I just got home, after 6-7 hours on the plane and staying over at Jua's.

Shahrul just left for Fukuoka.

Everyone knows better NOT to mess with me right now.

After everything settled down (2 bags of clothes and kuih raya) I called my mum via Skype. I was expecting "ooh we missed you..come back home.." like usual, I did not expect my mum sounding all hype and cheery about baby's getting better (which is still a big YAY, poor baby girl had been in and out of hospitals because of kuning) and..Facebook.

My mum can't talk about anything else except Facebook these days, I swear. 

But on the plus side, she managed to make me happier when I was on the verge of tears. Thank you mum :) I feel much better now, but still wondering if my lecturer would kill me tomorrow for taking longer holidays. My friend just told me my lecturer flunked her out, which is not a good sign.

We were in Tokyo last few days, him having the time of his life at Metallica's concert (I know right..) and me having mine at Jua's :) It was so much fun, we've never really had our alone time, just the two of us together cause it was always me, Jannah and Jua. So last weekend we had our girls day in - crawling in bed watching Mei-chan No Shitsuji, Glee, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, etc. We were true couch potatoes that day, seriously.

 Metallica's Tokyo Tour 

Our little reunion :)

We managed to 'drop by' Harajuku, Ikebukuro (honestly, I don't know what everyone does there except shopping) and of course, Shinjuku. We've crowned ourselves the mayors because we've basically been to every inch of the area - Isetan, the famous Kebab shop, Takashimaya, the little Zara shop by Takashimaya, the Wald cinema..everywhere. I don't think we should go there anymore. It's not good to be too attached, I believe.

Anyway, to cure the uneasy feeling (i.e homesick) I've been feeling since I first reached Narita Airport, I bought this at Isetan. Tried it once at the counter, it was magnificient! I've always had troubles with finding the right face powder that suits my skin, my face always ended up looking darker (bad choice of color) or too bright that I looked like an opera actress.

My skin has been behaving so weird lately, especially when I was in Malaysia and when I first came back here. Maybe because of the weather and temperature difference; I don't know, but I'm so jealous of my sisters' skin now :( Gotta start taking good care of my skin now, otherwise working in Malaysia next year won't be good.

Some random photos from my last outing with Syena, and the departure day.

The lovebirds :)

Gurney Plaza, Penang
Departure day i.e last day at home :( Having dinner at Penang Airport.
My brother playing with the camera. I was asking for his muffins hehe.

To Shahrul, if you're reading this - thank you for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. Get home safe okay :)

To Jannah, congratulations on your engagement!!! Yes people, one of my closest friends is engaged now. Time flies so freaking FAST.

I honestly think my ultimate soulmate is cat.

I can't get enough of them. This household has seen cats come and gone since I was 5 years old, but I still remember each and every one of them. I mean, who could not love cats?? (except my late grandma, she'd squeal and scowl at them like no other, terrified them and me for a lifetime) Even my neighbour/aunts/uncles' cats, or just a regular stray cat we find at the park, I'd treat them like my own which drives my mum crazy cause I have asthma. Yes, the irony.

So whenever I have asthma attacks my mum would lecture me in a long cat talks..cats this, cats that..cats' fur..but nothing seems to fade my love for them. Poor mum.

Last raya we went to my mak teh's house in Penang.
I'm always happy whenever we go there, cause I know she keeps lots of cats; different race, colors and sizes. She can have a cat nursery there.

And look at what I found!

This cat has one sea blue eye and the other one, green.

I don't know if this is common, but it's definitely a rare case for me. Masya Allah. 

Eid was different for us this year. Mum had to work, my married sister had to raya at her in-laws', so it was only me, little brother and my second sister at home.

My little brother is getting better at camwhoring (a trait from me! YAY) so you'll find our faces a LOT in those photos.

Before she went to her in-laws'
Second sister, we can fight like cats and dogs

Raya at Farah's place aka our mini gathering

My baju kurung moden is simple with beadings around the neckline, sleeves and at the lower hem. Since we went hunting only the day before eid, I expected nothing fancy so this is more than enough for me. I had one in turquoise and black, both basically the same design with a slight difference at the beadings part.

We didn't have our family eid photo like last year since mum had to work. But this raya definitely feels different when my sister wasn't with us.

So glad I came home! :)

Babies are seriously, so smart.

They just came into this world all innocent and white and chubby, turning everyone who's looking into their fan in just an instant by going all 'aww so cuteeeee' and 5 minutes later throw tantrums because they haven't gotten their afternoon milk.

I'm really no good with kids/babies, cause I just couldn't stand baby talk and their sticky hands. Seriously, even if we don't have jams, they always seem to have jams in their hands.

But when my sister gave birth to my first baby niece, I turned into this baby lunatic.

I can't stop kissing her, hugging her, pinching her nose, smelling her skin, I can spend hours just staring at her. When we first took her home, me and my brother just sat by her bed, staring at her, somehow wishing she would miraculously get a lot bigger and start talking. Babies are dull; it's true, but it's a lot better that way cause they can't talk back to you and complain.

Even now, she's sleeping in the living room but I still miss her. She's not even mine, it's so funny haha. My mum still couldn't believe the sudden change.

Nur Alya Zahirah is the cutest baby I've ever seen. *heart melts*

She was admitted to ward again when she was only 3 days old; because of demam kuning. God knows how worried we were; she needed to be put under a blue light in an incubator and she couldn't stop wailing. It was a heartbreaking moment for us, seeing her like that.

But alhamdulillah, she's getting better and we took her home yesterday. But still, please pray for her health cause she can be admitted again anytime. 

On another note, I know I haven't been faithful much to my blogging commitment - believe me, I tried! But being an aunt is so HARD (read the sleep poop part) but I know it's not an excuse. I made my mum put the computer in my room so I can blog in peace, my drafts are piling up. Gotta put that sister-slash-assistant idea in action.

I'm dropping by to wish you all,

As of this moment, my mum is off to work (YES HARI RAYA PUN KERJA..I guess now we know where this workaholic trait comes from), my brother and sister are having lunch while watching TV, on a Raya afternoon. And I'm updating this blog..hehe.

I know I haven't updated since I reached Malaysia last Monday, but seriously life had been hectic in this household. Since it was the final days of Ramadan and I hadn't had a baju raya yet, me and my mum had been out hunting baju kurung for me. Last two days I spent the whole day at my nenek's place; helping her making ketupat and rendang daging because she's on her wheelchair since her knees were injured and she couldn't walk. It killed me to see her for the first time in the pace of one year; a lot have changed, her face clearly shows how frail she has become.

Spending time with her was the best thing ever :) I can't believe I hadn't gone to her place for such a long time.
So today we had our usual routine; going to the mosque for Raya prayer and visiting dad's grave. Alhamdulillah I'm so glad I still have a chance to visit his grave as everytime I come back I can only go to the graveyard a few times; my mum always so busy and a lot of stuffs always seem to be in the way..but everytime I can go, I made sure I spend a lot of time there; just reciting Quran and cleaning dad's grave area. Today when we went there, there's a new tree planted. It warms my heart to know someone besides us had been there and showed their respect to my late dad, Alhamdulillah :)

It's only 3 pm on hari raya and I've got so many things to be thankful for. Thank you God.

It's hard for me to update since *ehem* the brother is always here, but I'll make sure he won't stop me from doing the things I love! Pfft. Yeah, think twice before your parents decide to give you a younger sibling.
I hope you have a fab Raya :) I'm sorry for any of my wrongdoings; personally or through this blog.

This is Eminem's new single, Love The Way You Lie featuring Rihanna. Well it's not that new but I just saw the music video last night.

I fell in love with this song even before I googled the lyrics.
  • Rihanna's red hair is gross but in this video it looks kinda sexy :O maybe because it's longer than when she first debut the hairdo. As to the rest of us, don't even try to imagine sporting this look, it isn't gonna work.
  • Let's face it, Megan Fox is the reason guys love this video.
  • The lyrics is awesome, seriously.
  • I'm not a big fan of Eminem, can recognize a few of his songs but rap isn't really my cup of tea..except a few years ago, when me and Sarah were obsessed with Too Phat! We actually memorized the whole Anak Ayam song. Am actually really proud of my childhood achievements now.
  • Rihanna is the best singer alive. And the fact that she wore that cute black headband over her bright red hair is pure genius.
About the video, many think it's offensive because it's shockingly blunt in focusing about domestic violence, which is ironically linked to both singers.

A bit of the lyrics : 

Sound like broken records playing over but you promised her
Next time you show restraint
You don't get another chance
Life is no Nintendo game
But you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane

And of course, the chorus part that I love so much : 

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

I can't speak for the rest of us but it surely struck where it hurts the most. The truth. Relationships are hard, as much as we want to see it as floating rainbows, it isn't.

Now watch this cover of the song, made by the famous Tyler Ward team.

I'm absolutely LOVING IT! The girl is so good.

 Anyway, I have a packing crisis.

My flight is the day after tomorrow but haven't started packing yet. Honestly I don't know what to bring! Sigh.

Last minute is still my thing, apparently.


my brain dump.