finally finally finally.

My uni days are over.

Submitted my thesis today, and while packing my bag to go home in the evening, I swear I smiled a bit. Had to keep my feet from jumping up and down, though, so a smile is all I could afford to do.


I wish I had taken a picture of the whole book, but then I thought I'd spare you the over-excitement.

To tell you the truth, these past weeks had been hell for me. I'm not kidding. I never thought the stress of getting the work done could overtook me that far; considering how many years it's been since I was the Miss Perfectionist (back in high school). The pressure was unbearable; I came home everyday with the phone at my ear crying my eyeballs out to him. He was worried, I could tell, hence the care package.

I've never had anyone pointed out my mistakes so blatantly hurtful - that sound of 'you're not good enough' was haunting me day and night to the point that I was so scared to be called to my lecturer's office. Lecturers are to be respected, I knew that, but I could feel day by day he was draining my positive-ism (excuse the non-existent of the word) with his every condescending critic of my work.

I don't know if that's how the Japanese work - but there's gotta be better ways to educate students. Not patronizing them into doing something just because 'you want', and put them under a lot of pressure for something they're not supposed to do. Because there's such thing as humanity, I believe.

If there's one thing I've learned throughout the whole process, it's in whatever situation, trust your instinct and don't just agree with what others say. If you believe what you're doing is right, follow your heart. You have to stand up for yourself especially when it involves with dealing with other people cause no one's gonna do it for you, you have to do it for yourself. Learn to speak up even if it's once in a while, because trust me, it makes all the difference.

Having said that, I'm glad I'm done. I'm not missing the work, though, I'm missing the other people I've worked with, my labmates.

And this video practically sums up what I'm feeling right now :


The girls (Fiqah, Jua, Pekah & Hani. You can tell who were the stars of the video HAHA) and I, having the night of our lives at Universal Studios Japan, Osaka back in 2010. The ones who never fail to make me laugh in an instant. I MISS YOU GUYS!! :((

Now excuse me while I eat my fried chicken with a fork and hot tea :)


  1. Congrats baby sister!

    Those days are finally over.
    So start packin n make the rest of ur days in japan a memorable one:)

    Just take things easy k. Coz packin home also wont promise a fun excitin work to do. I had to crack my head out thinkin n sortin my stuff before.

    So welcome back! Alya sure cant wait to see ya!

    xoxo <3

    p/s: im thinkin of buyin the kain for baju raya for the whole family this year. Should we go buy next month when im home? Then can send for tailor once we decide wat style of the year shud be.
    So no more last min baju watsoever in Aug :)


  2. aww kak unaa thank youu!! :D yea i hope i wont go crazy in packing my things..too much junk :(

    cant wait to see baby Alyaaaa :D :D

    yayyy lets lets! tulah dont want anymore last min baju raya isk isk. im free for the whole april, work starts 3rd of may. make sure you come home k, miss you <3



my brain dump.