he is awesome because

...he bought me books to study.

I mean, really, who else does that?? Haha.

OK fine, I asked for it.

I got a parcel from Japan yesterday, and it threw me to the moon. A few weeks ago I asked Shahrul about SD cards price there, since I refused to buy a new one for my phone (having SD card-oriented phones is still a foreign concept to me) and he told me there's a 800+ yen 16 GB SD card on Amazon Japan.

That's like, RM30.

And when I went to the store here to check out the price, an 8GB SD card would cost RM128 (approximately).

That's a freaking 100 bucks difference!! Freaking unbelievable.

Once, I went to the store to buy my Canon printer's ink, and what would cost me around 20 bucks in Japan, is actually over 120 bucks here. I almost got a heart attack!! Complained to Mum, and she said "well maybe that's where Canon factories come from hence cheaper" pfft doesn't help at all.

So of course, I resorted to asking him to buy me the 16 GB SD card and send to me. Even after shipping cost (around 30 bucks) I can get it cheaper.

As for the books, I've been thinking of taking a Japanese proficiency test for a while, so he sent me the books to study for the exam as recommended by our sensei. Am so touched. Managed to read till fifth page, loving the book already! It's easy to understand and also got English translation.

Study mode ON.

And to top it all off, there's a hard disk containing all my favorite movies and drama - Modern Family, Prison Break, The Hangover, some japanese movies and drama, Con Air, Die Hard, etc - because I've complained about how slow streamyx is here. Must've taken him days to download those 250 GB worth of files..well, at least he saved that streamyx guy from getting an earload of complaints.

To you, thank you for the parcel!! :)) Will send you the condensed milk and Maggi parcel after this okay?


  1. atil, u still use my old url.. its loversroute.blogspot.com now ;)


  2. whoops sorry neesa!! been meaning to change it -__-

    URL changed :))



my brain dump.