Guess what lil bro decided to give loan me?

Mum bought him the PS Vita when we were in Japan last March, and since the price comparison between Malaysia and Japan for PS Vita is so big (it's almost 1000+ bucks here, and in Japan? Less than 20,000 yen. You do the math!) she decided to buy it for lil bro as a "present" because he's been getting good results in uni.

You see? The generation gap pfftt. 

So lil bro is finishing his semester break soon, and he refused to bring back the PS Vita to his campus (so paranoid someone might stole it) so he negotiated a deal with me -

"You bring this thing back to KL, and keep it safely, and you get to play the games till you come back home"
"What's the money in it for me? I don't even like games. I don't even play"
"I can teach you"

Someone has GOT to teach him how to So thinking I'd do him a favor, and since it doesn't cost me anything, I agreed.

It's quite funny, really because seriously I don't even play games! iPhone games are an exception; and the only game I've ever installed in my PC was Bejeweled and nothing else. So it's a given that I don't really pay much attention to this fella ever since I brought it back to KL, I'm pretty sure it misses its owner already.

But so far the games in it is pretty awesome (played for like, 2 hours). Though he claimed he could finish all the stages in just a month; and I give up after 3 days. Baby steps, Atil.

Got the inspiration from who else, the MuradOsmann guy himself. (in case you've been living under the rock this year)

In creative photography scene, he is da' bomb, thanks to Instagram.

(and can you see how HOT HIS GF IS?!)

Nevertheless, just wanted to see how the pictures would turn out using my ordinary iPhone 4S.

Tokyo Disneyland.

 Tokyo Disneyland #2.

 Kamata road, our last night stroll in Japan.

 Kamata road #2, outside the creepy nightclubs we didn't realize were there.

 Haneda airport before our flight back to Malaysia.

Safe to say that our attempts failed because we don't have a SLR and Photoshop. And because I kept wearing the same leather jacket pfftt.

Regardless, taking those photos was fun. And him willing to take those photos with me eventhough it was embarrassing was kind of fun, too.

My favorite episode.

But I won't lie, her hair looks horrible. Feel like asking her to go to the salon and get some conditioner or something.

After months, I finally got a chance to give a proper home to my stuff.

And when I say stuff, I mean my books and bags.

I realized once I moved in the apartment renting with the girls, it would certainly not be economical to spend lavishly on furnitures because one, I'm definitely staying for a short while before I get my own house and two, more furnitures means more things (i.e. burden) to bring when I'm moving out. So I tried to stay away from unnecessary furnitures (darn those bean bags, making me lust for them -___-") and stick to just a bed, closet, table and some drawers for makeups.

So for books, I just arranged them on the (clean) floor nicely beside my bed.

But, oh man..seeing my bags dumped together with my other clothes in the rack makes me sad. I tried putting them in the baggage bag but that means leaving them in the store room all by themselves; and that doesn't make me happy. Yeah, girls are psychotic like that.

So today somehow I finally got the courage to get a home for them. But mostly because he promised me he will help me move out by bringing those stuff and furnitures (I think plus some men he'll beg to help him).

So happy now that my books and bags are in their proper new home! (Though you can't see the books, but I swear they're in there at the other side of the cabinet)

And a home to the "other" accessories too.

Such a wonderful feeling to see things are not so scattered around anymore. Nevermind, I'll just ask my tough guy to help me move these stuff later when I'm finally moving out.

He's offered anyway.

You know how I've loved giving him scrapbooks on special occasions?

Well, I discovered that regular cards are not so bad, too.

Or maybe it's just becoming too predictable..

So he's been so busy lately planning to come back home for good - you have no idea how many things needed to get done! Reminded me of those last few months back in 2011 when I was about to graduate. Looking for jobs, settling gas and electric and whatnots, etc - except that now he has so many other things to consider now that he's been a resident there for 2 years.

So I sent him a card to remind him of those other important things to remember about life, too in the midst of all that.

And he announced all over Twitter I have bad handwriting..pfftt.

"You think I have bad handwriting?!"
"It's called a friendly banter"

Been busy these past few weeks, but managed to squeeze some happy time with old friends who are getting married!

Seriously, May and June are the busiest month. People are getting horny right at the middle of the year lol.

Nevertheless, so happy for the batchmates who finally tied the knots. Not so happy when I was bombarded with "when your turn??" -____-"

AAJ batch 24! Haven't seen half of them for years. Sigh.
Wore Saraya Zahret's black skirt with a blouse. Paid the Bangi store a visit; they have some nice collections but too big for me :( Thank God they have XS for the skirt.

I'm not really a skirt person, but this one just so flowy to no end! 

Was so nice seeing them again after so many years. Can't believe some of them are married and having kids now! 

And I've finally found a good tailor to make kurungs :) More tailored kurungs in the future yay.

Finally managed to finish reading this book I bought months ago.

The first book that cost me 8 bucks!

Granted, I'm not into football as much as other girls who have massive collection of Manchester United - but I'm pretty much exposed to it once I started getting into a relationship with a massive fan ManU-cannot-lose-I'd-cry kind of guy. (just kidding, he won't and he'd never cry.)

But David Beckham will always hold a special place in our hearts, right girls?

Reading this book; heck even buying it is not a clever way to spend your bucks cause I've already read Victoria Beckham's Learning To Fly some years ago (boy, was it so long ago?!) and basically there's nothing new in this book that I haven't heard/read. The only thing that makes it worthwhile is getting to know how his life was before he gets into football, but he starts training as a professional when he was as young as 10 years old, so there's not much before that except his dad trained him and wanted him to become who he is now.

Reminded me so much of the boyfriend who never fails to tell me and fill me in with everything football - up to the point that I think he's the walking Manchester United dictionary. He's the kind of guy who'd lose sleep over football match even if it means he'd be super sleepy at work, the kind of guy who reads everything football - on the internet, books, e-books - everything, the kind of guy who'd be the first to buy tickets to a football match if any is near to his place, the kind of guy who never fail to buy his gf some Manchester United stuff when he notices something he likes. When I showed him this book, he went "mehhh the book can tell you nothing" so yeah, can't argue with that -____-"

If people are allowed to have heroes, I'd say David Beckham is a fine role model but my true hero would always be him. I will never understand his obsession with Manchester United and football; his jersey collection says it all but it's a part of him that makes me respect the depth of his knowledge and passion. Even if he's not impressed at all with me finishing this book, pfftt.

But it's David Beckham! My 8 bucks well spent.

Have always been her fan; it's a given I'd be ecstatic when I found out about this show.

Granted, it's not a fantastic comedy - we all know she has a different sense of humor - but it lives up to its name!

And the fact that she always wears nice top and accessories is a big plus.

This is what I did yesterday.

I recalled this one time, browsing random videos on Youtube and I happened to stumble across a video on a girl teaching how to put on a scarf.

That alone, wasn't weird. I swear there are so many videos on tutorials in recent years! But the one thing that caught my eye is, the title.

"How To Wear Sexy Hijab"

I remembered frowning, and mouth open. I was confused. What is the purpose and what on earth is this girl thinking??

Regardless, I think the video is actually poking fun on the subject (I think, because I didn't exactly watch the entire video) but really, it got me thinking.

For one thing, I'm glad I stumbled across the video as an adult. So it's a given I'd find the video rather hilarious and ridiculous and all other things similar. But imagine if a naive young girl trying to learn more on the subject, and stumbled across the video? And what kind of ideas would she have gotten, from the video and the entity of it all?

I won't elaborate or comment much on the hijabista/hijabster/whatever you want to call it nowadays, because I understand the sensitivity of the topic. I understand, a girl has this desire and need to be acknowledged and to be "in the trend". I understand, a girl has this overwhelming passion that whenever she sees something interesting, she'd want to be a part of it too.

I understand it all.

I was in that phase before; once I realized "whoaa there are so many ways we can wear the scarves!" and I started experimenting - some of which failed horribly, some of which stuck. Yeah, when I look back at those photos when I had this tudung Siti phase - who could forget?! - I'd be red with embarrassment. Granted, I was naive and young, I wanted to find that one thing that could suit me and stick.

I didn't regret going through that phase, because for me, it was necessary for me to be comfortable in my skin. I wanted something different and something I would find myself being loyal to.

And I'm glad that I could say I found it now.

I don't find myself still searching anymore, which is a good thing as an adult. The moment I realized I'm comfortable with the way I wear the scarf now, it was an overwhelming feeling because all girls know this one subject has always been our personal struggle - to wear or not, to be fully covered or not, what kind of scarves I'm going to stick to wear, etc. 

It's like a personality struggle, because once we decided to dedicate to wearing scarf, it's a part of our personality. I think that's why it becomes such a heated topic - majority of us cares about people perceive of us.

To be honest, I still feel like I'm in this journey - only that it's been easier than before. I think it's true; when you want to learn something, give yourself time and space - each of our journeys are different, and you definitely can't compare yourself with others.

Looking at the current trend, I'd just pray that someday, we'll all find the one thing we'd stick to and comfortable with. It was a phase I had to go through - and I'm glad I did - so I hope other people would find it someday too. There's nothing wrong with experimenting; yes, but make sure you do something with honesty and dignity (without making a fool of ourselves - now THIS is tricky) and make sure you have fun with it too! Islam doesn't preach this thing to be such a hassle.

One of the perks having to go to KL for meetings are, you have easy access to all things in your must-have list.

For instance, I've been paying Anya Hindmarch too many visits now the salesgirls even recognize my voice.

"Oh, your voice is getting better than the last time you were here. Sore throat went away already?"

I mean really.

So I was invited to their private sale in KLCC last weekend, which they'd usually have whenever they're about to launch the new collection or when the new season is kicking in. And the best thing about a private sale - you get to have the bags at much cheaper price! 

Get to bring plus 1 so I dragged Jua and Fiqah there. Things you'd do for sale..

Kudos to the AH' staff for being so cool with my plus 2, and to Jua and Fiqah for spending those 2 hours in the store. I knew I needed someone with me when I have to make big life choices, really.

As soon as we reached there, we were greeted with guestbook and appetizers. AH even got their own custom made chocolate for the guests, which quickly became our staple. Crazy good!

Moving on to the bags.

Having always been on the lookout for a good practical leather bag, I knew I'd love AH bags. And you won't believe how much difference those 50% off during the private sale makes! If there were a budget in my list for a black leather bag, I'd get one already. Sobs.

But since I've been saving for this one thing in my list called clutch, I had to settle with this the moment I saw it.

 The understated bow.

They have the famous glitter ones too, but I wanted a practical clutch which I can use for both casual and formal occasion. They also have this Gracie bag if you want this snake skin clutch with a shoulder strap, which I fell in love in an instant but knowing there's no way I'd wear this shoulder strap bag to any occasion..

They mentioned that there will be another private sale sometime in June (to launch the new collection) so there will be another 30% - 50% off! If you're a fan, start saving and go get yourself a bargain. Didn't get to take any pictures of the bags there cause they won't allow it for the sake of the private sale, so I had to remember the bags by heart.

Lost the previous one. And I hardly buy magazines now, so I'm keeping this one for future reference.

Next one in the list. Have always wanted the customized initials at the leather strap and I swear this bag looks so much nicer in person.

Am a happy girl now. But don't be surprise if you found me with bread and butter for the next few months.


my brain dump.