turban with a slight twist.

(source : here. It's Yuna's personal style blog, btw.)
Tongue In Chic's brilliant post on turban here.

Truthfully, I don't really favor the look. I mean, for myself. Partly because I've never really tried it, and partly also because I KNOW turban meant for certain face shapes - not everyone can really pull off the look.

Vanity aside, I love watching other people wear it. It's chic, no-fuss (Yuna won't agree with me on this - I've been thinking for dayss how she turned her gorgeous colorful scarves into stylish turban) and certainly unique, especially here in Malaysia.

You know, if I were in Japan I won't hesitate going out wearing any kind of head gears. (Provided that they're aurah-approved worthy, of course) But things are different here, might be because I'm turning into a workaholic who couldn't care less about how fancy I look, as long as I get the job done. Yes, guilty as charged. I saw one group of girls going out, each wearing different style of scarf and I was like, woah they're so brave..I've never worn that many layers of scarves in my entire life!

But then, internet is cruel. Thanks to FashionValet, I fell in love with Azura Azwa and gave in to temptations.

Turban headband : AzuraAzwa
Scarf : Arzu (Another brilliant brand! Will blog about it later)

Don't worry, I've yet to experiment with proper scarf-ing of the turban headband. Been sporting it (without the scarf) around the house, everyone loves it! If I could sew the scarf on the headband myself, I would.


  1. pegi keje pakai cmni keeeeeeeeeeeeee

  2. can u share how u wore the scarf with the headband? plss :D

  3. @ckyn : HAHAHA no way.

    @Nina : Thank you :) And for your lovely email! I appreciate it so much :)

    @Anonymous : OMGG I'm sorry haven't got the time to do yet. But it's real easy, I don't do layers like others do cause I don't like fuss. Mine is real simple hehe. But I'll try to find time to put up a proper post okay :)

    @Syamira : thanks Syamira! :))

  4. love your lips!! comel :)

  5. salam,

    Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2012. kpd penggemar tudung2 shawl, anda dijemput ke kedai online saye Suri Scarf....jom tgk koleksi tudung2 silk shawl yg sgt eksklusif rekaannye dgn hage yg berpatutan...limited stock, dptkn sementare stock msih ade...c u there...(",)Y



my brain dump.