Rayyan at 7 months

Rayyan just turned 7 months old yesterday.

And I don't know how to react.

I've always thought I'd be ready for this, but mothers aren't born with sense of calm. At least in my case. One minute I'm extremely happy - I have a perfect, healthy baby, what more could I expect? And the other I'd be hyperventilating - am I doing this right? At least at this point in time.

Last few nights, we were out in a restaurant near our house for dinner. Took Rayyan out too since he became our permanent member of the household now, and we have to feed him.

Outings like these are routines, but only this time, I realized..Rayyan is no longer a small newborn.

If before he'd stay still in the stroller and only make occasional noises when he's hungry, now he demands attention. He'd let us put him in the stroller for a minute before he wails to be picked up again. He's so alert with his surroundings; he'd even give strangers a full, clean sweep of head-to-toe view, and that person would end up making 'small talks' with him. If he decides that person is boring, he'd ignore. As easy as that. Sometimes, the husband would say to me,

"I really wonder what he's thinking at times. I wish I could be in his head"

Because he's that unpredictable and expressive.

Sounds like a martian hahaha. Well he's our own little Martian :)

(Martian meaning found here.)

Making weird faces is his specialty now, at 7 months. He's got two sets of bottom teeth too, which isn't so pleasant for breastfeeding FML. If before he would go da-da-da-dah at random times, now it's ma-ma-ma-mah yay! He likes to sleep by his side or facing down now and it's all good because he tends to sleep longer in those positions, compared to before. He prefers banana puree or pear puree instead of avocado, and I think he's starting to resemble more and more like his mommy, not just in the veggie department.

I might be clueless at times, but I believe it's all part of the learning process. Asalkan tak screw up, sudah. And we owe him all the goodness at least for this world and the Hereafter, insyaAllah.

Looking forward to many many more adventures with this little man of ours.


  1. Haha good to know, sons are demanding right? That relieves me, I'm not the only who feels so XD Woah you have 2 kids now! Kudos to you super mommy, share tips with us please hehe. I'm still struggling after 7 months of having a baby T.T



my brain dump.