coffee cup quiche

An Anonymous commented on my swedish meatballs post, generously leaving me a link to a new awesome website.

Been wanting to try microwave recipes since forever. You're my lifesaver, Anonymous!

So we went out last Saturday night for a make-up dinner Shahrul had to do due to his recent FB post (he made fun of me on a certain football topic. Well, forgive me for not keeping up with the football players' names!) so we dropped by Cold Storage to get eggs, french bread, cream cheese, thyme leaves and turkey slices because I wanted to try one of the recipes from the website.

So..this is how it turned out.

I should've used smaller coffee cup or more bread, I know. And as usual, I'm not good at first impression.

Still, it was good! Even though I decided to leave out the (bigger) thyme leaves and used the smaller ones, it was delicious nonetheless. Adjusted it at 600 W for about 3 minutes (because 450 W for 4 minutes was not enough) but had to frequently check the mug to see it it's not burnt. Also if you leave it too long, the bread will be too hard it won't be pleasant to swallow.

Fed him some (conveniently hiding the awful appearance from his sight), and after a while he said we shouldn't have it too much (1 coffee cup is enough) because he gets "muak" easily by it WTF -____-" Maybe it's because of the cream cheese? But cream cheese tastes so good?

"Fine, next time I make it don't ask for some!"

Second try, cake. Wish me luck.

(get the recipe here)


  1. omg tetibe rasa mcm this post is dedicated for me!! hahahah perasan. no problem zatil ;)
    rasanya mmg the cream cheese bg cepat rasa muak. next time maybe boleh taruk something bg spicy ke.
    waiting your result for nutella cake pulak. cz anon pon nak try buat for juadah iftar nanti.

    1. It IS for you :) THANK YOU!! Rasa nak try semua recipe hahahaa.
      InsyaAllah will try, tak pernah bake lagi ni T.T



my brain dump.