powershot S95 here and the pictures usually turn out nicer, so I guess it's the lighting. Will improve on this. Thank you for your comment :)



my brain dump.