So I changed the blog's design. Again.

Oh well. (Can never make up my mind on this - I might change again soon. But so far I think this design is the cleanest than previous ones.)

 Finally finished this book by my favourite author - Virginia Woolf.

I won't lie, when I first started on the book I forgot that this woman has her own witty way of writing (other than her sometimes taking 3 pages for a paragraph). And this book is the proof.

 Today was a special day for Rafiy. He had his first school concert at his youchien (Japanese kindergarten), so I asked husband to work from home today so I could go alone - without bringing baby girl along. The last time I went to an event at his youchien with baby girl I ended up spending the day running after her and consoling her from her crying and screaming😒

 So I'm back on the blogosphere again.

In case you didn't know, I recently as in 4 months ago quit my job and migrated to Japan; the land of my dreams. Life has been magical since then, and being back in Japan, I couldn't help reminiscing back the old days of uni life I spent in Hiroshima more than 10 years ago.


my brain dump.