(Source : Victoria Beckham's Twitter)

Saw this on her page, and I've just learned how lust feels like. This one is probably the one pair Lady Gaga would end up wearing in one of her shows that I actually love, so that speaks a lot.

And currently my feet are lusting over this.

I've been meaning to write about this, but the reason of the delay is simple : I still can't get over just how adorable they are.

You know, like kittens. You just want to hold them and pinch them and stare at them and look at their details FOR A LONG, LONG WHILE.

Except that this is not a kitten. It's a dress.

This is Victoria's new line, called Victoria by Victoria Beckham. (You know, like Marc by Marc Jacobs) She's quoted as saying that this is the new affordable line targeted for women of all sizes, with low prices starting at £375 ($593) to £995 ($1,575). Well, that's called Beckham-ish low.

Inspired by indie comic Emily the Strange, the range was entirely comprised of loose shifts, all falling to just above the knee - a departure from her figure-hugging zip-back dresses.

I won't lie. I love all the designs.

If I were given a choice, I wouldn't even know how to begin to choose. All are so chic without being overly cutesy! I was surprised because if I saw these in stores, I definitely won't believe it's her design; well, compared to all the dresses in her previous line, which are always hip-hugging cut.

I don't really like her handbag line, I like her previous line but this one does it. Reminded me of Alice + Olivia, somehow.

But my favorite would be this.

(source : here)

Victoria really wears her own dresses like no one can. And it always amazes me how she can wear the clothes and look even better than those sky-high models when she's really petite!

Petite's #FTW.

(source : here. It's Yuna's personal style blog, btw.)
Tongue In Chic's brilliant post on turban here.

Truthfully, I don't really favor the look. I mean, for myself. Partly because I've never really tried it, and partly also because I KNOW turban meant for certain face shapes - not everyone can really pull off the look.

Vanity aside, I love watching other people wear it. It's chic, no-fuss (Yuna won't agree with me on this - I've been thinking for dayss how she turned her gorgeous colorful scarves into stylish turban) and certainly unique, especially here in Malaysia.

You know, if I were in Japan I won't hesitate going out wearing any kind of head gears. (Provided that they're aurah-approved worthy, of course) But things are different here, might be because I'm turning into a workaholic who couldn't care less about how fancy I look, as long as I get the job done. Yes, guilty as charged. I saw one group of girls going out, each wearing different style of scarf and I was like, woah they're so brave..I've never worn that many layers of scarves in my entire life!

But then, internet is cruel. Thanks to FashionValet, I fell in love with Azura Azwa and gave in to temptations.

Turban headband : AzuraAzwa
Scarf : Arzu (Another brilliant brand! Will blog about it later)

Don't worry, I've yet to experiment with proper scarf-ing of the turban headband. Been sporting it (without the scarf) around the house, everyone loves it! If I could sew the scarf on the headband myself, I would.

This is just another post on my recent obsession with Dianna Agron, so be warned.

I decided to spend my Sunday watching movies, so my first pick was one of the movies I could find in the portable hard disk he gave me. Scrolled down; Con Air, The Matrix, The Transporter..hmm might not what I want to spend my Sunday with.

Then..I Am Number 4. Alien-related movie. Alex Pettyfer. Might won't be so bad.

And the after like 30 minutes..Dianna Agron came out! And I'm already smiling ear to ear :))

I won't bore you with the synopsis here, so go to here for details. (truthfully, I'm just lazy.) Because what I reallyy want to nag about is the camera and pictures featured in the movie.

Sarah (Dianna Agron) is supposedly a high school student who loves photography. Everything else is pretty much a blah; high school students, superpower, bad alien guys, whatever.

So my only focus was the cameras she used throughout the movie.

I've always loved lomo pictures - for me, old vintage film camera is the best. As much as I WANT to own a SLR, I'd dream of possessing at least one camera of these types just so I won't be disappointed in the future. And Dianna Agron pretty much did a good job on convincing me how a decent girl sporting a vintage film camera can look so chic.

I even googled about the cameras she used - turns out some people are also interested in the same thing!

 From here.

From here.

Among all the cameras featured, I really love the one she gave to the male lead - Canonet 28 series 35mm Rangefinder. The sample photos taken were barely shown in the movie so I googled - the pictures are awesome.

(source : here)

I NEED to know where I can find this ASAP.

I'm seriously hating my skin right now. Acne, dark spots, sunburn all at the same time - NOT FUNNY. AT ALL.

Looking at the Japan photos really kills me. I miss the weather, the skin. Oh boy you have no idea how much I miss autumn and winter, even. Turns your dull-looking skin into perfection, despite the freezing cheeks.

I really, really wanna go back :(

But anyway back to the ground again. I decided to switch to Clinique's 3-step that's been dubbed as the best skincare out there, and so far I can say that my skin is in its "healing" period. It's only been a month since I started using it I don't expect miracles to happen sometime soon - but a bit of light would be enough.

I really love the soap and toner the most; but would advise on skipping the third step - the yellow moisturizer one. My sister already told me to skip that one but yes, the stubborn yours truly just couldn't comply with a simple advise. Pfft. Would opted for whitening moisturizer once the current one finish off.

Back in Japan, I used to bring sunblocks everywhere I go. Japan's summer is really hot compared to Malaysia because you tend to sweat a lot, and sunburn - tak payah cakap la. I used to spend a few minutes before class started just to rub sunblock all over my hands.

But the habit stopped once I came back to Malaysia, and I really wonder why. Malaysia is hot as well, but I didn't develop the habit partly because I hardly pay attention to sunblocks in stores. Now that Guardians, Watson etc are all going out of their way to spur all different kinds of sunblocks on the shelves, I decided to bring back the habit here.

As described on the website :

Experience the cutting edge of suncare with the added UVA/UVB protection of avobenzone!
Protects against UVA1, UVA2 and UVB rays
Anti-oxidants A, C & E combat free radicals
Prevents premature aging
Designed to use year-round

So far, I'm loving the texture it leaves when rubbed on skin. I don't like oily textures so this one is perfect.

And this is the one who would greet me at the doorstep every day when I reach home from work. Without whom my day won't be perfect. She just turns one year old last month!

So, what do you use for skincare? If you have any tips on Clinique/other skincare brands, do share!

So today is my first day at the new company.

As usual, new place, new tradition, new environment. Honestly, I really didn't know what to expect when I first stepped into the huge lobby (the toilets, however, still cannot beat my previous company's - because they don't have WASHLETS! Yes, the one thing I love the most about my previous company is that. The glorious washlet.) but when I saw other new faces who were with me, I was glad!

At least I wasn't alone. Though it'd be reallyy cool if some friends were in the same company with me. *cries*

We had mini orientation, briefings, plant tour. It was hugeee! Compared to the last one, the plant has doors that could go on forever - the first thing I noticed was that. They have too many doors. Also in-plant clinic, clean surau (yay!), clean pathway. As for the toilet, I think I can't be fair because the last company has the coolest toilet in this country, I can actually swear with it.

When I first met the department members; the engineers, senior engineers and senior technicians, I was taken aback. Almost all of them, even Malays, actually reached out to shake hands with me.

I was stunned. And without even knowing it, my hands were already raised and my mouth already went "SORRY!". And a self-conscious laugh.

At some point, I was really embarrassed. I felt guilty for doing that, but at the corner of my mind - they should've known RIGHT?

Truthfully, I have a problem with people hygiene. I feel weird shaking hands with strangers because of that (and also because of the non-mahram issue) especially guys, because let's face it, girls actually take care of their hands better than guys. You can tell his/her hygiene by looking at their nails. That's why guys with long nails is a major turn-off for me.

But, putting the hygiene thing aside, there's also this thing called modesty and being professional. I've never had this problem before..so after today, I thought about this incident a lot. I can never get used to shaking hands with guys, but I was thinking, if he was much older than me (someone old enough to be my father/grandfather) then it should alright, as a sign of respect. Right?

I also asked my friends on Twitter about the issue - and as usual, they never disappoint. They gave me really good info like, Dr Harun Din says that if you have to save face in front of people then it's alright. Also, I came across this really useful article at Suhaib Webb's website - and something that he wrote really gave light :

"Firstly, shaking hands between males and females who are not mahrams is only permissible when there is no desire or fear of fitnah. But if there is fear of fitnah, desire, or enjoyment, then handshaking is no doubt haram (unlawful). In contrast, if either of these two conditions (that there is no desire or fear of fitnah) is lacking between a male and any of his female mahrams, such as his aunt or foster sister or the like, then handshaking will be haram (although it is originally permissible).
Secondly, handshaking between males and females who are not mahrams should be restricted to necessary situations such as between relatives or those whose relationships are established by marriage. It is preferable not to expand the field of permissibility in order to block the means to evil and to be far away from doubt and to take the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as a model when there is no proof that he shook hands with a non-mahram woman. Also, it is preferable for the pious Muslim, male or female, not to stretch out his/her hand to shake the hand of anyone of the opposite sex who is not mahram. But if he/she is put in a situation that someone stretches out his/her hand to shake hands with him/her, then he/she can do that. "

(source : here)

So there. You can actually shake hands with the non-mahram, under certain circumstances.

I'm still processing this, can't believe it's quite hard to do..I'm not a pro at preaching about religious, really, it's just that it's so hard to change when you've trained yourself about things you can/cannot do, at this age. Especially when it comes to sensitive issue like this.

A friend suggested to bring gloves to work, or use the hijab to cover hands when shaking hands with non-mahram. I shall bring my MJ inspired sequinned gloves to work tomorrow.

Watched latest season of Glee, and I never thought I'd say this - but I just fell in love with Quinn's hair.

 (source : Google images, Dianna Agron's Tumblr)

I wasn't a fan of Quinn's before, partly because I didn't like her hair. It was weird for me because I've always been a fan of longgg hair compared to shorter hairdos; but in her case, her long hair was a turn-off for me. I've had long hair for as long as I can remember, until a week ago when I decided to cut my hair short (Mum's nagging might have something to do with it)

So when I caught Glee's latest episode with Quinn's hair short, I immediately became her fan. Mum would kill me if I get those pink streaks on my hair, so I can just rest in peace with shoulder-length cut :)

P/S : I didn't finished Glee's Season 2, which is why I've just noticed her short hair in recent episode. Not a true Gleek at heart, I must say.

And she looked as gorgeous as ever.

And she made me want to flip over bridal's magazines like right now.
And she made me feel so old. Haha.

Nevertheless, I am so happy for her I can't say :)

I'm just so used to think of her and her (ehem) fiance as 'the couple' that when they got engaged, it almost felt like nothing's changed. THAT'S HOW STRONG THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS. I mean, 8 years! Me and Shahrul have been together for like, 5 years plus and even we sometimes need some space. Haha.

I hate the fact that they chose a cool date to tie the knot - 9/10/11. Pfft.

It's so cute because her mum actually ordered a cake with their picture on it - it looks so real! We had a hard time eating their faces afterwards though. Hehe.

Her dad actually keeps these chickens (I don't know what's the breed is - not in any engineering syllabus, unfortunately) and they have this wideee garden surrounding the house. We ALMOST went down to the sawah padi to take pictures because the view is so breathtakingly beautiful.

 Super duper happy for this girl. Look how happy she is!

(Pictures credit to Azie and Fatunk's camera as well as mine)

Now, I know what you're going to ask because I've been hearing it all day. No, my turn isn't up yet. But I'll make sure you guys know it first if it is :)

To Syarina Shahar, congratulations!!! Hope this marks a beautiful beginning for you :) I can't wait till the big day! And love you, forever and ever.


my brain dump.