spice up your style.

I realized I have no time to blog anymore nowadays; keeping up with my fellow labmates and stupid project design are honestly, not easy.

I really wonder how others do it. Some tips, please.

Especially at this time of the month, I feel like crap all the time. What is it with girls and this whole PMS thing?!

Anyway, I was doing my daily routine of senseless googling and browsing when I stumbled upon this fashionista's lookbook page, A.K.F. It's so hard for me to find a hijabi whose style I like; because let's face it we have a lot to consider in the matter of dressing up, so it's definitely not easy to put two and two together.

But I love love love this girl!

Black blazer+black jeans+long shirt+heels=femininity. Is that a word?

Jeans+basic shirt+ruffled cardigan+Chanel bag+gladiator sandal=chic
Am loving the whole black-white theme.

Long cardigan+black waist belt+skinny jeans+black patent heels=elegance

I just love the whole simplicity but elegant, effortlessly chic vibe going on. Not everyone can pull it; and the way she wears her hijab reminded me of Seri of Coffee-Mate.

Take a look at her lookbook.nu page to see more of her inspiring style :) I especially love this a lot:

(source : lookbook.nu)


  1. just droppin by to say..please update more!!! =D

  2. hey ss, thanks for the comment!! been busy..will try to update more :)



my brain dump.