
So far, everything's perfect. We had an amazing weekend Alhamdulillah thanks to Mum and both families, nikah and reception were everything I hoped for, even better.

Can't express my gratitude enough, now that I'm a Mrs.

The husband? He's a new level of a great man, masyaAllah - I can never ask for a better imam for me, he'd put my convenience first before his in everything; food, house, family, etc - I must've done something right to deserve him.

Today, I'm back at work but pretty sure my heart is still on cloud nine. Yes I know how cheesy that sounds. Even the husband, I think he's overwhelmed by how amazing these past few days have been and how happy I am everyday (I'm nicer when I'm happy) that he said,

"I wonder how many days it'd be before I screw up and you get cranky with me.."

Let's give it a few days months. Until then, I'm a happy wife.


  1. Much love from Kerteh. I'm sorry again I couldn't make it for your big day - but you really look very, very happy!!! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thanks Vern!! Wish you were there sobs. No worries Imma list down all the expensive things for my wedding gift. Haha. Take care in Kertehh! <3

  2. so cantik. congrats!



my brain dump.