pictures from eid.

Eid was different for us this year. Mum had to work, my married sister had to raya at her in-laws', so it was only me, little brother and my second sister at home.

My little brother is getting better at camwhoring (a trait from me! YAY) so you'll find our faces a LOT in those photos.

Before she went to her in-laws'
Second sister, we can fight like cats and dogs

Raya at Farah's place aka our mini gathering

My baju kurung moden is simple with beadings around the neckline, sleeves and at the lower hem. Since we went hunting only the day before eid, I expected nothing fancy so this is more than enough for me. I had one in turquoise and black, both basically the same design with a slight difference at the beadings part.

We didn't have our family eid photo like last year since mum had to work. But this raya definitely feels different when my sister wasn't with us.

So glad I came home! :)

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my brain dump.