wrapping up summer.

I just got home, after 6-7 hours on the plane and staying over at Jua's.

Shahrul just left for Fukuoka.

Everyone knows better NOT to mess with me right now.

After everything settled down (2 bags of clothes and kuih raya) I called my mum via Skype. I was expecting "ooh we missed you..come back home.." like usual, I did not expect my mum sounding all hype and cheery about baby's getting better (which is still a big YAY, poor baby girl had been in and out of hospitals because of kuning) and..Facebook.

My mum can't talk about anything else except Facebook these days, I swear. 

But on the plus side, she managed to make me happier when I was on the verge of tears. Thank you mum :) I feel much better now, but still wondering if my lecturer would kill me tomorrow for taking longer holidays. My friend just told me my lecturer flunked her out, which is not a good sign.

We were in Tokyo last few days, him having the time of his life at Metallica's concert (I know right..) and me having mine at Jua's :) It was so much fun, we've never really had our alone time, just the two of us together cause it was always me, Jannah and Jua. So last weekend we had our girls day in - crawling in bed watching Mei-chan No Shitsuji, Glee, Gossip Girl, The Vampire Diaries, etc. We were true couch potatoes that day, seriously.

 Metallica's Tokyo Tour 

Our little reunion :)

We managed to 'drop by' Harajuku, Ikebukuro (honestly, I don't know what everyone does there except shopping) and of course, Shinjuku. We've crowned ourselves the mayors because we've basically been to every inch of the area - Isetan, the famous Kebab shop, Takashimaya, the little Zara shop by Takashimaya, the Wald cinema..everywhere. I don't think we should go there anymore. It's not good to be too attached, I believe.

Anyway, to cure the uneasy feeling (i.e homesick) I've been feeling since I first reached Narita Airport, I bought this at Isetan. Tried it once at the counter, it was magnificient! I've always had troubles with finding the right face powder that suits my skin, my face always ended up looking darker (bad choice of color) or too bright that I looked like an opera actress.

My skin has been behaving so weird lately, especially when I was in Malaysia and when I first came back here. Maybe because of the weather and temperature difference; I don't know, but I'm so jealous of my sisters' skin now :( Gotta start taking good care of my skin now, otherwise working in Malaysia next year won't be good.

Some random photos from my last outing with Syena, and the departure day.

The lovebirds :)

Gurney Plaza, Penang
Departure day i.e last day at home :( Having dinner at Penang Airport.
My brother playing with the camera. I was asking for his muffins hehe.

To Shahrul, if you're reading this - thank you for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you. Get home safe okay :)

To Jannah, congratulations on your engagement!!! Yes people, one of my closest friends is engaged now. Time flies so freaking FAST.


  1. dahi ko berkilatttttttttttt! hahaha

    weyh ko bile lak ngan senget? nanti aku kena pindah awl ke after keje? hahaha eh jadi kan nk p penang?

    eh tulis byk2 kang atil maraaaaaah. haha jgn marah2 ok.

    aku siap demam2 lg after smpai jepun.

  2. haha reflection lampu tu ;)

    penang jadi, tapi kau pindah lg awal dr aku kot :P kumpul harta dulu! hahaha..tak marah lah :D ehh jgn la aku smpai demam jgk kene marah dgn sensei esok :(

  3. haha pepandai je kan ckp aku pindah awl.

    jgn demam2 okeyh

  4. thank you ckyn, ganbarou! :))

    thank you anonymous! :)

  5. atil i love u wearing that shawl.lawa gilosssss.

    n cepat2 la next step with senget lak.hehehee

  6. hehe i beg to differ, but thank youu izzat! :))

    next step would be in another 5 years. hahaha. insyaAllah :))



my brain dump.