the Hanadan date.

It was an impromptu trip; I was looking through hotel deals and he called and suddenly it was a weekend getaway.

Leave it to us to plan something at the very last minute. But it was worth it!

His family was in Malacca for the long weekend so it was also kind of a get-together with my new family to-be. (Feels kinda weird saying that) It was my first time and I really wonder how other couples do it - and him shoo-ing me away to the kitchen really didn't help pfftt.

But as soon as I reached home, I realized I've missed them already. Sob.

He took me to the Safari (A Famosa Resort) since "Domyouji took Tsukushi to the zoo for their first date - we've never even been to a zoo together!" lol.

So much for the Hana Yori Dango-inspired hahaha! Can safely say we've covered the zoo date now.

Then we went to the famous Bandar Hilir.

 The famous cendol by the river.

The Hard Rock Cafe Malacca finally opened so we decided to try - good food and even better service. The waiter and waitress kept coming to us; asking if we liked our food, drinks etc and there was a moment when the power was out and they kept on coming to us to apologize. Power back on after mere minutes though; 10/10 for their efforts to keep the customers happy la really.

And he thought it was funny to make me wear the bunga raya flower clip on my head all day long during the trip. I had to walk through Jonker Walk and A Famosa with that thing on my head while passersby casting looks at me wondering what this cuckoo girl is thinking -____-"

I think having been in Japan for 4 years, we've grown accustomed to having road trips every now and then - it sorts of became our little tradition; every summer or winter break. We loved discovering new places; the Okunoshima island, the Shukkeien garden, the Osaka temple, Tokyo Disneyland, etc - I guess I just miss our little trips that I wanted it to be the same even when we're back in Malaysia.

And this trip? Totally makes it all worth it. My travel buddy is back!

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my brain dump.