meet my new roommate.

My sister and BIL have a cat they took in since he was small, so when my nephew was born (he's 10 days now! Or around that I think) they asked me to take care of the cat.

It's like my dream came true.

So, presenting to you, my new roommate slash boyfriend.

He's pretty much like that all the time.

Mum was skeptical at first at the thought of keeping the cat because I used to have asthma (it's been years since I last had one, Mum) and basically she was skeptical at the thought of me keeping anything. She was so anxious, asking questions on my current apartment if I have easy access to the dumpster to throw the cat's litter, if I have enough space to ensure the cat actually lives, if I could handle the fur and litter and all.

Me : Mum, I can keep the cat.
Mum : Yes, but your room is too small.
Me : Yes, but it's not like I won't let him out at the living room where it's more spacious-
Mum : You're going to leave him outside?!

I gave up and asked my BIL to convince her instead.

But so far I've been taking care of him for a week now and he's good and well, so I guess that's a good news.

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my brain dump.