Bali #1 : our villa.

When we planned the trip initially, we couldn't make up our mind where to go.

"What about Japan? We could reminisce our days back in uni dating and all..going back to places we went together as kids.."
"Meh, Japan is boring.."

We decided to wait until we both are ready for the place and settled some of the wedding preparation. I told him I just don't know how to decide and would leave it to him, and we decided to make plans in March, a month before the wedding. He asked me for one criteria I would want for the honeymoon, so I told him as long the place has a private pool, I'm fine. Already imagining myself swimming in bikinis I never wore and nice pareo and all.

That was January.

A week later after that what happened?

"I've booked a place already in Bali, it has a private pool, we can get ready and pack!"


He said he wanted it to be a surprise, but he couldn't wait to tell me about the place. Then he went on and on about the website, the pool, the view etc. Pfftt.

We stayed at Bali Island Villa in Seminyak, and I think I want to have this place rented for the rest of my life so we could go there anytime we want.

 They actually change all the flowers in the villa with fresh flowers daily. I find it amazing.

 Fresh flowers in the bathroom. Sigh.

 Don't even get me started on the food.

The place has very good review on, so we were confident that it'd suit what we wanted.

How we ended up with Bali? I think we're quite lucky that we're a lot like-minded, so we both enjoy similar things - in Bali, we were not really into temples and all, so we focused a lot on nature and the villa. Only one day was spent for sight-seeing; and the rest was spent a lot in the villa and renting a vespa to look around Seminyak for halal restaurants and going to the beach nearby.

It was exactly how we wanted it to be.

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my brain dump.