Raya 2015

Aka Rayyan's first Raya!

We made a huge deal of his first baju melayu, to be in the color theme as his daddy - and to suit mine, too.

Sent the fabric to a tailor recommended by my colleague, Kimiga Tailoring, which is based in Sarah Hughes Globe, Jalan TAR. Will do a review soon.

So this was how the baju turned out.

Grumpy baby is grumpy lol. I was wearing bamboo cotton Buttermilk from dUCkscarves.

...which he wore for, like, 2 hours before we took it off because he was sweating like mad T.T


Nevertheless, it's the picture that counts.

I was wearing the Edie kurung from Samantha Sherina by Thian which I got back in February, when I was still pregnant. I still remember what the husband said,

"Are you sure you wanna buy now?"

aka "What if it doesn't fit?", I know.

Jokes in his face, I FIT THE BAJU!

Spent first and second Raya in Dungun, his hometown (because last year's Raya was my turn) where we visited his relatives in Kuala Terengganu. Considering my Terengganu dialect is still no better than before, I spent most of the time nodding and smiling. Having Rayyan around was a plus, too, because whenever things get awkward I could say "sorry I have to feed my son" and excuse myself from the crowd.

Yay for breastfeeding lol.

Rayyan was like this, most of the time.

 "What are we doing here, Mommy? Where is this?"

Second Raya, we were on our way from Dungun to Penang. Our first time for 10-hour journey with Rayyan on board, milestone unlocked.

Learned a few things from the journey. Traveling with 5-month old infant in a car for 400+ km, these were what we had prepared :

  1. His soft toys and Sophie, in case he got bored
  2. His milk
  3. Breast pump, in case Rayyan sleeps longer than usual in the car ride and I leak
  4. His change of clothes, 2-3 pieces
  5. Diapers, 4-5 pieces
  6. Diaper changing mat (proud to announce I'm a master at changing his diaper inside the car now)
  7. Wet wipes
  8. His muslin cloth, 1-2 piece
  9. Food and drinks for us

Despite all this, I was so relieved when we reached home you have no idea. Am foreseeing our next child will be in next good few years.

Visited Syena, the must-see person overtime I'm back in Penang, since 2009.

A complete Raya, for us.

It was definitely a memorable first Raya with Rayyan. Sometimes I still can't believe I have a kid now - one that seems to be the center of attention everywhere we go. I realized that I still have to adjust to that; having random people coming to you to see your baby, even though you hardly know them.

So my conclusion from this Raya? People are really smitten by babies.

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin to all of you reading this - may you have a wonderful one!



my brain dump.