winter wee.

It's winter, officially :) Today marks the second week into December which means snow can come anytime soon.

I wasn't exactly a big fan of winter and cold (don't do much good when you have asthma and you have to cycle to campus back and forth and end up hyperventilating on your doorstep, every day). But so far the strong wind and freezing cold temperature haven't done any damage to my lungs, so that's good.

Super duper happy when I realize I have a GOOD, SENSIBLE, CONCRETE reason to get new boots! (cycling and walking on a metres thick of icy cold snow require skills and good boots, people)

The picture doesn't do it much justice..I know. It's all about practical. (just some tips I picked up from magazines - buy leather boots and not suede cause suede bounds to be impractical in rain and snow. Suede and rain just don't mix!)

This is going to be my last winter in Japan so if I vent about the snow, feel free to smack me. My snowboarding plan is still on hold; I'm not sure if I want to go and break my legs and befriend walking stick for a month..but we'll see. 

Winter highlights (in my head anyway) :

Winter boots! (done)


Snow & Snowman

Winter parks (if we have the time..mid term presentation is on Christmas Eve which is a big fat no fun for me)

And best of all, having hot coffee at Starbucks.

Am looking forward to the first day of snow, despite having to wear three to four layers to campus EVERY DAY and I hate long johns! They make me look three times wider pfft.

Last but not least, Salam Maal Hijrah everyone :) Please, God, make me graduate this year..I can't take this whole FYP migraines anymore. And please make me a better person so that I can look at myself a year before and say I'm proud of myself. And please give me strength to go through my last days in Japan and go back to Malaysia as a better daughter my Mum deserves.

Also, a better servant and worshipper of You :) Amin.



my brain dump.