new makeup pouch.

One of the perks having your boyfriend back for good - weekend outings are never the same anymore, with him around.

(Though he has to commute Terengganu - KL now that he's staying with his family. Poor guy I told him he can have all the time he wants back home so that he doesn't have to commute so much cause he'll be in KL after he starts working lol)

So now, I have a plus one for weddings, a movie partner, a lunch/dinner partner, and of course, a personal shopping assistant.

Me : *sends him a shopping list, conveniently includes the compulsory ones along with heels*
Him : What on earth do you need new heels for?

Me : Oh this is nice (picks up a glasses frame) do you like it?
Him : No.

Me : Let's drop by Ampang Park, they have nice baju kurung and kaftans. I need a purple one for Hana's wedding.
Him : I thought you already have one in purple?

There's no winning with this guy.

But the one thing he lets me have - a new pouch for my makeup pouch!

The current state of my makeup pouch. I've used this since 2009, I think.

I was holding on to it cause it was my first Betseyville and I got it from an outlet in Fukuoka, Japan during one of my trips visiting the boyfriend there. Can still remember the store we went to and how happy I was when we found the Betseyville stuff - it's quite difficult to find the range in Japan, so I was ecstatic to get my hands on it.

After years, it was of a sentimental value to me, I've been carrying it around in my bag for as long as I can remember. Even if I was looking for a substitute when the zipper stuck, nothing could replace it my heart (and bag), I thought.

Until I found a Tokidoki pouch at Isetan, KLCC.

Still not over my Tokidoki phase, apparently. Thank God this one was discounted for so much less than its original price.


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my brain dump.