our sahur menu

Growing up, my vivid memory about sahur is having a steaming hot white rice with at least 3 kinds of lauk and a plain water. My mom wasn't a big cook (still is btw but she's retired already so she has a lot of time at home), she'd usually cook something simple for daily meals as she was a working mom 9 to 5 but come weekends, she could cook up a storm.

So on a daily basis, back in primary school my late dad and I would come home after school and went somewhere for lunch. Mom would come home in the evening, bringing a plastic bag (or two) containing cekodok or karipap or some kuihs for the evening snack. At night, she'd make something simple with rice, and that's it. I think that's why at this age, I still prefer her simple ayam masak kicap or ayam goreng kunyit over anything else.

Come Ramadan, Mom would be too tired to whip out something grand for berbuka when she comes home at 6, so she would just tapau at the bazaar. I remember going to the bazaar with my late dad whenever Mom is running late - and it was always the same bazaar for us. We'd buy food for berbuka in big portion so that we could have some left for sahur.

That was yearsssss ago. Now, sometimes I'd sahur, sometimes I don't T.T

Luckily I have a life partner who doesn't demand much - though so far we've never skipped sahur yet; I foresee that we might in the future (based on my previous track records lol). But you know the one good thing about having kids? They really put the pressure on you to be on top of everything at home - if I don't prepare their food, it's like I'm not competent enough as the homekeeper, or as a mom. It's like a motherhood/wifehood milestone for me; I think of it as a way to improve myself as a human being. Of course Rayyan can't say anything in this department yet, but I feel like I have to train myself to prepare for his needs so that when it comes to the point he's old enough to demand, I'd be prepared.

Not sure if that makes sense haha. But later when he grows up, I want him to prefer my simple (albeit sucky..) dishes over anything else, too.

But behold, now I don't have to worry much. About sahur, at least.

Because I have this!

Sambal garing Che' Nor!

My aunt actually sells this and introduced to me a few weeks before Ramadan, and I've been stacking up piles of stocks for our sahur haha. And the plus point, it's really good - I usually don't know how to gauge these things, but to me, this sambal is the bomb. It's garing, it's spicy, can just eat with fried egg and hot rice - there, the perfect meal to me.

And thankfully husband enjoys it too.

If you want, I can get these delivered to your home (COD also can for some areas) - just contact me at 0124616349 to place your order. Let me know, yah!


  1. is it same with sambal hitam? yang ada ikan bilis + belimbing buluh etc etc tu? my husband gila kat sambal ni -_-

    1. unfortunately tak sama T.T dah pernah rasa sambal hitam tu masa kawan bawak balik from kerteh. sedapp gilaaaa! yg ni sambal kering ikan bilis, takde belimbing tu lah tapi sedap :)



my brain dump.