If there's one website in French and I don't mind not understanding one word of it, it's this website.

And if there's one thing in the world I really really really want to do, but I can't, it's buying hugeloads of headbands.

(source : misspandora.fr, one of the models who's also a fashion blogger and French too. I don't get a word in her website, but I can't tear my eyes from looking at her pictures)

It's this French headband line called Tand3m, and apparently everything in their website is drop dead gorgeous I could cry.

I vowed to myself not to ever wear headband on top of my scarf as I tend to cringe whenever I see people do so, thus buying AzuraAzwa isn't justified in my universe. But this Tand3m makes me re-evaluating my own principle.

God, give me strength.

Reminded me of AzuraAzwa so much.

Nevermind, my husband would be so lucky cause when I buy all the headbands he'll be the only one who could see me wear them.

Or maybe I could change my philosophy. One day.

Just some pictures from my ex-schoolmate, Odah's wedding.

Yes, I actually remembered to take some pictures this time!

Zaza, Mimi, Difad

Ok fine, they're all Instagram pictures. I forgot to bring my Powershot.

The girl who just came back from Leeds!

OMG, do you know that weird feeling when you see all your friends suddenly (not only MARRIED) and pregnant?! I'm still having a hard time adjusting, and there comes this girl with her showing tummy. Sighs.

God, please let it be easier for my friends to see me when my time comes. They're all like, "you're way too small" pfft.

Congrats Dekmie :))

With the bride and groom.

Us! 12 years and still counting.

Don't you guys feel weird when your friends are soon all married?

As one of the (few) attempts to go out and try to chill without ever thinking about the thick files at the office, I went to my cousin's first birthday party at Al-Rawsha restaurant in Kg Pandan last weekend.

It was a private and kind of family-only party so my uncle rented a medium VIP room located upstairs, as opposed to the very loud, crowded scene downstairs in the restaurant. And to be honest, I was glad. Eating and having a family party while others are watching (and the thick lamb smell with the kebab smell. Actually, I don't mind the kebab smell) isn't exactly fun, and the best part of it, we get to have makan-dalam-dulang kinda theme!

 Cupcakes and cakes overload.

OMG, it was probably the biggest eat-it-all feast I've ever had. There was so much food!! Apart from the birthday cake, we had a cake for Father's Day, a cake for Mother's Day, and cupcakes for the kids. Thank God my uncle invited some close friends of his too, so we just kinda dig into whatever's on the sheet.

And if my friends asked, "why did you gain weight when you have bigger workload??", I would show them this picture. THISS.

Maybe I should just stay home and never go out anymore.

But anyway, the verdict - I'm glad they chose the restaurant. The waiters are nice and helpful, they gave us extra boxes and plastic bags to tapau the leftover - God bless them, we couldn't possibly finish it all - and even waited at the door in case we needed anything. Super helpful. And the food - there were nasi Arab (I think? It's definitely not nasi Mandy or beryani as what the Middle Eastern restaurants are famous for, so I figured I might as well call it nasi Arab.) There were salad, tomato/chilli sauce, some desserts made of yogurt which I didn't have cause the look was revolting, and also grilled chicken and lamb to be eaten with the rice. YUM.

And me, holding the worst blogger ever title, of late - forgot to take the interior of the restaurant. (smacking self) It was beautiful; you can definitely feel the Middle Eastern-ish atmosphere in there with all the big vases and costumes and they even have a store selling all jubahs and abaya Arabian women love to wear. Of course, I went inside to peek at the price tag - the cheapest is RM250+. There, I'm sure I made it up for not taking pictures here, aren't I?

(though I'm not sure they're the nicest abaya/jubah you can find, cause I think I've seen nicer. Shuush.)

However, I managed to snap a picture of my aunt who is obsessed with everything Middle Eastern (they lived in Qatar for a few years) and she wore an abaya bought there to the party! Should've worn one if anyone had told me the theme sheesh.

Apparently I'm also the worst blog-photographer ever.

Their details :

Al-Rawsha Restaurant,
No 8, Jalan Kampung Pandan,
55100 KL.

....when it comes to picking out an eyeliner.

The brand that I've been using for years, Revlon; never really disappoint me compared to other brands that I've tried - NYX, KATE, Maybelline, etc. I believe in no-smudge long lasting stick eyeliners cause 1) I own a Revlon liquid eyeliner but applying it on my eyelids has proved to be a practice I continuously fail at 2) Expensive eyeliners, trust me, are just the same as the current Revlon I've been using 3) pencil eyeliners tend to give me major smudges, and since I wear contacts, smudge is my eye's biggest enemy.

But the one thing that really pisses me off about it - you can never tell it's finished until it's really finished. I mean, I was getting dressed to work this morning when I realized I have no more left on the stick!! And if you know me, going out of the house without applying eyeliner is like a taboo. I can do without face powder, I can do without lipstick (as long as I have LipIce), I can do without foundation.

But definitely not without this.

So I had to dig my makeup bag to find whatever's left - and I found a Maybelline New York's Master Liner. It works surprisingly well today - but considering I've spent most of the day in the aircond, second judgement is needed.

And of course, got out of office just in time to avoid traffic today and too tired to drop by Guardian/Watson, so I just have to make do for now.

One of the things that makes me think girls really do deserve free bags, sometimes. For all the hassle that we went through.

Spent some time exploring SoundCloud, and stumbled upon this.

I've had a major crush on him after I watched No Strings Attached, but got over it after the scandal broke out.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is too sweet not to share.

Lol Shahrul is going to kill me.

It would definitely be her.

Bella Heathcote, or Josette DePres/Victoria Winters in Dark Shadow. (but I like her as Victoria Winters more)

Outfit love #1 (lace jacket) MAJOR LOVE.

Outfit love #2 (silk blue dress with big bow)

Outfit love #3 (winter cape coat)

I love all the Victorian clothes she wore, which of course make sense since the story is originated from an old soap opera back in 1960s. Tim Burton did a splendid job in the choice of main roles; Johnny Depp is no doubt the perfect person to potray Barnabas Collins, and throughout the movie you'd see how he kept his plot signature (and choice of actors - Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, etc) going. And the pretty Bella Heathcote.

She kinda reminded me of Rory Gilmore sometimes. And The Corpse Bride, don't you think? But she definitely fits the actress profile in most of Burton's movies, so I won't be surprised if we saw her in the next Burton's movie. Kinda like a female lead version of Johnny Depp to Tim Burton. (Only prettier.)

I don't know why most of the people I know didn't like this movie, cause I like it a lot. (probably because of Bella, but I don't think I was that serious about the girl crush) The soundtrack is nice too! Cool retro songs - I swear me and my housemate burst laughing once we heard one of the songs haha.
Having said that, if you're a fan of the 1960s series, you might want to cool off the expectation first. And if you're not a gothic movie fan.

Having watched The Avengers for the second time, I think I ought to at least do a fair review.

The first time.

And yesterday, my housemate and I decided to go and watch it for the second time. We wondered at first if we shouldn't, but quoting my friend, "it gets better when you watch it the second time" - so we gave it a try.

It was awesome!

Well, of course, considering most of you have watched it anyway. But trust me, second time is a must!

On to the favorites list, I'd say Hulk and Iron Man really get the high scores (even from the critics). I didn't expect much from Captain America as I snoozed off during the first half of Captain America : The First Avenger movie (too much gloss, I think) so I was looking forward to seeing the other characters I haven't seen yet (Hawk Eye and Black Widow).

Hulk was a brilliant transformation from 2003 to 2008 to 2012, I must say. I love how they make him with humor this time, other than smashing things around; the thing he's good at. And it works cause the audience loved him! I watched the first time in premiere class so it was less noisy, more reserved-ish kinda reaction from the audience, but the second time in regular seats, people were cheering. I don't think I ever had that experience here in Malaysia, so that's a good signal.

Iron Man, as usual, didn't disappoint at all. Having enjoyed his previous two movies, I knew I'd love the 2012 version too. (Shahrul would rolled his eyes on this one, I'm sure.) And Loki kinda grew on me, this time...

Definitely worth the two visits.

What I wore yesterday. Favorite bracelet and favorite top.

Congratulations best friend! Now that I finally get to sit in front of my laptop and get around with blogging (not so much lately, I know. Sobs.) I thought I'd gather some force in my shoulder's or arm joint to post this.

Yes, I was the bridesmaid. The bride texted me early in the morning of the wedding day to ask cause she didn't plan to have one - so yours truly had to jump in. I feel so special. Haha.

But it went smooth, Alhamdulillah :) I have zero clue on what to do (my second sister was the bridesmaid when my eldest sister got married last few years) and I've comfortably been in the back seat on events like these, all these while. Wasn't even sure if I held the yellow umbrella right.

Nevertheless, it's the thought that counts!

 See, I love her too much.

Looking at this photo, I think I had the same grin like when my sister got married.

To you both, I wish you a lifetime of happiness. And thank you for everything!! For making me part of your special day, too. *wipes tears*

After the wedding, some of the girls who came decided to meet up that night for some Penang treat.

Yeah, we had to entertain them cause apparently we're the tuan rumah. So Syena, as the leader of the Penang clan took us to Gurney Drive which famous for the super authentic Penang food.

 (source : Google)

Even I have never been there. And I've got free lecture from her that night.



But the food there were superb. I've never seen so many pasembor and sotong kering and char koay teow stalls all at one place. Apparently it's a must-go place in Penang, so I can't help but feel a bit ashamed for not knowing about the existence of the place.

 The newlyweds :) Me so jealous.

It was great, hanging out with this crowd till midnight just chatting and catching up with gossips while chomping off pasembor. It's definitely not my scene to be out till late, but this time, it feels like a breath of fresh air. 

Even Mum who would always check in whenever I was out, didn't call or text me at all. I was getting worried, so I asked her.

"Because I know you're with Syena. And both of you together can scare those burglars away."

Whatever that means.

"But don't expect this to be a routine in the future."

Sheeshh I so can't wait to get married.

(picture credits to Fatang)

I was arranging my accessories table and I just realized, it's been a long while since I last add anything to the collection.

I mean, it's not like I have a massive one, but I think I've worn them one too many times I even unconsciously separated the most frequent one from the others.

The frequent group : light blue, red, black, white/cream. They were stashed in a basket I put my makeup and skincare I use daily just so it'd be easier to pick them up or remind me that they were there.

Then, I subconsciously opened Rakuten.

Wow, it's been too long.

Then I realized, House of Harlow got new collections!

Fall 2011 collection :

Chevron ring

Vertical Evil Eye ring

Etched Mohawk bangle

Spring 2012 :

Triangle cuff

Spike bangle set

Pyramid pendant necklace

(source here)

To be honest, I was quite disappointed. The first HOH line was so successful that you see people, even celebrities donning the accessories from the line EVERYWHERE - that you can't help but get one too, but the newest line is to me, too aggressive to be true. Nicole Richie did say that the line would get bolder, but as much as the word bolder goes, I'm not really a spiky kinda girl. At least for the previous collection, she did use spikes in some pieces but it was subtle and you can still have the feminine feel. You can see the Fall 2011 focus more on triangular shapes and evil eye - which are the two things I'd steer clear of for so many reasons.

On the other hand, she's focusing more on bags and shoes now! As you can never go wrong with hobo bags and platforms, I'm in love with everything in the collection.

But as for the jewellery line, the previous collection still wins.

I'd buy everything in this picture.

P/S : you can get the pieces way cheaper at Rakuten than some online stores in Malaysia. Massive difference - 170 bucks and 300 bucks. That's like, almost half already.


my brain dump.