Buka with the girls

Met up with the girls whom I've not seen since the wedding.

Girls, marriage really changes you.

Since I got married, I've only been in touch with them via Whatsapp - and a really lazy updater one at that. No, it's not that I'm lazy; taking care of the husband and the house have replaced my priorities and as much as I miss them and how we used to be, it's so surreal that I have a different life now.

But knowing that it's not an excuse, we made an appointment (really, marked our calendars and all) to have iftar together this year. After all, Jannah is back for good (finally) after years working in Japan and it's a rare occasion that we get to see each other in KL.

So I dragged the husband to take me to Bangsar South last Monday, basically for him to have iftar surrounded with loud oblivious girls in a restaurant.

Things that made me happy that night (this is true, I've become one of those I'm-married-I-miss-having-girlfriends-around) :

  • Jua updated about her PTD life now - and giving us free lecture on Perlembagaan Malaysia and Persekutuan
  • Jannah back for good - and (still) working with a Japanese company (I don't get her)
  • Fiqah has a new bff 
  • Jannah has this strong Japanese language background, so she occasionally mixes up her words - and I had to actually pause and asked, "What? What's that again?" because my Japanese language proficiency has gone down to that level
  • Getting mocked about that for the rest of the night

It was like the good old days!

Then, one of us said,

"Do you guys realize come next year, we'd have known each other for 10 years?"
"Yeah..darn we're old"

5 years or 10 years, I still love them like no other.

But of course we don't say that in front of each other LOL.

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my brain dump.