This post is long overdue.

When I was younger, I experimented with a lot of different scarves - materials, shapes, sizes, colors and styles. That was one thing I'm thankful about, because the "hobby" kept me busy during my uni days and entertaining others, too. My Japanese labmates used to see me one day and go, "that's nice color you're wearing" when I wore a shocking pink scarf and on other day, "what fashion is this scarf, I'd like to buy" when I wore the once-famous tudung Siti lol.

Got a lot of "weird" comments on it as well. A nice makcik on a train in Fukuoka once commented,
"What is that thing on your head? Is it new in fashion?"


I think being in Japan and spending my uni days (aka experimenting fashion days) in Japan has its perks. They don't judge (well, not when it comes to religion, mostly) and I get to vary my scarves-styling a lot, without being stared at too much. 

My family was here in KL for the weekend.

It was coincidentally my little brother's graduation, too - so everyone was here, celebrating his day.

I didn't feel anything, at first. It wasn't until Shahrul asked me,
"So, what do you want for Mother's Day?"

..did I realize, I'm qualified for the celebration this year!

Currently on my wish list.

Went into the TB store at Pavilion last weekend, and the SA showed me this.

Over the previous few weeks, Rayyan has significantly grown into a bigger, evolved version of what came out of my uterus.

It's hard to catch up, sometimes. One day I look at him and thought he looked like me, one day it's Shahrul's face that I see.

But lately most people would look at him and say,
"This boy is a total mommy's boy..he totallyy looks like you!"

Which I think sometimes annoys Shahrul to no end. Haha.

A few days after giving birth, I got a "new baby" present - or rather, a congrats-on-pushing-out-a-human-being present from my aunt - a Le Pliage Longchamp.

It's in blue color, the only blue bag I have in my closet.

And then I remembered - I bought a Le Pliage once, during my trip to Japan, as a gift my mum. And instantly knew why I've forgotten all about it - because she hardly wears it ever since T.T

Currently, is this.

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair

Haven't you heard? It's a magic liquid.

So right before giving birth, (a few days before I think) we, the husband and I took a leap and splurged on the best mobile phone in the universe.

iPhone 6, duh.


iPhone device plays a huge role in our relationship - we both got ourselves iPhone 3g when it was launched in Japan after starting our degree there, when so many of our Japanese friends were still using the 'flip' phone. Japanese, so hard to change their culture. So noting that not many of our friends were using it, we relied on each other to know how to tweak the phone, the best apps, the functional use of the device - we mostly bonded that way.

So we've all read about him.

I don't wish to comment on his issues - apparently he has a LOT of issues, downloading and saving thousands of extremely disturbing porn-related images and videos about children.. not even sure how to comprehend this.

(Having a baby just makes it even more difficult.)

But.. rather than focusing on that, I wish Malaysians would focus more on what's happening here, in Malaysia.


my brain dump.