Bukit Larut

You know when you hear your soon-to-be-married girlfriend getting pampered by her friends; taking her to high-end spas, getting manicure, pedicure, facials and mandi susu and all - you'd think that when it's your turn, you'd get one too.


Where they took me about a few weeks before getting hitched?

Bukit Larut. And definitely not in a glamorous way.

We went on a road trip to Taiping a few weekends ago to attend a colleague's wedding, so while we're there, they decided that we should go mountain hiking at Bukit Larut.

They were adamant about it that there was no way of talking them out of the whole thing, so I had to say yes. My ideal road trip would be sleeping in the car, lying on the hotel bed watching TV, going swimming at the hotel's swimming pool and getting pampered at sauna. As for them, I believe I heard they were talking about some "mountain hiking, water rafting, diving" and some words I'm terrified of.

Not sure why we're even friends.

But am so glad I went with them on the trip. Bukit Larut was amazing.

I rarely ever exercise so my stamina isn't so good, but now at this moment I'm so proud to say I've conquered one of the famous hills in Perak. We managed to go on hiking trails as soon as the sun is up, so we reached the hillside quite early and gave up going further up to the top.

"Next time we'll go further up to the top okay?"
"Dude, next time? This is the last time I'm going with you guys I swear"

If you're going to Bukit Larut, it is recommended that you go up the mountain by jeep (provided by the keepers) and hike during your way down. But since we're rebels, we decided to go hike during our way up using the hiking trails people rarely ever use.

After 20 minutes, we were so scared that we're lost. Haha. Thank God for an aunty and uncle who hiked past us, took one look at us, and said "don't worry, there's a tar road about 100 metres ahead, you can go down from there". They're as old as my grandparents though.

"Damn, I'm so ashamed being 20-something years old"


On our way back to KL, I was dead asleep in the car when they decided to stop by this place called Mee Udang Mak Jah (apparently famous in Taiping) and dragged me out of the car.

 I was not amused.

But this mee udang was worth all the frowns and sleep I lost during the stop. Recommended!

Regardless the sport stuff, I had fun with the girls. Am so glad we did it before the wedding, cause it saddens me somehow to think I won't be able to join them doing these things as much in the future. But thinking how I can just see them everyday at the office, the sadness just goes away LOL.

And I'm down with fever and sore throat the day after we were back in KL.

No surprise there.

(photos from Kak Yana's camera)

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my brain dump.