thai food & present.

My life is pretty much a blur these days.

He's here, and he's been so great helping me sorting out important stuffs to do - I can't possibly get everything done by now if it wasn't for him. Though there are a LOT more things to do after this, I'm glad I've had some things crossed off my list!

Went to the city to celebrate, but it was raining. Seriously..can things just go my way, for this point, I was just too tired to think of anything, so we were just kind of soaking up the air, walking in the city. It was good.

Had Thai food for dinner.

 Tom Yam Kung

 Shrimp in chilli paste. Crazy delicious.

I've always loved Thai food, so it was nice to have this as our last dinner in the city.

 Seriously, I look like a mess these days. That's what packing 4-year worth of stuffs does to you.

And the highlight of the day is when he gave me the world's greatest present :

Earlier last year I found the dVb jeans in this mall in Hiroshima, prices ranging from 30,000 yen - 50,000 yen. And of course, I was heartbroken. After that I never saw the jeans again - the store moved, I guess it's God's way of telling me not to spend good money on jeans. THERE'S NO WAY I'M GONNA SPEND THAT AMOUNT OF MONEY ON A PAIR OF JEANS.

Bags, maybe.

He got this pair on sale, so it's crazy cheap compared to the original price. AND I'M A HAPPY HAPPY GIRL :) Thank youuuuuu!!!

Now, I can finally sleep in peace.



my brain dump.